what are some of the worst things people have said to u when



  • newarkco05
    oH AND When wii fit told me i was obese hahahahahhahahahah

    I used to curse at my wii fit everytime she told me that - and then we sold it! :laugh:

    Nothing crushing me more then the wii fit telling me I am obese every week!!
  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    i got that one about 3 mos after i had my twins, friend i hadn't seen in awhile asked me when i was having the baby she didn't know that i had already had them!
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    My mom used to always say "you would be so pretty if you just lost some weight", she ruined my self esteem with her never ending comments

    I can relate to this, but I was always scrawny as a child and was urged to eat as I was a preemie. Mum 'trimmed' (read cut horrible enough to make me want to cry) my fringe and looked at me with great sadness announcing "Thank goodness you're smart, you're too homely to marry off like your sisters." Ironically when I did finally gain weight they never said a word about since my looks were all ready deemed to be wanting. They did however ride my 'beautiful' sisters when they gained weight.
  • ja4bs
    ja4bs Posts: 30
    The one that I have been unable to shake off was said right in front of me, to someone else, in reference to my husband.

    "He is used to being with the model type and look what he is with now. But he is so happy!"

    I was just sitting there like WTH?!? We had been together for 6 years and this person was dragging up his ex, who ended up stealing his grandmother's identity to support her drug habit!!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Getting a bit fed up of being told off by Wii Fit every week, lol. Have you noticed that the bloody thing squeaks when you step on it? It's almost like, "Too heavy, gerroff me!"
    oH AND When wii fit told me i was obese hahahahahhahahahah

    I used to curse at my wii fit everytime she told me that - and then we sold it! :laugh:

    Nothing crushing me more then the wii fit telling me I am obese every week!!
  • lyknscribe
    After I had my son, a kindergartener in my class asked me " If you don't have a baby in your belly anymore - how come your still fat".

    Ouch >.<
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Getting a bit fed up of being told off by Wii Fit every week, lol. Have you noticed that the bloody thing squeaks when you step on it? It's almost like, "Too heavy, gerroff me!"
    oH AND When wii fit told me i was obese hahahahahhahahahah

    I used to curse at my wii fit everytime she told me that - and then we sold it! :laugh:

    Nothing crushing me more then the wii fit telling me I am obese every week!!

  • ETC80
    ETC80 Posts: 28 Member
    As a child, I was overweight. My mother, whom was of a normal weight, even after having several children, used to ride my a** unmercifully about losing weight.

    She would make comments DAILY about anyything and everything weight-related you could imagine.

    At family gatherings, she would even have loud conversations about how I need to lose weight.

    I heard the following comments were heard regularly during my childhood:

     "You have such a pretty face."

    "The boys are gonna be crazy about you when you lose weight."

    "You could never wear something like that!"

    "If you just wouldn't eat so much."

    Crushing and constant, needless to say, my self-esteem and self-worth were negatively affected by her. I soon began to avoid her, as much as one can when you live with someone.

    The summer between 7th and 8th grade, I decided I've had enough of the ridicule, and lost 30 lbs after learning about diet and exercise in health magazines.

    I kept the weight off for years. Around age 25, the weight slowly began to creep back on...

    Now, after being on MFP for a few months, my weight's back to "my normal," and my body's feeling firm and tight.

    My mother, however, is now about 50 lbs overweight. Although it's tempting to point out how the tables have turned, I could never bring myself to do it...too hurtful to hear such, trust me.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    my mom was the worst offender. she would fawn over pictures of me as a teen and say how pretty I was, then mention how much weight I'd put on. I had a job as a cocktail waitress for a while and she would ask if I made any money doing it since she thought only the thin and young girls could actually make a living at that.
    now I'm almost at my goal weight, she is "concerned" that I'm going to make myself sick if I lose any more weight.
    I just prepare mentally for our visits. I won't cut out a family member for being dense, but I sure wish she would shut up!
  • gumigal82
    Oh, and i hate the chipmunk cheeks comment! No matter how much I slim down, I will have the full cheeks...I had them since birth.
    An ex also called me the thunder from down under due to the slight jiggle in my thighs:( (I'm sorry, even as i tone, the toned curves will never be skinny jean legs...haha)

    HATE THE "CHIPMUNK CHEEKS" i have them too!!!

    It is worse when I break out in full laugh/smile (which is often)...and this dumb guy just blurts out "I have big ole chipmunk cheeks"
    (As if this is a compliment?) I wanted to slug him--okay, not really. ha ha.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I've had soooo many insults about my weight thrown at me as a child that I could never list them all on here! A childhood friend's dad once told me while I was stepping out of his van: "Damn! It's feels like an elephant just got out of my car!" I was about 8 when this happened :cry: I've had a girl on the bus call me heffer every day. My husband (who I love VERY much and have forgiven him, but definitely not forgotten) called me on accident one day from work, and I heard him tell his co-worker: "Yeah, my wife has gained a lot of weight since she's had kids."

    Despite all the nasty and rude people I've met in my life, there have been some pretty amazing and beautiful friends, family and even strangers I've met along the way who make my life happier! I was taking an order from a younger guy at a restaurant I worked at, he just stared at me like I was the most beautiful person in the world and said: "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! They are so green!" I was pretty heavy and feeling ugly at this time, and he definitely gave my confidence a boost that day :happy: I've had a older man tell me he was having heart palpitations when I looked at him :laugh: My husband has told me every day of my weight loss journey (and yes, even before when I was 250+ pounds) that I'm so beautiful and how tiny I am :love:

    Forget the people who hurt us...they are just a waste of air. Take all the wonderful things people say to you and thrive from it. :flowerforyou:
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    Several of the things posted here have happen to me at all ages of my life. The most recent was right before I found MFP. I was sitting in the passenger seat next to my husband while waiting in the drive-thru of Burger King. A car full of guys drove by and shouted something along the lines of - Order a salad you fat as*.I could hear them all laughing as they drove away. That same day a little girl asked her mom why I was so fat. The mom quickly covered the little girl's mouth and tried to silently scold her- tried to say something along the lines of 'we don't say that to other people.' The little girl then replied, 'but you do mom.' I could not help but turn around and give the mother the nastiest look of disaproval followed by a long, "Wow." She switched registers after that. I constantly see her at our local store. She doesn't know my name, but she puts her head down or looks the other way when she sees me.

    With both situations, my husband did not hear what they had said- he doesn't pay attention to the people around us. He has this way of tuning everything out, while I am constantly listening to everything going on around me and watching to see if they are looking/talking about me. It isn't he first time I've had things yelled at me, but I was more than a little upset. When we got home I wasn't hungry anymore. I'm not sure how I got over them- to be honest, I think I filed them away in the 'deal with it later' folder.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    When I was pregnant with my first daughter I gained a whooping 100lbs. It was gross....and I cried about it a lot. But what made it worse? When my grandpa saw me for the first time since becoming pregnant and the first thing he said was "God you got fat!". Then some weeks later I was crying again (always with the crying!) and told my dad I just felt so fat and he said, "Well honey that is cause you are!"

    Yeah we laugh about it now...but it wasn't funny to me then. It hurt. A lot.
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Three years ago I went to see some family members for the first time since I started losing weight. They called me beautiful to my face, but I found out recently that they held some type of caucus once I went home and agreed that I didn't look well, to put it mildly.

    Whatever. I am not living my life to please others anymore.
  • Iwillshyne
    Three years ago I went to see some family members for the first time since I started losing weight. They called me beautiful to my face, but I found out recently that they held some type of caucus once I went home and agreed that I didn't look well, to put it mildly.

    Whatever. I am not living my life to please others anymore.

    I have a fam member who does the same thing to me. She hounds me about my weight every chance she gets. She even gave me a nick name: Fatty-Bug. (my childhood nick name is actually Reeta-bug)...
    And when I went home this past week she said "I dont why you trying to loose weight now. You might as well stay fat cuz you're old and married, now".
    ---I laughed so hard cuz I finally realized just how unhappy of a person really she is...
    I wasn't faded by her comments this time---SHYNING!!!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    The worst thing said to me was "is your baby due this week?" I replied no... I have a brain tumor from a disease that puts out too much Cortisol and ACTH hormones from my pituitary gland in my brain. I was at a major hospital that is well known for this type of surgery and was getting my pre-op tests done. I had to take my daughter out of school that day to help me because I was so weak and needed help. My daughter was 12 years old and shocked at my response. I am always so polite and nice to people... and that comment just hit my last nerve. I was afraid of the surgery... it had so many risks. I had a rare form of Cushings Disease. I gained about 30lbs a month on 1,000 calories a day for about a year before an Endocronolgist and Neurosurgeon discovered what was going on with my body. The tumor didnt show up on the MRI. They had to go in my groin (both sides) up to my brain to find it. This was six years ago the day after Thanksgiving. I am just now able to exercise. I did loose weight after the surgery but still have mid section thickness. I finally have my hormones into control to exercise slowly and work on my muscles. I do not have a pituitary gland and am adrenal insufficant. I AM GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    Your a beautiful person. I can feel it. Beauty is not a number on a scale. I know many thin vain people that couldnt hold a candle to you!:flowerforyou: AudgePaudge