In a rut...need some encouragement and ideas for fitness

I am the Poster child of yo yo dieting, I think I have been through them all. I am not on Jenny Craig and my consultant told me about this site, it is something I haven't tried so why not? My problem is I cant seem to get out of this rut of not wanting to work out, well I want to but after my commute home from work and a stressful working day I just don't have the energy. I am also a single mom, and am taking care of a sick parent who stays with me now. I thought if I joined the gym that would motivate me since I was paying, but it didn't last. I went loyally for about a month but then stopped going. My boyfriend goes religiously to the gym, he has a big support group there. I think he goes just for the friendships he has formed there... yet he still has the 40 plus stomach (so not very motivating) and he lives no where near me so its not like I can join him. I am looking for any ideas, I have made excuses in my head for everything. I am a morning person so I thought about starting something in the morning. I was thinking about getting my walking tapes back out at 4:30 r 5 am and starting there. I need to lose about 50 pounds so I know working out is key in this journey. Help!!!


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I've found that those early morning workouts can definitely pay off! Eventually, I started looking forward to them! Between a night workout and an early morning, I prefer early morning. I feel more energized, and and at a night workout I feel worn out and unmotivated. You can do it! One thing I love about my gym I use back home on breaks is that they have super early group exercise classes, and they are fun, supportive, and challenging. My university rec has them as well, and I love them! If you have a Wii, even things like Just Dance can give you a workout!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    My Wii got me up and moving! The kids will love it and you'll burn some calories and get that heart pumping!
  • WallyGirl358
    Find a class to go to. I am a very quiet person and really wanted to see what boxing was all about so I went. I love the class and burn up to 1000 calories. I can even see myself getting stronger. Actually pounds are the same but bye bye to extra Inches. You don't have to box - find something you like and start with a couple times a week.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    You need to do something that works with your schedule and your hectic life. If you have walking tapes, I think that would be a great way to start your day. Or, depending on your budget, maybe a Wii that you can enjoy with your kiddo. Good luck - feel free to add me for motivation and support.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Several years ago I was in a similar rut--major work, family, and volunteer stress and commitments, seemed to take up every bit of energy. I finally decided I had to do something for myself, both to help deal with the stress but to show my daughters (teenage at the time) that the world didn't revolve around them and their needs/wants, and that wives/moms have a right to have time for themselves adn to take care of themselves.

    The gym then became my stress reliever and "pampering" habit. I pledged to 3x a week, and had to start out with very low levels of exercise--i was so out of shape. But the reward afterwards was the incentive--at least twice a week I would use the sauna (great stress reducer) for about 15-20 minutes after I exercised, and then wrap up with 15-20 minutes in their amazing whirlpool. That made the gym not just about exercising but about giving myself a treat.

    You didn't say how old your child is, but many gyms do have child care, and if s/he is old enough to not need child care, then you have more options.
  • chagilb
    chagilb Posts: 6 Member
    You could try exercise videos, like buy a DVD and do it in the morning before you head out to work. Personally I've found group classes at my gym are great motivators, especially since there is a set time. I also lose motivation to go back out to the gym when I come home at the end of the night, so I go to the gym before I go home instead! I know this may not be possible with children, but even doing some cardio at work over your lunch break would be beneficial. Get outside, go for a walk around the block! I don't like working out too hard during lunch because then you go back to work all sweaty. Just do some low intensity stuff to get you moving and focus your more intense workouts in the mornings when you feel most motivated. Good luck :)
  • destinysmommy2011
    I am a stay at home mom now, but when I use to work I would walk during my lunch hour. Not sure if you have time for that but maybe if you walk after eating lunch or something like that, it will give you time to yourself, a breather from the stress in your life and your workout all in one. Just a thought! Feel free to add me if you need someone to help motivate you and give you some support :)
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    If you have Comcast they have a ton of stuff on demand. You could try Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It's only about 25 minutes of your day and really kicks butt! Just be careful not to overdo the first few days, it's a tough workout and you can pull muscles/hurt yourself if you push to the max and you've not been regularly exercising.

    I wish I was a morning person like you. I say do whatever you can in the am then you've got it done and don't have to stress about it all day!

    Good luck!
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate already. I would start very small and slowly work your way healthy. Think of one thing you want to improve on and try to make that your first goal. Maybe just try eating something healthy or limiting something that isn't. When you start getting the hang of eating healthier then you can try adding a walk. Eating is 80% of this.
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    Join us here to do Ripped In 30 by Jillian Michaels, starting Weds Nov 16. The group effort and encouragement really pays off, and the workouts are only 25 minutes but very, very effective. This could be a great, flexible, inexpensive way to start on your path to health:
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    My weight has been up and down all of my life, but in the last few months I have really found my comfort zone as far as exercise goes. I have had gym memberships in the past, but lost interest here is my advice:

    Try things that are free and easy! My friend and I take her boys to the park (even now that it is getting chilly we bundle up). While the youngest naps in the stroller, we do circuits of jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges, squats, planks, etc. Her older boy is 2.5 and he plays, or helps us with our workouts by sitting on our backs while we plank or do push-ups! Go for a brisk walk, do a yoga or Zumba DVD, run up and down your stairs...just get moving and mix it up so that you stay interested and challenge your body.

    I had a tendancy to look at exercise and eating healthy as obligations that I was too busy or tired for. Now, I look at exercise and healthy eating as essential...I have more energy every day, more patience, more power to concentrate on my work, and a MUCH more positive attitude. You can get there too!
  • azzuri1
    Hi there, sounds like you have a full life already. I started walking in the mornings too. Hard at first, & now I appreciate the"me" time. With all you have on your plate this would be the ideal time for your "me" time. Also not hard on the budget.
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60
    This is a GREAT site. And you will not be alone here. I'm sure most of us have been yo-yoing back and forth most of our lives with weight. I too am a morning person and that IS when I exercise. If I waited till I got home from work it would usually never get done!! Good luck to you! :-)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Working out is REALLY HARD when you haven't done it for a while/ever - I like to run, but if I havent been running, then it takes about a month of me running 2-4 times a week to actually start enjoying it again.
    No matter what you decide to try, just keep that in mind - it will start getting easier, and then it'll start getting enjoyable once you start to get stronger, and see improvements.
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    Classes are fun, I just drive so much (over 100 miles a day) that when I get home I dont want to go back out. So the class thing didnt work for me. I would like some recommendations on good tapes to use at home, that I will do I think more so than a class. Thanks to all of you for the advice, and encouragement! I am on my way...Good luck on your journey!
  • jessicamckay13
    That's quite the commute! I personally like to workout early in the morning, get it out of the way and I don't have all day to think "damn, this is going to be hard" or "I'm so tired, maybe I should skip today." I set my gear out the night before and turn two alarms on. The first 15 minutes I'm at the gym I probably look a mess, I get ready in semi dark so I don't wake up my husband and any small children that happen to have made it into our bed in the night, and I try not to make eye contact with anyone, but once I hit my stride in my workout I'm happy and good to go.

    Is there a gym on the way to your work? Do your kids get ready for school themselves? Could you workout and get ready for work in the locker room?

    Walk on your lunch break.

    It is easy to have a relapse, a good support system is key to success. Classes at the gym are great or if you can afford it, personal training or maybe a small group training?

    You CAN do it!
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    You can do it. Almost anybody you see out there running, walking, riding a bike, sweating in their living room, or whatever probably felt like you before they started. It's hard work to FORCE yourself to get moving and change the habit of sitting around. The cool part is, once you do start to make the change, you start feeling better after a workout than you did before.

    The thing is, you have to know yourself and how you, personally, work the best. I have finally learned this about myself: I don't stick with exercise if it's indoors. I've had gym memberships come and go, and I've never been able to force myself to stick to them, even with the financial incentive. I've had indoor bike trainers and NordicTrack machines gather dust in the basement. The WiiFit (admittedly, more my wife's than mine) sits on a shelf and doesn't get used. However, I've found that every time I go outdoors and ride a bike or walk or run or hike or ski, I feel energized and happy afterward, so that's what I do now -- bike, run, play with the kiddo at the park, whatever, as long as it's outdoors. I've started to use my "go outside and play" time as a relaxer after or during a stressful work day.

    So you have a long commute. Sorry to hear it. What about stopping at a park or trail somewhere along the way to take a walk or hike? That might be a nice way to break up the monotony of a long, repetitive drive, and requires nothing you don't already have--clothing and shoes. If you're looking for stuff to do indoors at home, don't forget your local library. Mine has a HUGE selection of tapes and DVD's for home workouts. The best part is, they're free.

    Doing anything is better than doing nothing at all. There is healing in exercise, both physical and mental. Anybody can do it, but the first few times are indeed hard.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    I was the same 3 week ago, now im doing double exercises this week because i WANT to. During the day id feel buzzed and want to exercise but by home time i cbb. I'm not a morning person and with 1.5 hours travel each way for work i dont get much time. Afer exercise i always felt good, but gettting myself to start exercise was always so hard. So I started a challange that got me going and now im doing really well. It was my own challange based on what motivates me but it might work well for you too. I found in the past doing consequitivedays of exercise really motivated me, so when i had done it for 3 days in a row then 4 then 5 i didnt want to break my streak. So my challange is to exercise EVERY day for a month, for 20 mins each day. 20 mins isnt much and u soon realise how easy that is to fit in. To help, im aloud one cheat day each week were i only have to do 5 mins as long as its high intensity like skipping, sprinting. So far 3 weeks ive only used 2 cheat days and the only reason i used them is because of travel delays getting me home 3 hrs late. But obviously use the cheat days as u need them. Might not be your thing but thats how i got myself doing exercise and enjoying it.

    What also really helped me was variety. Last time all i would do is step exercises and the same thing gets boring quick. Now i skip, hula hoop, walk, jog, zumba and rollerblade. all in the comfort of my own home ( unless i feel like going for a walk round the block). and my hrm helps motivate me too because i know what good im achieving! you can even get hrm that set you easy goals of where to get yout heart rate to help you work a little harder

    hope that helps! good luck!
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    I was the same 3 week ago, now im doing double exercises this week because i WANT to. During the day id feel buzzed and want to exercise but by home time i cbb. I'm not a morning person and with 1.5 hours travel each way for work i dont get much time. Afer exercise i always felt good, but gettting myself to start exercise was always so hard. So I started a challange that got me going and now im doing really well. It was my own challange based on what motivates me but it might work well for you too. I found in the past doing consequitivedays of exercise really motivated me, so when i had done it for 3 days in a row then 4 then 5 i didnt want to break my streak. So my challange is to exercise EVERY day for a month, for 20 mins each day. 20 mins isnt much and u soon realise how easy that is to fit in. To help, im aloud one cheat day each week were i only have to do 5 mins as long as its high intensity like skipping, sprinting. So far 3 weeks ive only used 2 cheat days and the only reason i used them is because of travel delays getting me home 3 hrs late. But obviously use the cheat days as u need them. Might not be your thing but thats how i got myself doing exercise and enjoying it.

    What also really helped me was variety. Last time all i would do is step exercises and the same thing gets boring quick. Now i skip, hula hoop, walk, jog, zumba and rollerblade. all in the comfort of my own home ( unless i feel like going for a walk round the block). and my hrm helps motivate me too because i know what good im achieving! you can even get hrm that set you easy goals of where to get yout heart rate to help you work a little harder

    hope that helps! good luck!
    Thanks for the advice, I work out now and it feels good. But I have back issues that have been getting in the steps but getting there!