Anyone wanna loose 40lbs with me?



  • Pavvy6769
    Pavvy6769 Posts: 24 Member
    I''ve need to lose about 50lbs and also need the support. I'm in!
  • ansinclair8
    ansinclair8 Posts: 24 Member
    Absolutely! I'm down 34, but have 49 more to go, so count me in.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I need to lose 42 lbs!! :) I'll do it with ya ;)
  • Just joined 10 minutes ago. I need ~~ well, would LIKE ~~ to lose about 75lbs but 40 would make me ecstatic. Do we keep this thread going or start a new one every day? How does "Team Encouragement" work?
  • LauraS916
    LauraS916 Posts: 35 Member
    I am in ;) add me
  • I've been struggling to lose that much weight for a while so I'd love to lose at least 40lbs...I'll try to lose with you!
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    That is my goal too right now, I want to lose 40lbs by my 40th birthday ,,,in four months. I want to lose more as my long term goal but for now that is my focus. So count me in !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yes, I would like to join you. I wonder if we can send out food to each other through this website? I want to lose 100 lbs, but 40 would be a great start. I am a single 66 year old lady. I have 3 cats and lots of friends, and I work at a call center so I sit at a computer 8 hours a day, from 3 pm- 11:30 pm. I was going to the Y and swimming everyday, then my knee started hurting with arthritis and today I got a shot in my knee to relieve the pain. I have to work tomorrow, thanksgiving, but I already made my food plan, because we are having a feast at work. I am bringing some carrots with a little brown sugar and orange juice glaze. I plan to eat a cut of my carrots, about 6 oz of turkey, and 1 piece of pumpkin pie at work. The Y is closed tomorrow, so I promise you I will walk up and down my block once, and do 16 pushups, and 20 crunches. I guess that is a good start for Thanksgiving Day. I hope you have a great day and look for ward to hearing from you. Your picture is very nice. Judy Schaljo
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I still got some to lose, 135 when I graduated HS 12yrs ago gained 195 after I quit smoking lets do this !!
  • jamesmacvoy
    jamesmacvoy Posts: 14 Member
  • I am looking to lose 41 pounds! I will join you:)
  • Pixie7210
    Pixie7210 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in. I would like to loose about 15kg (not sure what that is in pounds). I am from Melbourne - Australia.
  • jjmill
    jjmill Posts: 9 Member
    I'm looking to lose 40-50lbs too, so count me in! This is my second time trying MFP and the first time I didn't have a support network. Hopefully making friends this second time around can help me stay engaged. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • nebiy
    nebiy Posts: 4
    I need to Loose 40-50llbs. Count me IN!!!I need the support and motivation!
  • Hi there,
    I am trying to lose 45 lbs, so I am here with you! Its all my pregnancy weight, and I want it gone! add my too. chickpeas83
  • Justice2012
    Justice2012 Posts: 84 Member

    I would love to join you and lose 40 pounds with you. I want to lose more, but I have to take it one step at a time. Small goals first. I will request your friendship!
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    still new to this..I need LOTS of friends and motivation!
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    I'm trying to lose 35 lbs from my pregnancy I'm almost half way there. Would love to add other moms to my MFP family.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Perfect. I want to lose between 40-60lbs. How do you want to do this? I always can use extra motivation.
  • Fight2bFiT
    Fight2bFiT Posts: 48 Member
    thats about what i have! count me in and add me if ya want!