Where's my mojo

Haven't really exercise in a couple of weeks. I've lost 13 lbs but have at least 20 to go and I feel like sometimes I'm losing motivation.. I'm having a hard time focusig eventho I know what I want and what will make me happy.


  • joysu
    joysu Posts: 71
    the same with me. we just need to bite the bullet and get it done! one day at a time!
  • emachine
    emachine Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the same way! What I try to do is set really low exercise goals when I haven't worked out in a while. I get on the elliptical and say to myself, "Just 10 minutes, it's something, which is better than nothing." I put my music on and usually end up doing at least 30 min. and sometimes surprise myself with an hour. Some days it's just the 10min, but I still feel better than the nothing.