Is anyone fighting PCOS?



  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Wow I didn't realize how many people on this site have PCOS! I've had it since I can remember. When I was twelve I had my first period and it was never regular from that moment on. Then the irregular hair growth started... and then before I knew it was the FAT kid, lol.

    Anyway, I haven't had the insulin complications. At the moment, I'm only on birth control (which seems to help my weight loss) and my primary doctor takes care of that. Should I be seeing a specialist? No one has really told me what I should do. So, for now I just take the pill so that I actually get my period (I don't get it at all if I'm not on it).

    Don't you just HATE that irregular hair growth, drives me totally insane! Anyone know how to deal with it? I am not talking average peach fuzz either.

    If I didn't do something I would have a beard... I'm sure of it. My favorite thing in the world is called a Tweeze - it's like motorized tweezers - or like an epilady for your face. It pinches a little as it pulls them out - but it's not bad... and I'm able to keep a lot of the hair growth to a minimum using that once a day or so.

    I've seen those commercials..... So it actually works then!? I'm going to try it... Always looking for a way to tame the mane, lol…. :sick: :brokenheart:
  • tabbiekaye23
    tabbiekaye23 Posts: 61 Member
    I have pcos also. I found out in oct 08. My doctor started me on metformin and i am down 46 lbs. It took my body a while to get used to it but it has worked great.
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Wow I didn't realize how many people on this site have PCOS! I've had it since I can remember. When I was twelve I had my first period and it was never regular from that moment on. Then the irregular hair growth started... and then before I knew it was the FAT kid, lol.

    Anyway, I haven't had the insulin complications. At the moment, I'm only on birth control (which seems to help my weight loss) and my primary doctor takes care of that. Should I be seeing a specialist? No one has really told me what I should do. So, for now I just take the pill so that I actually get my period (I don't get it at all if I'm not on it).

    Don't you just HATE that irregular hair growth, drives me totally insane! Anyone know how to deal with it? I am not talking average peach fuzz either.

    If I didn't do something I would have a beard... I'm sure of it. My favorite thing in the world is called a Tweeze - it's like motorized tweezers - or like an epilady for your face. It pinches a little as it pulls them out - but it's not bad... and I'm able to keep a lot of the hair growth to a minimum using that once a day or so.

    I've seen those commercials..... So it actually works then!? I'm going to try it... Always looking for a way to tame the mane, lol…. :sick: :brokenheart:

    I'm blonde so the hairs are light...but FEELING them there drives me to the border of insanity! I have tried those tweezing machines (OW!). I did it for like a week and my face looked awful, all swollen and red from the machine pulling out the hairs. I tried the cream they had advertised on TV but it didn't really do much so after a month or so I quit with that. I've been on BC since I was 18 and first diagnosed, for me it hasn't improved at all...I think it actually got worse after having my daughter too. I HATE IT! I mean, it's too the point I don't want my fiance to touch my face... in case of re-growth. I mean, I told him about PCOS, but I don't think he grasps what I mean about facial hair. It's so embarassing. :cry: I don't even think I could do the electralysis (probably killed the spelling on that) because my hair is so fair.

    I could live with being the weight I am for the rest of my life... IF it meant the facial hair would go away and never come back.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    My 17 year old daughter was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism when she was 13.
    Weight gain was one of her major indicators. She has a great endocrinologist who has her own Synthroid, Metformin and Yaz (b/c) Her only extra weight is around her abdomen and she struggles so much with trying to lose it. The meds have definitely helped with her symptoms but it's a daily struggle for her. We are doing our best to become as informed as possible so we can support her medication regimine with diet and exercise.
    I'm sorry to see how many of you are struggling, but I think my DD will be relieved to know she isn't alone.

  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member

    Don't you just HATE that irregular hair growth, drives me totally insane! Anyone know how to deal with it? I am not talking average peach fuzz either.

    If I didn't do something I would have a beard... I'm sure of it. My favorite thing in the world is called a Tweeze - it's like motorized tweezers - or like an epilady for your face. It pinches a little as it pulls them out - but it's not bad... and I'm able to keep a lot of the hair growth to a minimum using that once a day or so.

    I've seen those commercials..... So it actually works then!? I'm going to try it... Always looking for a way to tame the mane, lol…. :sick: :brokenheart:

    I'm blonde so the hairs are light...but FEELING them there drives me to the border of insanity! I have tried those tweezing machines (OW!). I did it for like a week and my face looked awful, all swollen and red from the machine pulling out the hairs. I tried the cream they had advertised on TV but it didn't really do much so after a month or so I quit with that. I've been on BC since I was 18 and first diagnosed, for me it hasn't improved at all...I think it actually got worse after having my daughter too. I HATE IT! I mean, it's too the point I don't want my fiance to touch my face... in case of re-growth. I mean, I told him about PCOS, but I don't think he grasps what I mean about facial hair. It's so embarassing. :cry: I don't even think I could do the electralysis (probably killed the spelling on that) because my hair is so fair.

    I could live with being the weight I am for the rest of my life... IF it meant the facial hair would go away and never come back.

    I totally feel your pain. I have dark (almost black) hair.... So yeah, I deffinitally know what you're going through. I'm a little disapointed that you've been on BC for so long, but still have symtomes. I was told that all the symptoms would go away after being on BC for 6 months. Gosh, now I'm afraid I won't get any relief. :cry: Honestly, I don't know what I would do.......
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387

    Don't you just HATE that irregular hair growth, drives me totally insane! Anyone know how to deal with it? I am not talking average peach fuzz either.

    If I didn't do something I would have a beard... I'm sure of it. My favorite thing in the world is called a Tweeze - it's like motorized tweezers - or like an epilady for your face. It pinches a little as it pulls them out - but it's not bad... and I'm able to keep a lot of the hair growth to a minimum using that once a day or so.

    I've seen those commercials..... So it actually works then!? I'm going to try it... Always looking for a way to tame the mane, lol…. :sick: :brokenheart:

    I'm blonde so the hairs are light...but FEELING them there drives me to the border of insanity! I have tried those tweezing machines (OW!). I did it for like a week and my face looked awful, all swollen and red from the machine pulling out the hairs. I tried the cream they had advertised on TV but it didn't really do much so after a month or so I quit with that. I've been on BC since I was 18 and first diagnosed, for me it hasn't improved at all...I think it actually got worse after having my daughter too. I HATE IT! I mean, it's too the point I don't want my fiance to touch my face... in case of re-growth. I mean, I told him about PCOS, but I don't think he grasps what I mean about facial hair. It's so embarassing. :cry: I don't even think I could do the electralysis (probably killed the spelling on that) because my hair is so fair.

    I could live with being the weight I am for the rest of my life... IF it meant the facial hair would go away and never come back.

    I totally feel your pain. I have dark (almost black) hair.... So yeah, I deffinitally know what you're going through. I'm a little disapointed that you've been on BC for so long, but still have symtomes. I was told that all the symptoms would go away after being on BC for 6 months. Gosh, now I'm afraid I won't get any relief. :cry: Honestly, I don't know what I would do.......

    That's kind of where I am. :sad:
    BUT, maybe you'll be different....
    When I was first diagnosed the doc said I was pretty much stuck with it (granted that was a LONG time ago). I did some research and weightloss can help, BC can help....obviously they have meds now that can help (my doc never prescribed anythin but BC).
    I went to a dermotologist about the facial hair... his advice, "Shave...." Well, I was a kid... so I did what he said... I am sure everyone knows what happens when you shave though.... :huh: 5'oclock shadow anyone. :grumble:
    I mean, even waxing doesn't work cause my roots are sooo flippin tough and really who wants to go in to a place and say.... "I need my whole face waxed.... except my eyebrows." :laugh:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member

    That's kind of where I am. :sad:
    BUT, maybe you'll be different....
    When I was first diagnosed the doc said I was pretty much stuck with it (granted that was a LONG time ago). I did some research and weightloss can help, BC can help....obviously they have meds now that can help (my doc never prescribed anythin but BC).
    I went to a dermotologist about the facial hair... his advice, "Shave...." Well, I was a kid... so I did what he said... I am sure everyone knows what happens when you shave though.... :huh: 5'oclock shadow anyone. :grumble:
    I mean, even waxing doesn't work cause my roots are sooo flippin tough and really who wants to go in to a place and say.... "I need my whole face waxed.... except my eyebrows." :laugh:

    I'm going to PM you..... :flowerforyou:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Alrighty... I shall meditate and wait. :laugh:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Alrighty... I shall meditate and wait. :laugh:

    LOL, sent! :)
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member

    That's kind of where I am. :sad:
    BUT, maybe you'll be different....
    When I was first diagnosed the doc said I was pretty much stuck with it (granted that was a LONG time ago). I did some research and weightloss can help, BC can help....obviously they have meds now that can help (my doc never prescribed anythin but BC).
    I went to a dermotologist about the facial hair... his advice, "Shave...." Well, I was a kid... so I did what he said... I am sure everyone knows what happens when you shave though.... :huh: 5'oclock shadow anyone. :grumble:
    I mean, even waxing doesn't work cause my roots are sooo flippin tough and really who wants to go in to a place and say.... "I need my whole face waxed.... except my eyebrows." :laugh:

    I'm going to PM you..... :flowerforyou:

    Hey Hey Now - No secrets! LOL! Just kidding.
  • jjwright
    jjwright Posts: 9
    Sounds like you're kicking PCOS's butt, renayeb! That's awesome! I have a journal that has on the cover "PCOS can kiss my A**!" Luv that!

    A book that helped me really iron my cycles out was "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler, MPH. It taught me to chart my cycles and identify if and when I was ovulating (which I wasn't for what seemed like forever) and then when I was I didn't have all the other things in line that I needed for success. I'd highly recommend this book!!

    I had to lose 28 lbs and regulate my cycles before my body would ovulate, then address other issues and finally we got pregnant (I stress the WE b/c boy was it a "we" pregnancy and birth!)

    Good luck, you can do it! There is no greater motivation or strength than that of a Cyster locked onto her goal!

  • jjwright
    jjwright Posts: 9
    I've heard the "lucky you, you can feel yourself ovulate" when I went in for severe pain and didn't know I had PCOS (and was 18)...and since then it's been my experience that you should not just deal with the pain and assume that all that can be done is to mask it with drugs. BC reduces the size of the cysts, reducing the pain. If I had severe pain more than once in awhile I would get my butt to the Endocrinologist ASAP and if he didn't take it seriously that would confirm that I'd best seek out another doctor. That's just what I'd do, but I'm rather impatient when it comes to pain, laf. Good thing I had a c-section, i'd never have made it! :happy:

    Good luck, I feel for you!

  • jjwright
    jjwright Posts: 9
    Hi beckyi88,

    No, your DD is certainly not alone! PCOS is very, very common and as I've searched for updated and extensive information (I support Amazon quite well w/my book purchases on the subject, laf), it has amazed me at how many cysters there are.

    With so many cysters come many, many websites. Here are a few of my favs, if anyone is interested or wants to add theirs, I'm sure we'd all luv to check them out.
    (this one is a guide for teens, I haven't read it though, thought you may find it useful) (for conceiving support)

    Good luck with your DD, she's lucky to have you!

    "I have PCOS, PCOS does not have me!"
  • kath1804
    kath1804 Posts: 47
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 17years ago, and at the scan was told rather matter of factly that I would need help conceiving - at that time I was not too upset as I thought we would cross that bridge when we came to it. A few weeks later, I found that I was pregnant, and was at the time of the scan but this went un-noticed as Dr not looking for a preganancy at this time. My Darling daughter will be 16 this year. I have struggled with the other symptons of PCOS but just want to share that pregnancy IS possible.

    My main fear now is that I may have passed this dreadful condition to my daughter.:brokenheart:
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Okay so I did a little digging....

    A company called "Ideal Image" does a LOT of facial hair removal, especially for PCOS patients. It's a laser treatment procedure. Cost varies and your facial hair needs to be dark.

    I just thought I would pass the word along so if anyone else struggles with it, like I do (although I am an unlikely canidate since I am light blonde), they have an option out there.

  • TaylorR
    TaylorR Posts: 10
    Unfortunately yes I am a PCOS sufferer as well. I have all the classic symptoms including the unexplained weight gain over the years and infertility. Have tried Metformin and Avandia, but they both affected my liver so I had to stop. Too old to go back on BCP's now, which regulated my cycles but probably contributed to my problems and weight gain to be honest.

    It's a frustrating illness that somone needs to find a cure for and SOON!

  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I too have PCOS, and now, type II diabetes. I am on metformin, but an extended release version. The side effects of "regular" metformin was just too great. I have seen a lot of folks mentioning the bad side effects of metformin and just wanted to let you know that an extended release version exists. I have no stomach distress. Before, well, let's just say it was so bad I don't even want to describe it...

    I also wish I had been told about the connection between PCOS and diabetes. Maybe I would have made different choices over the years and wouldn't be trying to lose over 100 pounds now. It sure would have been easier back when I was first diagnosed and only 20 - 30 pounds overweight. So, please everyone, know that there is a connection and do what you need to do to be healthy.

    I think I am relatively fortunate in that the PCOS doesn't affect me as much as others have described. The worst thing for me is the hair. Then the weight. Cramps are there, but not so I have had to go to the ER or anything. Walking does seem to help, even though it is the last thing you want to do. And for me, it seems like I have to walk at least 30 minutes before the cramps calm down. Other than that, I take advil and sometimes use a heating pad.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Has anyone had high cholesterol issues that have been attributed to PCOS?
    I posted another thread asking about it in more detail PCOS help, please.
    Just thought I'd add it here as well.
  • sbennett23
    sbennett23 Posts: 35 Member
    I have high cholesterol. It was 220 in June 2008 then I was put on the Metformin, Spironolactone (for hormone imbalance) and Birth Control in June. My lab work in Feb. 09 showed that it went up to 262. Birth Control can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels from what I've read. And to be honest I feel like I'm living proof. Before meds my triglycerides were 148 (normal) after they were 238. The P.A. in my doctor's office wanted to prescribe cholesterol meds but I've been weary of that. She wasn't very nice to me anyway! I took the prescription but didn't get it filled. I didn't really see the point in taking birth control then taking another med. to control side effects of birth control. Besides, the side effects to the cholesterol meds sound horrible and I already know birth control side effects can be bad. Instead I've been exercising for at least an hour a day 4-5 times a week, being very strict with my diet and taking fish oil supplements or eating fish. I'll soon have new blood work and I hope there are improvements. With my food diary I notice my cholesterol hardly ever goes over 100 so I just pray this works. I feel like I can beat this on my own. I've lost 13lbs since Feb.
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