protein... too much?

i'm new here and i'm confused about protein. both of the days that i have logged my food intake i've been over on protein. yesterday by 15g and today after i eat dinner i'll be over too -- i only have 6 g left. i found an article on the web stating that protein should = <body weight> x .37 -- that would give me 93g at 254 but the tracker says i should only have 67g without exercise. guess i can just exercise more but i had a ton of calorie burn yesterday and i still went over. how bad is it really? or should i go by the "formula"... kinda confused on this one.



  • sjschwab
    sjschwab Posts: 15
    i'm new here and i'm confused about protein. both of the days that i have logged my food intake i've been over on protein. yesterday by 15g and today after i eat dinner i'll be over too -- i only have 6 g left. i found an article on the web stating that protein should = <body weight> x .37 -- that would give me 93g at 254 but the tracker says i should only have 67g without exercise. guess i can just exercise more but i had a ton of calorie burn yesterday and i still went over. how bad is it really? or should i go by the "formula"... kinda confused on this one.

  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    I think you're just fine. The consensus on the board (I think) is that it's fine to go over on protein, especially if you are working out.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Here is the information I have on proteins.

    Well to make the story short I have found some very good information I thought I would share.

    According to this book, you should have a minimum of .3 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For optimal amounts you should have .7 grams per pound of body weight.

    Make sure you are drinking your water.

    Here are some other things that relate to proteins. Some of you may already know but I thought it was interesting information.

    Less than 200mg of cholesterol per day.
    Less than 7% of your diet should come from saturated fats. So on a 1500 calorie diet that would mean 12 grams, on a 1200 calorie diet it would mean 10 grams of saturated fats.

    Hope this sheds some new light on the protein questions.
  • sbased
    sbased Posts: 14
    :wink: I'm proud of you and you are doing so well. Thanks for working out with me!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Most Americans eat more protein than they really need. The recommendations of the World Health Organization are lower than those of the US RDA. There are a million different formulas out there for how much you really need versus how much you should have, etc. The recommendations on this site are pretty good, in my opinion, but it doesn't sound like you are going so far over to worry about it. There are studies linking high consumption of animal protein to higher rates of osteoporosis, and people on extreme high-protein/low-carb diets can develop kidney problems.

    Just make sure that you are getting a good mix of carbs, fat and protein. It doesn't matter if you hit the numbers exactly every day - they are just a guideline. And, to some extent, go by what your body tells you. If you crave protein, your body might need it. Otherwise, just try to get a wide variety of foods in your diet. If you eat protein because it helps you feel full, you can try adding other filling foods that are higher in fiber or good fats and a little lower in protein - like beans, legumes, nuts, and nut butters. And don't skimp on the veggies! :laugh:
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    I have this problem too. I'm always going over on protein. Even when I'm way under on my calories. I'm not trying to eat low carb/high protein.