Anyone experiencing hair loss?

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
My hair seems to be coming out at a pretty rapid rate lately. It started pretty suddenly.

I know hair loss can be caused by rapid weight loss but I thought that would be when starving yourself, etc. I have not starved at all and eat healthy foods. I HAVE lost 68 lbs since September though. Do you think it is the culprit, even when done a healthy way?



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My hair seems to be coming out at a pretty rapid rate lately. It started pretty suddenly.

    I know hair loss can be caused by rapid weight loss but I thought that would be when starving yourself, etc. I have not starved at all and eat healthy foods. I HAVE lost 68 lbs since September though. Do you think it is the culprit, even when done a healthy way?

  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Have you been eating enough fats or are you skimping on those a lot? If you avoid fat, like a lot of dieters do, your hair can fall out. Careful.
  • SoulfulLori
    Absolutely see a doc for some blood work. Low iron, thyroid issues and other things can cause hair loss. I eat very healthy and just discovered I have an iron issue. Iron is difficult for the system to absorb with high fiber diets. You've lost a lot of weight and your body chemistry may be a bit off. You need to have a professional check that out.

    Just my little opinion.

    Let us know Tami!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I agree, go see a doctor. It could be Iron or fat but you won't know unless you're tested.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I agree with Lori you need to see a doctor because it doesn't sound like hair loss due to diet. Bob
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    This is the main reason I bought insurance for myself and I'm off to the doctor next week for a check up. I have some other small compaints, but it falls out so bad after I take a shower and then I shed so much I carry a little roller with me to pick it up and my housekeeper says it's the worst thing she has to complain about when she cleans--hair everywhere. It's really a wonder I am not bald already as this has been an issue for a long time and I've ignored it, even when I had insurance before.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I go through that when I am really stressed, it comes out in hand fulls and shedding a lot. But I agree with everyone else, hope you go see your doctor about.:flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    See your doc, but don't stress too much!

    A friend of mine did Dr. Bernstein (a popular diet in Toronto - 800 cals a day, rapid weight loss diet, where you get vitamin B injections), and after losing about 50 lbs her hair started to fall out (and a lot came out). She slowed down on the diet, and all was well.

    Hope all is well. Let us know how you do.
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    A friend of mine went on one of those liquid diets for 8 months and lost a lot of hair, including her eyebrows! Definitely talk to a doctor- maybe it's just as simple as adding some healthy oils, and some iron, but better safe...
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice! I really appreciate the response. I think I will get some blood work done just to see what is going on. I have been eating A LOT of fiber, so who knows. Could be an iron thing.

    I eat around 1600 calories a day ( a little more if I work out) and usually get around 30-40ish g of fat. That should be enough right? I started taking a multi-vitamin this past week. Maybe that will help.

    Thanks again!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I have been through this myself, and I know it can be very disconcerting! The first time it happened to me, it was definitely diet-related - my hair started falling out a few months after I had done a juice fast. Doh! :grumble: I was very relieved when it started coming back. Then, a few years later, it started falling out again, though not quite as much. They couldn't find any definitive reason for it, and finally decided it was just genetic. After a few months, it stabilized, and I think some even grew back. The thing is, I have very long hair (currently about 2 feet), so it only takes 4-5 hairs to really feel like a handful! If you have the patience, you can actually brush your hair in the morning and count the hairs - if you are losing 50-100 hairs a day, that is normal. If it is more than that, then it could be another problem.

    It could be temporary hair loss related to the weight loss. The thing is, once you start to lose hair, the cause of the hair loss may have already resolved itself - it takes a few months for the hair to actually fall out.

    The multivitamins are a good idea. Your doctor should do some blood work, maybe refer you to a dermatologist, and take a look at the hair falling out or pluck a hair to look at the root. If the roots on a plucked hair look healthy, then your hair loss is probably a temporary problem that has already resolved itself. There are a million things that cause temporary hair loss - including stress - so you may not get a definitive answer. It can also be genetic - a lot of women find their hair thins somewhat over time. But hopefully, you will notice little hairs growing back after a few more months.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • SoulfulLori
    Gee...sounds a little light on the fat too me. I eat about 1650 in calories and have about 50 g of fat. The carbs I am always way under on and protein I'm a bit high on. Don't know if that is the cause but I thought I'd mention it.
  • sportsmomof2
    I agree with the above...Definately get checked out by your doctor, it will atleast ease your mind, and wont cause any added stress.

    Good luck and please let us know!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    One thing that might help to elliminate a possible issue is that my skin and nails are fine. In fact my skin has been better this winter than in previous ones. Not so dry, staying supple, etc...and my nails seemed a little brittle here recently but now seem to be coming in stronger.

    I don't know. I thought that could narrow things down.

    I will make an appt to get some blood work done though. Couldn't hurt. Maybe I will just get a physical. It's been a couple of years.
  • stilistjen
    I've been a hair stylist for 22 years and have seen this a lot. It's very normal to lose hair when you lose a lot of weight. The easiest way to determine if it's excessive hair loss: do you have hair on your pillow? Is it falling out on the first day you shampoo, after it's dry?

    Also keep in mind, a little hair loss is minor compared to the gift you're giving yourself in creating healthy habits. Don't let this trip you up from your goal: a healthier you!

    Take good care, and keep us posted! Jenelle
  • kimd983
    kimd983 Posts: 39
    way back in the old days when i did the atkins diet, i was thinning rapidly. went back to more carbs and the hair loss stopped.

    see a doc. your hair should be ON your head, not down the drain. :)
    best of luck and let us know!
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    See a doc. And a nutritionist. Personally I think losing 3.4 pounds per week (based on 68lbs for Sept - Feb) is way too much.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    See a doc. And a nutritionist. Personally I think losing 3.4 pounds per week (based on 68lbs for Sept - Feb) is way too much.

    I was losing anywhere from 2-4 lbs a week in the beginning, but I did start at 270 lbs so the weight was probably dropping off a lot faster. I was (and still am most of the time) eating around 1550-1650 calories, so was not eating too few calories. It has slowed down a bit....more like 1-2 lbs a week since January as my weight has gotten lower. Trust me, I cannot run around in a weakened, hungry state with a toddler to keep up with!! LOL

    I don't know, it could be my body is just out of whack because even losing weight the healthy way can probably have an affect on your body chemistry. I will definitely go tot he doc soon. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this, even done slow and healthy.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    First, for the hair loss you need to see your doctor. I don't know what kind of hair loss you are talking about in particular but your hormones could be out of whack from such rapid weight loss.

    Second, you are loosing weight too quickly, an aggressive weight loss plan is about 2 lbs per week, yes some weeks will be higher or lower but an average of 2lbs per week is the most recommended by doctors etc. Also, the slower you loose it the more likely you are to keep it off.

    You may want to talk to your doctor about a realistic calorie goal while you are in finding out why you are losing hair.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    First, for the hair loss you need to see your doctor. I don't know what kind of hair loss you are talking about in particular but your hormones could be out of whack from such rapid weight loss.

    Second, you are loosing weight too quickly, an aggressive weight loss plan is about 2 lbs per week, yes some weeks will be higher or lower but an average of 2lbs per week is the most recommended by doctors etc. Also, the slower you loose it the more likely you are to keep it off.

    You may want to talk to your doctor about a realistic calorie goal while you are in finding out why you are losing hair.

    As I said above, I WAS losing a bit more rapidly in the beginning. Well, the first week, I lost 6 (which often happens when first starting any weight loss program, due to water weight, etc.), then I would lose anywhere from 2-4 lbs a week, 3 being the average. I was following ediets and the calories they gave me, which weren't too few. People who are bigger often lose more in the beginning. I wasn't eating fewer than 1550 calories a day and in fact would eat 1600 or more. Around January, my weight loss slowed as my weight got a little lower, which is what happens and since then I have lost 1-2 lbs a week (2 being the average), so I have been losing in a slow and healthy way. Trust me, that is what I want. I don't want to starve or hurt my body and I want to keep it off for good so I have been learning a new lifestyle not dieting.

    Anyway, the hair loss JUST started. It's not like I am balding. It just seems like more is falling out when I shower, etc. In fact, now that I think about it, I colored my hair not to long ago and when I was rinsing it out is when I noticed bigger clumps coming out. I wonder if I damaged my hair. I don't lighten my hair (just cover the gray! hehe) it shouldn't be too harsh. And I went to get a few inches cut off recently and a lot came off in the stylists fingers when she was combing it out and she asked me if I was stressed. But, my hair is naturally curly, so once dry it doesn't LOOK too thin because it gives the appearance of fullness. I just don't like the clumps coming out, especially when it wasn't happening before.