what are some of the worst things people have said to u when

i need to vent!!!! my god son told me last year i had a front butt (my stomach) now that most of it is gone my best friend (his mother) said "u dont have a front butt anymore!!!" i wish they would stop calling it that!!! what are some mean things ppl have said to u?? n how did u get over it??


  • Hayesgang
    In the nicest tone possible - Tell them it's rude and inconsiderate to talk about your body that way - "If you'd like to give me a compliment there are better ways to do it" then smile sweetly and walk away.
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    One time a little boy asked me "Are you going to have a baby?". I did look pregnent, I guess. Don't anymore.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just tell them to go to hell. But now I can laugh about it, because it's gone!

  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Yeah - there's the are you pregnant question.
  • susanmax
    I haven't been on MFP for very long but I have lost 5lbs and 7 inches in the last month after having two babies in 2 years. I was feeling really good about my progress and then I went to the grocery store and the cashier looked at my stomach and says " Are you pregnant again already?" So frustrating! AND I had my 9 month old baby with me! Isn't there some kind of unwritten rule that unless its really obvious that someone is pregnant that you shouldn't ask that question? Oh well....I guess I will just have to work harder to bet rid of the post baby belly I still have!
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    My mom used to always say "you would be so pretty if you just lost some weight", she ruined my self esteem with her never ending comments, I stopped talking/seeing to her 3 years ago, I realized I don't that sort of person in my life!
  • chelzmartinez
    chelzmartinez Posts: 12 Member
    Oh RaeBae honey! I'm sorry to hear that! People and family especially can be so cruel. My worst thing..... is being called "gorda" (fatty in spanish) all my life. Finally got tired of it at the age of 43 and here I am....down 33 pounds since last year and now they say I'm too skinny!! What the heck? I learned from all this, love yourself and no matter what other idiotic things people say, you know you are better than that! :-) Chin up girly! You'll look sexy and hot in no time!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    My husband and I were leaving Wal-Mart one evening and someone yelled out of their car at me "Want another biscuit?" and another time I was running through my neighborhood and some white trash crack head guy yelled "Run, run..." as he made some stupid limping motion. I was PISSED both times and had a few choice words both instances, but it only fueled me to workout harder and be that much more diligent in my food choices. You can fix obesity; you can't fix inward ugliness near as easily.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    My mom used to always say "you would be so pretty if you just lost some weight", she ruined my self esteem with her never ending comments, I stopped talking/seeing to her 3 years ago, I realized I don't that sort of person in my life!

    my mom said that to me too!! i was like THANKS A LOT!!!!
  • Toxictwist
    Before I lost my weight I was in a store clothes shopping with a friend that was alot smaller then me. & one of the sales girls came up to me & told me bluntly that They didn't carry any clothes big enough for me. I was totally crushed!
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    Oh RaeBae honey! I'm sorry to hear that! People and family especially can be so cruel. My worst thing..... is being called "gorda" (fatty in spanish) all my life. Finally got tired of it at the age of 43 and here I am....down 33 pounds since last year and now they say I'm too skinny!! What the heck? I learned from all this, love yourself and no matter what other idiotic things people say, you know you are better than that! :-) Chin up girly! You'll look sexy and hot in no time!

    thanks for the kind comment!!! oh wow they started saying ur too skinny?? id tell them make up ur mind!!!!!
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    Only once did someone not friendly to my nature ask me if I was with child, and I told her to look forward to allotment deductions for the next 18years.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    My husband and I were leaving Wal-Mart one evening and someone yelled out of their car at me "Want another biscuit?" and another time I was running through my neighborhood and some white trash crack head guy yelled "Run, run..." as he made some stupid limping motion. I was PISSED both times and had a few choice words both instances, but it only fueled me to workout harder and be that much more diligent in my food choices. You can fix obesity; you can't fix inward ugliness near as easily.

    @ ur last sentence i totally agree!!! ignorant people!!!!!
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    My mom used to always say "you would be so pretty if you just lost some weight", she ruined my self esteem with her never ending comments, I stopped talking/seeing to her 3 years ago, I realized I don't that sort of person in my life!

    ALL THE TIME! Oh and I get...you are going to have a heart attack early. I know that is possible, but I dont wanna hear it all the time!~ Oh and just that steer look from my mum, like, you know what im thinking - loose weight please. Children are pretty cruel. I hate to think what their parents are telling them about overweight people (this I mean those in my family) I got told I had gotten really fat, I told him he had gotten really rude (he was 10 and should have known better) . Told the mum she just laughed it off..I just think it wasnt nice. I tell my children NOT to do those sorts of things and that its nasty. Anyway, my vent over LOL!
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Here your fat aunty wants to hold the baby. IM LIKE WHAT THE @#$@#%#^$^#$@!#!@#!%#^&$^#$@#@#!@$@%$^%

    oH AND When wii fit told me i was obese hahahahahhahahahah
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I had three kids walk along behind me oinking.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    if my little brother walks in when im exercising, he undoubtedly will tell me that I'm jiggling....gotta love siblings!!
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    I wish you would do "something"......you have such a pretty face!!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I had three kids walk along behind me oinking.

    are you freaking serious?! I would have picked up a rock and smashed their bleeding faces in! lol...
  • ksmith2187
    I was at school and walking through the quad to my group of friends who were undercover, its was raining but not to heavy. We wore white shirts and then all of a sudden a boy yelled out 'I think you should hurry up, no one wants to see that' I didn't really understand at first then I noticed that the shirt was a little wet and just clinging to me as tight as a swimsuit. Well I couldn't run cause then he would have won but all I wanted to do was burst into tears.

    And every time I think of that all I want to do is cry.. yeah im changing my physical appearance now but gosh its so much harder to get all the emotional stuff in line and out of my head. He doesn't give me strength to change myself like all of yours guys bad situations, he makes me feel like the kid who would skip our on p.e just so people didn't see me attempt to run or who skipped swimming so I didn't have to get changed in front of everyone, which only means I need to get mentally stronger which again I am working on.

    People can be so cruel and they just don't realise that a tiny little comment can sometimes never leave a persons mind, because it never left mine.