How long did it take you?

How long did it take you to lose 50 pounds? What did you do in that time frame to help aid in the loss? Did you have "off" days? Just a few questions lngering in my little mind here.. Thanks for answering!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I haven't quite lost 50 yet, I've lost 40 with MFP since the end of January plus 3 more that I lost the month before starting MFP. There are quite a lot of people here that have lost 50 pounds in far less time than me, but I have been doing this slowly in order to make the changes I have made sustainable! Sometimes I wish I had lost more, but I live a crazy busy life and working out 5 or 6 times a week would never continue to be feasable, so I decided just to stick with two or three days because it is more realistic that I could do that for the rest of my life! Good luck!

    What do you mean by "off" days? Like when you don't feel like doing this?
  • tropicalww
    tropicalww Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost over 200lbs, so it depends on which 50 you're talking about. The first 50 lbs came off in about 2 months. The last 50 took about 6 months. The closer you are to your goal weight, the harder it is to lose. Also, everyone is different, so don't let someone else's pace mean a dang thing to you! :-)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I started at 215 it took me between 5-6monthes to lose 50lbs. I am currently at 145 and STRUGGLING to lose the last 15lbs. I started March 1st of this year.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    it took me about 8 months to lose 50lbs . I just stuck to 1200 cals a day, drank lots of water and swam or walked 5 days a week. Yes I have had off days but not many. Just hang in there, the important thing is to not give up
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    "off" Days consist of still sticking to what you log but say you went to the movies and had a small popcorn or a hamburger or something that was not suppose to be consumed.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I've lost 67lb in 8ish months (since having my daughter).
    I have a LOT of off days because sometimes I just can't get a workout in with my daughter being as crazy as she is and refusing to be held (to maybe gets squats or something in, holding her) and I end up 'cheating' a little and logging cleaning as my workouts from my HRM. I eat well, but not all the time. I have my unhealthy snacks and balance it out with healthy. Lately I've been over the calories that MFP gives me (1370, I usually end up around 1500) and I've been losing pretty steadily (2lb in the last 5days, I say that's pretty good!)

    Just remember everything is different for everyone and I still have a bit to go to be in the healthy range (40lb) which is probably why I'm still losing the way I am.
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    I'm half way to 50 now and its taken me 6 months.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I lost 25 lbs in 3.5 months, now I'm kind of stalled for a couple weeks but I'm also exercising a lot more so I think that's why. Plus I'm now in my healthy weight range and only want to lose about 15 more lbs, so it's natural that my progress would slow down some at this point.

    I have not taken any 'off' days where I don't log at all - I log every single day. There are some days that I'm not as diligent as others - for example when I travel to see family, it's harder to stay within my goal b/c it's harder to estimate calories before I actually eat since I'm not the one cooking. On those days, I just try to be sensible and try to estimate the best I can. Normally I end up over my goal by about 100-400, but that's still under my 'maintenance' calories so even though I'm 'over' it's still not enough to make me gain any weight back. I try to exercise most days but I do take days off from that on occasion. I eat my exercise calories (measured by my heart rate monitor - the estimates on MFP are WAY off sometimes so I don't trust them LOL). On the days I exercise, I get to eat more. On the days I don't exercise, I stick very close to the goal MFP gave me.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    "off" Days consist of still sticking to what you log but say you went to the movies and had a small popcorn or a hamburger or something that was not suppose to be consumed.

    The great thing about this program is that there really isn't anything that's 'off limits'. You can have anything you want so long as you work it into your calories for the day. I eat ice cream almost every day. I work it into my calories, so it's not an off day, just a regular day with a treat worked in. :-)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    "off" Days consist of still sticking to what you log but say you went to the movies and had a small popcorn or a hamburger or something that was not suppose to be consumed.

    Gotcha...I have those days from time to time. Again, I like to keep things as sustainable as possible. Can I say that I will never have another hamburger or popcorn, nope. So I allow myself the liberty to eat most anything I want, just keeping it all in moderation. Feel free to add me as a friend and check out my diary :)
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    Can't fully answer that one yet, except to say...longer than I want! I've been working hard for about 21 weeks now, so I'm not setting any speed records or anything. And yep, there have been some off days. The worst ones aren't the "Special event" types, where I see them coming and prepare. Instead, I hate getting sabatoged by the "slightly higher than I was expecting" days. I think a food is, say 300 cals, and it's actually 400. Do that a couple times, and I'm over my calorie goal. Do THAT a bit more often than I should, then...I usually drink lots of water, but it's getting cold, so I drink less. When I get careless with little things like that, a week's worth of work can evaporate. However, this weight has come on slowly, and has been here for a while, a long while, so I know it's going to be a long journey.

    Take each day as it comes, and look outside of weight to help track your progress. I can run on the elliptical for a full 60 minutes! Couldn't have even THOUGHT about that in August! Go get it!

    Good luck!
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    I feel like my off days tend to rule me more then staying on track. I find myself wanting those things that I know will hold me back. I feel like no one around me is supportive, I go out to eat and get a salad, I am happy with it and then people are like why are you eatting that? Your not fat?! I then snap and say how do you figure Im not fat?! Im 5'9 212 and in a size 16/18 that is not healthy! I just get so fustrated. Or you get people like my sister in law that got the bypass and she STILL eats crap and wonders why she is still heavy... Grrr just fustrated today I suppose.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It took me 8 months and 4 days to loose 100 pounds.
    My goal was to loose 100 pounds in 7 months, I did not make my goal
    but stuck to it. I weight 227 pounds when I started and am now down to 124.
    I am not trying to loose now, just maintain. I still walk 5 times a week, 2 to 5 miles a day.
    myFitnesspal is the best program I have ever used. The logging in is part of the process of making
    you aware of what your eating.
    Good luck on your program, it works!
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    "off" Days consist of still sticking to what you log but say you went to the movies and had a small popcorn or a hamburger or something that was not suppose to be consumed.

    Gotcha...I have those days from time to time. Again, I like to keep things as sustainable as possible. Can I say that I will never have another hamburger or popcorn, nope. So I allow myself the liberty to eat most anything I want, just keeping it all in moderation. Feel free to add me as a friend and check out my diary :)

    Will do! I feel like once I taste it, oh man its all over for me!! LOL
  • shannon3525
    shannon3525 Posts: 1 Member
    It took me 5 months to lose 50. I still need to lose 20 more and have been stuck for a while. Partly due to me not sticking as strict to my plan. I just joined here today to get myself refocused.
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Took me 4 months to lose 50lbs

    Work out daily no off days for me.
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I just need to realize for me now is portion control. I can have the things that I want but just in moderation. I mean I eat tons of fruit and veggies. The thing I notice is starches I LOVE, but when I eat then I find myself not moving any where, so I am trying to cut breads, pasta and refined sugars to a minimum.
  • Luv2BMommy
    It took me 8 months and 4 days to loose 100 pounds.
    My goal was to loose 100 pounds in 7 months, I did not make my goal
    but stuck to it. I weight 227 pounds when I started and am now down to 124.
    I am not trying to loose now, just maintain. I still walk 5 times a week, 2 to 5 miles a day.
    myFitnesspal is the best program I have ever used. The logging in is part of the process of making
    you aware of what your eating.
    Good luck on your program, it works!

    Wow! 100 pounds in 8 months! That's amazing! Did you stick to the calorie goal MFP set for you or did you eat less?
  • apeecaleb
    apeecaleb Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! I'm not quite loosing 50lb's but I am shooting for 30. I am 15lbs down and counting, it was a pretty easy 15lbs but I am starting to feel the last 15 is going to be a challenge. I login 7 days a week "religously" and workout when I can, I am pretty busy with two little ones at home. I find that when I am consistant, I see changes. We all have off days, Thanksgiving for instance, but as soon as you get back on board things seems to fall right back in place. And...when I don't see the scale move I try not to get frustrated I just use it as motivation to push harder...Consistancy seems to be my bodies best friend!!! Good luck on your weight loss;-)
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I have lost 42lbs..and it has taken me 6 months. I have another 28lbs to go to get to my goal of 145. Started at 214.6. Today I weigh 172.6. Add me...we started about the same and have a relatively close to the same goal.