Kids refusing to eat



  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I would take her to the doctors to make sure everythings ok, and if it is I would just put food in front of her and say thats what she's getting! If she is really hungry she il eventually give in, she may just be figuring out how far she can push you when she wants her own way.
    Spot on advice.

    Yep! Agree with this also. I have started doing the same with my 4yr old as well. I tell her this isn't a diner so either she eats what I make when it's meal time or nothing at all.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Bring her favorite food or candy. See if she still cannot swallow.
  • kazza135
    kazza135 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you sure she isn't following mummy - in that she sees you losing weight and weighing yourself. How do you know she has lost two pounds - have you weighed her? She might think she needs to do what you are doing - kids have strange ideas of what pleases an adult sometimes. You have to make sure you don't have any food hang ups and if you do you don't let her see or hear them.:smile: .
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Before taking her to the doc, you could try leaving some chocolate biscuits lying around... If one of them mysteriously disappears, you know she CAN eat and she's just jerking your chain. :bigsmile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Are you sure she isn't following mummy - in that she sees you losing weight and weighing yourself. How do you know she has lost two pounds - have you weighed her? She might think she needs to do what you are doing - kids have strange ideas of what pleases an adult sometimes. You have to make sure you don't have any food hang ups and if you do you don't let her see or hear them.:smile: .

    this. i was going to ask how you knew she had lost 2 pounds.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Have you tried spanking?

    Really???That's your solution........Bad advice!!!!::mad:

    Seriously bad advice. Some people *sigh*
    Off topic, but can I just say to spennato: Really well done on losing 108 lb ! I have 65 lb still to go and seeing your 'ticker' has really inspired me :smile:

  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    First Off, My Son is 4 and he comes up with every excuse in the book. I would take you Daughter to the pediatrician to see if she is really having problems swallowing. We have recently tried this method.
    How is the technique working for you?

    Someday's it works, some days it doesn't, but , I never give up and just give him cereal like I used to. He has to eat at least half. I think he is starting to get the picture.....

    Great! Keep up the good work.
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    First I would definitely ask for some help from your health visitor and let you doctor know...
    My kids get like this with certain food and have even made them self’s sick not wanting to eat but not with everything and yeah I have defiantly found the more you tress they just will not eat even more...
    I used to make food and sit down then just feel horrible and constantly think are they going to eat it over and over and as soon as they didn’t make a big deal of it trying to get them to eat...

    we are still working on it but now we sit down eat if they ask what it is tell them the truth and what other foods they eat it with and say try your best if they don’t eat it they go hungry of they do when they have finished we give lots of praise
    If working ok so far :)

    With yours not eating anything though and I know if must be really hard I would give her something you know she likes and make sure she’s not drinking too much milk because sometime when they do they don’t eat their meals
    and let her have some messy play with food just in her hands if she will or get her to touch the food on her Falk with her tough but tell her she doesn’t have to eat it just touch it with your tough and prise her when she dose and each time she might get better and eat something..

    Hope I haven’t gone on too much and I hope this helps