I never thought I would post on here but I guess I need to vent....against myself. I hit rock bottom tonight! :sad:
I've just started tracking my eating and exercising for the last week and a half and it started out pretty easy. It's interesting to track my food and try to stay within my recommended calories. I was even good this weekend, which consisted mainly of bad foods like battered fish, and pizza two nights in a row! Somehow I managed to not go over by more than 50 calories.
Well something changed today and now, 1000 calories over my limit, I've binged on string cheeze, cookies, raisins, chips and salsa and a Hershey bar to add insult to injury. OMG! What did I do?
It seems like the last few days I've been struggling to understand how some posters on here say they can hardly even consume the amount of recommended calories! I eat two meals and I'm nearing the danger zone. Even my beloved snack of apples and peanut butter is over 300 calories! How do they do it?!
A quick background on me: I work 6-7 hours a day without a lunch so eating a bunch of meals doesn't work well for me; I'm with patients all day and you can't eat in front of them. I don't like cooking, nor do I have time, so I gravitate towards easy foods, sometimes processed. I like to eat healthy and try to as much as possible but it escapes me sometimes.
I'm even noticing my stomach "puffing" out a little bit since the weekend, despite my best efforts at exercise. Oh and the exercise, I've had sore legs for the last few days that just won't go away and it's inhibiting my exercise even.
What's happening to me? Is there a low calorie, filling, (that's an oxymoron in my book) easy to make/carry meal or snack that won't totally sabotage my best efforts? Hmmmm...popcorn sounds good right now.....I'm hopeless. :sad:


  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    I never thought I would post on here but I guess I need to vent....against myself. I hit rock bottom tonight! :sad:
    I've just started tracking my eating and exercising for the last week and a half and it started out pretty easy. It's interesting to track my food and try to stay within my recommended calories. I was even good this weekend, which consisted mainly of bad foods like battered fish, and pizza two nights in a row! Somehow I managed to not go over by more than 50 calories.
    Well something changed today and now, 1000 calories over my limit, I've binged on string cheeze, cookies, raisins, chips and salsa and a Hershey bar to add insult to injury. OMG! What did I do?
    It seems like the last few days I've been struggling to understand how some posters on here say they can hardly even consume the amount of recommended calories! I eat two meals and I'm nearing the danger zone. Even my beloved snack of apples and peanut butter is over 300 calories! How do they do it?!
    A quick background on me: I work 6-7 hours a day without a lunch so eating a bunch of meals doesn't work well for me; I'm with patients all day and you can't eat in front of them. I don't like cooking, nor do I have time, so I gravitate towards easy foods, sometimes processed. I like to eat healthy and try to as much as possible but it escapes me sometimes.
    I'm even noticing my stomach "puffing" out a little bit since the weekend, despite my best efforts at exercise. Oh and the exercise, I've had sore legs for the last few days that just won't go away and it's inhibiting my exercise even.
    What's happening to me? Is there a low calorie, filling, (that's an oxymoron in my book) easy to make/carry meal or snack that won't totally sabotage my best efforts? Hmmmm...popcorn sounds good right now.....I'm hopeless. :sad:
  • soccermommie02
    It will be ok , we are human. Ive been there. Just have to move on. Tomorrow is a new day and dont let one bad day ruin it. It is very easy. A month ago I was doing great and one day turned into 2 day and so on. I gained 6lb. That was a wake up call. I had to realize i will slip but I have to get back up and start over. Only can make you stronger !!
    Good luck ! I am here if you need a friend or support. We have all been down that road ! :smile:
  • julierose
    julierose Posts: 19 Member
    I know! I find this difficult too, because the more I think about food, the more I want sweets and peanut butter! But here are a few suggestions that I have found helpful...
    -Drink your water. You'll hear this over and over again, but it really does help.
    -Try some carrots to snack on. I eat so many of them, sometimes my teeth turn orange, but they are very low in calories and a crunchy snack.
    -Go get some 100 calorie packs. There are many different kinds, so you won't get bored with the same snack every day.
    -Maybe don't put the peanut butter on the apple. If you have enough calories at the end of the day, eat a tablespoon of peanut butter. This satisfies me every time
    -Broccoli is easy to steam and doesn't require much cooking. It's also a good filler at the end of the day.
    I don't know what else to say. I'm also trying to figure this whole thing out, but I thought maybe I could help a little...
    Good luck!
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Been there, done that -- many many many times.
    You gotta get back on track! Don't let this "cheat day" ruin the rest of your journey... If you get to hung up on the fact that you went over calories, it take you over and you'll go off track even longer.

    You can do this!!! Have faith in yourself - and the support you have the wonderful people who are along side you!
    Good luck and happy losing!
  • jburris904
    Don't let it get you down. We all slip. We just have to try again the next day to do better. I work 8 hrs per day and don't really like cooking. Something that works for me are lean cuisine meals, 95% fat free popcorn and drinking my water. Sandwiches are great too. You can load them with lettuce,tomatoes, peppers, onions and that always helps keep me full. I feel like I am eating a lot of food, but really it's a lot of veggies. Don't give up, we have all been there.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yes, it's very hard to keep with it. I had 3 protein bars, trail mix, and pnut butter pretzels after dinner yesterday!!! But today's a new day so I just do the best I can. Are you eating a good breakfast? That really helps in terms of not getting too hungry later. Maybe try eating a healthy meal before work, hopefully you get a 15 min break during work to have a snack? and then something after work. I like to eat a piece of string cheese, a babybel cheese, or a small yogurt with a piece of fruit for snacks.
    Good luck, don't quit!
  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    Thank you all :flowerforyou: You guys are right. This day is over, thank goodness, and I just have to move on. Maybe I just need better preparation skills so I don't have so much junk laying around to grab easily. Ex. Girl Scout Cookies! I hate having to pick myself up after a loss. Tomorrow will be a better day right?! :wink:
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Tomorrow will be a better day right?! :wink:

    Right ! :flowerforyou: