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D'oh! An illness finally conquered me...:(

songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
So I haven't been sick since the first week of June 2008. I had just started working for the Boyscouts and was living in a tent, using an outhouse, having to filter my water, build fires, etc. I got a cold and a weird rash on the back of my neck. It didn't last long and I haven't been sick AT ALL since then. I didn't even get the bugs my boyfriend got. I have NO idea how. I just washed my hands alllllllll the time (before AND after using restroom, before and after eating, after handling money, before bed) and if I felt a little run-down, I took an Airborne....mostly because the apple ones taste yummy. :laugh:

But last night it finally hit me. This was a crazy week--exams, capstone, starting new job, concert, etc.--and I slept very little. So after my chemistry exam and then 7 hours at my new job (where there was a girl with a bad cold) I came home and passed out, and woke up with a SORE THROAT. :explode: It's quite red and swollen, but there are no nodules and I have no other symptoms, so I'm just taking Zicam and I slept for about 11 hours. It just irks me that something finally got me! :laugh: So here's to almost 11 months illness-free anyway! :drinker:


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    So I haven't been sick since the first week of June 2008. I had just started working for the Boyscouts and was living in a tent, using an outhouse, having to filter my water, build fires, etc. I got a cold and a weird rash on the back of my neck. It didn't last long and I haven't been sick AT ALL since then. I didn't even get the bugs my boyfriend got. I have NO idea how. I just washed my hands alllllllll the time (before AND after using restroom, before and after eating, after handling money, before bed) and if I felt a little run-down, I took an Airborne....mostly because the apple ones taste yummy. :laugh:

    But last night it finally hit me. This was a crazy week--exams, capstone, starting new job, concert, etc.--and I slept very little. So after my chemistry exam and then 7 hours at my new job (where there was a girl with a bad cold) I came home and passed out, and woke up with a SORE THROAT. :explode: It's quite red and swollen, but there are no nodules and I have no other symptoms, so I'm just taking Zicam and I slept for about 11 hours. It just irks me that something finally got me! :laugh: So here's to almost 11 months illness-free anyway! :drinker:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I heard cool whip is good for a sore throat
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I heard cool whip is good for a sore throat

    Yea all that lube makes it easier to swallow.

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just wait until you have kids. :grumble: The bugs circulate like crazy! Hope you feel better!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Yikes!! Hope you feel better!!!

    And stay away from the Cool Whip!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Just wait until you have kids. :grumble: The bugs circulate like crazy! Hope you feel better!

    Thank you! I'm not planning on having any on my own, but I'll be teaching a bunch of grungy college kids like myself LOL so I'll probably go in wearing a hazard suit or something. :laugh: My little brother keeps getting stuff from his two little friends that are like psuedo-cousins...even lice!! :sick:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just wait until you have kids. :grumble: The bugs circulate like crazy! Hope you feel better!

    Thank you! I'm not planning on having any on my own, but I'll be teaching a bunch of grungy college kids like myself LOL so I'll probably go in wearing a hazard suit or something. :laugh: My little brother keeps getting stuff from his two little friends that are like psuedo-cousins...even lice!! :sick:

    ACK! Lice! We haven't got that yet, but the neighbor girl came over yesterday to tell me that it was going around her school. I sprayed her down with Lysol & sent her home. :sick:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Just wait until you have kids. :grumble: The bugs circulate like crazy! Hope you feel better!

    Thank you! I'm not planning on having any on my own, but I'll be teaching a bunch of grungy college kids like myself LOL so I'll probably go in wearing a hazard suit or something. :laugh: My little brother keeps getting stuff from his two little friends that are like psuedo-cousins...even lice!! :sick:

    ACK! Lice! We haven't got that yet, but the neighbor girl came over yesterday to tell me that it was going around her school. I sprayed her down with Lysol & sent her home. :sick:

    Yea, little brother got his head shaved, which incidentally was really adorable. I'll be living there after summer is over, and of course he's entering kindergarten, so I'll be waiting at the door with Lysol and a garden hose. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Yea, little brother got his head shaved, which incidentally was really adorable. I'll be living there after summer is over, and of course he's entering kindergarten, so I'll be waiting at the door with Lysol and a garden hose. :laugh:

    Make sure to have gloves, a surgical mask & probably some sort of fire ready, too. *shudder* Another one of my fave kid diseases is pink eye. :sick: Had that when I was pregnant w/ #2 thanks to #1's day care. BAH! Spreads like wild fire.
  • sorry you're sick...that's no fun at all! All that activity on a little sleep will definitely put your immune system at a disadvantage. Hope you recover quickly!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Just wait until you have kids. :grumble: The bugs circulate like crazy! Hope you feel better!

    Thank you! I'm not planning on having any on my own, but I'll be teaching a bunch of grungy college kids like myself LOL so I'll probably go in wearing a hazard suit or something. :laugh: My little brother keeps getting stuff from his two little friends that are like psuedo-cousins...even lice!! :sick:

    Yeah.....I NEVER got sick before I started teaching the dumb high school kids!!! Now I get Strep throat like 3 times a year and it puts me on my *kitten* for like a week! UGH!

    WHY ARE THEY SO GERMY!!!!!!!:angry::angry: :grumble:
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Hope you get past it soon! I haven't been getting sick as often since I lost weight.

    I rarely throw up, too. Like, 3 times in 10 years. But my mom came to visit, and on the day we planned to go outlet mall shopping, I woke up puking and all sorts of grossness. the next day - totally fine! weird.

    I'm a 2nd grade teacher and this year I've had fleas in my room, lice on 3 girls, and ringworm on 3 kids. A kid actually sneezed on my neck last year. they're GROSS
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Sorry that you're not feeling well.

    I swear by ginger for colds.
    Drink some ginger tea... here's some directions for making it: http://www.ehow.com/how_4686595_colds-flu-homemade-ginger-tea.html
    I don't have a tea ball so I just shred it and boil it in the water, then strain it with a strainer.
    When I'm sick - it's all I drink.

    I also like ginger baths...
    Put two tablespoons grated ginger in a piece of cheesecloth and tie off. Run water as hot as you can stand it, and put the ginger in the bathtub while the water is running. If you have a shower curtain, close it... that way you're breathing in as much as the vapor as you can. Stay in for about 15-20 minutes.

    When you get out, dress warmly and crawl under plenty of covers... go to sleep and sweat it out. In the morning you should feel much better!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ginger tea sounds good! That reminded me I have some Throat Coat so I'll probably brew some of that.

    I'm feeling okay, just a little tired. I still worked out because I ate half a midnight truffle blizzard last night. :blushing: I wanted something cold hehehe.

    Bri, one of my kitties had fleas when he was a baby, and I didn't realize it until he curled up in the nape of my neck for a nap and I woke up with itchy bites, ick!! I had bed bugs when I was working with the boy scouts. That SUCKED. They will get eeeeeverywhere. I had to wash everything several times before the bites stopped. Man, I hated that job. I am not a fan of teenage boys.:explode:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Sorry to hear your sick, hope you feel better soon

    I deal with allergies but I stopped getting sick when I started eating apples and ginger root in my food in a near constant bases. Kindoff makes you wonder don't it

    A good healthy diet and plenty of water

    not too hard to figure out what helps you from getting the bug that goes around work. Honey is also good for a sore throat.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I heard cool whip is good for a sore throat

    Yea all that lube makes it easier to swallow.


    No, no, you slather it on the outside with and old sock wrapped around your neck and a sprig of rosemary stuck in it. :wink:
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