Food share or not to share???

What made you decide to not make your food diary available to all your friends, or what made you want to make it available to your friends?? Just curious??

For me I like that mine is available, it helps me make better choices and makes me more accountable I think!! =)


  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I prefer it to be open, maybe i can get sage advice from some of the long time members. :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Its only available to those who were friended for the sole purpose of sharing meal ideas...and that is it. I make it very clear that being friended does NOT automatically mean people can make assumptions or pass judgement if something doesnt look right to them.... just as it is none of my business about other people's food logs...

    The only time I will say anything is if I am asked.. otherwise, its not my place to say anything at all..
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    For me I like that mine is available, it helps me make better choices and makes me more accountable I think!! =)

    You said it, good or bad, I do not want to hide from decisions I make. I have choosen MFP friends who are helpful but do not nit pick my decisions.
  • marielladear
    get feedback, encouragement and you know like you said, it makes you more accountable!
    I love getting feedback whether it's eat more or eat less, I do sometimes need that push from others :)
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    Definitely open to friends...Someone suggested that I add the sodium portion to breakdown...Thank God, my sodium was all over the place...

    ACCOUNTABILITY...Whether it is good, bad or ugly, I have been accountable...
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I make it available to my friends only because I don't really want the unsolicited advice from people who are basically busybodies who are a PITA. If a friend did that, they would not remain a friend.

    If I want help I ask for it from my friends.

    If I wanted help from the forums then I would make it public to receive that help.

    To this point I have had not problem losing weight, and have read so many research papers on it that I don't expect I will face any problems.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I just don't see why not to, I have nothing to hide and if it helps people just starting out needing ideas for meals, that's great.. If people want to judge me if I have a bad day. F'em
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I lose interest in the friends who don't open their diary. I think it's all part of MFP.
    I don't make judgements or comments, but I think we can learn from each other.
    If you don't like someone's comments - so what? I think I could handle that.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I don't see a reason to keep it secret really...I've tried to figure out why people would keep it private...Can't think of any reason really.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I don't see a reason to keep it secret really...I've tried to figure out why people would keep it private...Can't think of any reason really.

    But thats a decision up to the person to make for theirself... keeping it private and the reasons for doing such is completely and totally up to the person who made the choice.

    I have a few people in my friend's list who keep it private and only open it up when THEY are ready to, or if they ask me in private, a question directed to it. I respect their right to privacy....
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Mine is open to friends. I appreciate extra suggestions from people, and I don't feel like I need to hide what I eat from people. I think it's part of the MFP experience.

    I also prefer my friends with an open diary. I look at them for meal ideas and inspiration. I also like to see what they are set to. I don't make judgemental comments.

    I also never comment on "Mr. X completed his food diary and was under his calorie goal" if I can't see the diary. I'm not going to give props to someone who only eats 800 calories a day on a hidden diary.
  • ifucsam
    I agree with others. Mine's open because it holds me more accountable for what I eat. Plus if I have a bad day it may secretly make someone else feel better about their daily choices. :laugh: :wink:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I lose interest in the friends who don't open their diary. I think it's all part of MFP.

    ^^^^^ This - and to me it is about accountability and sharing with others - I love seeing ideas in my pals diaries - and hopefully others get ideas from me.....

    Mine is open to anyone - there is no secrects in there that need to be "protected" ;-)

    Most of the time I am pretty disciplined in my eating, so have never had any adverse comments on my choices or meals.....
    If I do have a day where I am off plan I normally just explain that in my comments....
  • allaboutaleah
    mine is open, i find it helps me make better choices, when I know ppl r going to look at it
  • Mrs_Moe
    Mrs_Moe Posts: 68 Member
    I prefer to keep mine private. I'm very self accountable and I already know what I should and shouldn't be eating and prefer not to be judged if I ahve a bad day. Maybe its an introvert vs extrovert thing.....But it the end, everyone has the choice to be open or closed which I think is great.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    The other side of the coin. It is just for me and no one else. It is closed because it is where I can go and be honest with myself. I think it really depends on the person.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    mine stays private. I think most here are fairly well educated and know when it goes bad for a day or two. If you are new and really need the advice, by all means go ahead and make it public to get tips because i would if i was confused...but i'm pretty sure most of us here know how and what they need to do. I completely agree that if some were public, alot of things wouldn't be logged.