The whine thread...



  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    It's snowing sideways and the temperature is going to get into single digits soon. I don't think I've ever experienced that in my life, but now I live in MN so I shall. And much, much colder.

    Cheer up bonnie! No mosquitoes or road construction in a Minnesota winter. :-)
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    It's snowing sideways and the temperature is going to get into single digits soon. I don't think I've ever experienced that in my life, but now I live in MN so I shall. And much, much colder.

    Ah, the great northland.

    My top pet peeves, because I try not to vent and be whiney.

    1. People who say "You people..." because they are almost always being derogative.
    2. Getting blamed for stuff that I have no control over.
    3. People who don't help themselves, and get mad that I don't want to help them.
    4. Cold weather. (Although I actually do like snow, when it's pretty and white)
    5. City drivers.
    6. Family drama over the holidays. Bummer.
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Would you like some cheese to go with that whine.......? **smiles**
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    13. I am sure I am miserable about something else but can't think of anything else.

    This made me laugh! I sounds like something I'd say!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    It's snowing sideways and the temperature is going to get into single digits soon. I don't think I've ever experienced that in my life, but now I live in MN so I shall. And much, much colder.

    Cheer up bonnie! No mosquitoes or road construction in a Minnesota winter. :-)

    I think I'd rather deal with mosquitoes and road construction. Hate the cold!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Would you like some cheese to go with that whine.......? **smiles**

    Yes, please!
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    What sort of cheese? Because I don't like blue cheese.... *smiles innocently* And it has to be melted. Preferably melted over pasta or a pizza.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    LOL -

    I am absolutely sick and tired of people CC'ing me on things that I truly do not care about.
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
  • aquitania
    aquitania Posts: 92 Member
    Ok, this looks like a topic for me.

    1. I'm miserable because it's almost 5 AM where i live and allthough i'm tired as hell, i still can't sleep.
    2. i'm miserable because i heard my neighbours made love again (they do it every night) and my boyfriend is so far away, and i'll see him in december...
    3. I'm miserable because i'm constantly making some errors on when i write, and it's because the computer is so far away from me, and then i can't really move my hands and fingers the way i should, but i can't move the computer closer because then i don't see the screen the way i should.
    4. I'm miserable because i downloaded one music album illegaly from the internet and now i have a bunch of attorneys on my neck who all want money from me, and that's the one thing i don't really have, and that is more or less the reason why i'm tired and can't sleep...
    5. I'm miserable because i have a really big audition on monday, and somehow don't give a damn about it...
    6. I'm miserable because i left my bike at the school and i'll have to walk to school tomorrow.
    7. I'm miserable because i won't really get any sleep and i'll be dead tired tomorrow.
    8. I'm miserable because it's possible that i won't be able to vote on our government elections.
    9. I'm miserable because i just simply don't know how my future is going to look like.
    10. I'm miserable because i live in one room (in a dorm) and have to share the kitchen and the toilets and the bathroom, it's really driving me crazy.
    11. I'm miserable because of a lot of other things, but am just too tired to list them.

    But, i do feel a bit better now, and i really hope i'll fall asleep in the next hour.

    Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen.

  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Sarcasim!!!!!!!!!!! I think we may be related!
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    Who may be related to who? :)
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED

    CC'ing (Carbon Copying?) It's basically like 'Replying to All' people on the email thread.

    For example, if the boss puts an email out to 15 employees and 1 person has a question, he'll reply to all instead of replying only back to the boss. They have whole conversations and fill my inbox with nonsense!
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    My daily whines.

    1. I have had a cold for the last week or so and am achy and tired and it hurts to cough.
    2. I was supposed to get to the library today to return stuff and pay off fines. Didn't make it there.
    3. The bottom of my tongue aches, like little sores. Started with the cold.
    4. I ate too much the last few days so my weight went up (hopefully just water weight, etc)