Looking for a support buddy

I am looking for someone to help keep me on track and motivated and I can do the same for them. I'd like for us to check in with eachother to make sure we exercised and give words of advice or encouragement when needed. I would prefer someone my age and female.

Is anyone interested?


  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    what is your age
  • moonblu
    moonblu Posts: 19 Member
    Not sure what your age is......but I am always looking for new support buddies :wink:
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to put that :)
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
  • lessthantres
    lessthantres Posts: 21 Member
    Well, I've got almost a decade on you, but I am always looking for more support!
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    Hey guys (:
    I'm an 18/f. Current weight is 142, goal weight 130. I would love to go lower, but I'm going to take it slow and see how it turns out (:
    If anyones interested feel free to send me a request, because I'd love to make a friend to help me get to my goal!
    Also, if you're gonna add please only do it if it's dedicated, I don't want a huge friends list with strangers :P
    Happy holidays!