Feeling pretty down :(

I joined this site in July and have lost 15 lbs. I have completed 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I am currently doing a C25K and was so proud that I completed a 25 minute run last night.

Today after an unusually tough shift at work, a coworker asked me when I am due to start my maternity leave. But...I'm not pregnant, my son recently turned one. I no longer feel good about my progress. In fact, I feel like I've been wasting my time restricting my diet and leaving my kids with other people to go running.

If any one has any words of encouragement I could really use them right about now.


  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    You can do it! I think you have had all the motivation you need, you're holding it in your profile picture! We all have our "Fat" days the real goal is getting from one day to the next and never looking back!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats on completing your run! That is a good achievement. Don't feel down. It takes time and you are doing it in the right way. This is about YOU! Don't give up or be down. It is never a waste of time to be healthier. You are doing great and you have every right to be proud of yourself for taking the steps to be a better you. :flowerforyou:
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    No Magic words but getting healthy is NEVER a waste of time! Maybe it would help to stop and re-examine what you are doing. Sometimes clearing your plate and starting over will give you a better outlook.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I joined this site in July and have lost 15 lbs. I have completed 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I am currently doing a C25K and was so proud that I completed a 25 minute run last night.

    You have accomplished SO MUCH!! To hell with what one person said to you. I bet they feel REALLY stupid! You are doing great. You gotta keep on keepin' on!!!
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    Hey you are doing great. Do not let a comment like this derail your plan. You have stayed with it this long stick it out my friend!!! The child you are holding has a great mom and wants her here with him for as long as she can be. You have all the tools here to see you thru your MFP journey. If you would like I would love to be your friend / motivator. I can offer anything you need in support. If not I undersatnd and wish you all the success in your MFP journey. You hang in there girl, you can and will get it done!!!
  • BridgetForFitness
    Some days we will be on the mountaintop and other days we will be down in the valley but just remember that you have to make the best out of whatever situation you are in. Trust your decision to get healthy. Be encouraged.
  • sandhillcrane
    awwww. I am so sorry that person made you feel bad. I know it really hurt but try to let it go and keep your healthy new lifestyle. It will pay off!!! Maybe what you were wearing wasn't fitted and like a jerk, they assumed! I could tell you stories about mean stuff I have heard all my life. Do this for YOU!!! You deserve to feel good about yourself and you will if you stay on track!!! DO NOT give up!!! cyber hugs () :flowerforyou:
  • silverfox678
    silverfox678 Posts: 84 Member
    Dont let the stupid remarks of ur coworker bring u down... Stay positive for you and your family . Negative comments have no place in yout goals.
  • sheleb1975
    Your doing great! Don't let some jerk bring you down! You are an insperation to your kids! Juat remember what you are aiming for, you can do it!
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    don't use that one thing as an excuses to stop working out, your 15 down no need to stop just because someone made a mistake. Who's going to watch your kids when your sick or died from being obese? Do it for you one year old! 15# is awesome, keep kicking *kitten*!!!!!
  • jgsinfw
    jgsinfw Posts: 124 Member
    Was this particular co-worker male, young, lacking in tact or just needing a clue in everyday life? It certainly sounds like the person could have been all of these things - I should know, having been all of that (and more) in my time.

    The comment probably wasn't meant to make you feel bad, but rather spoken out of ignorance. Don't let the ignorance of others keep you unhealthy and unhappy - do what you need to do to ensure that you live long and in good health - while the ignorant just get old and ill because they can't be bothered to make the effort that you are making.

    Chin up!
  • 2Sweet
    2Sweet Posts: 12 Member
    Neaveh54 is absolutely right. A child needs his mother and you are working towards a heathy lifestyle so that you can be there for him. The best way to get back at your co-worker is to prove them wrong (keep exercising and eating healthy) and before you know it your co-worker is going to notice that you have lost weight and is going to feel so embarassed :embarassed: that she or he even asked you such a silly question. Keep your head up! :bigsmile:
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    argh ... people can be such poopyheads sometimes.

    i hear the pain in your voice. it's okay to be down for a while. so go ahead; get it out of your system.

    ok, done? ;)

    kidding aside, i'm so *not* making light of where you are right this minute. i've been where you are, pal, and it's suckage with a capital S. but you can SO get past this.

    you know what you have to do, right? pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back at it.

    you can do it. i know it -- you've done it already! you just have to get your head back in the game, and everything else will fall into place.

    what can you do right this minute that's gonna start moving you away from the dark and into the light? bet there's lots of things. go down a big ol' glass of water. go for a walk, stretch, work out hard for a few minutes. if you're hungry, munch on something healthy.

    what i've found in my own journey is that taking action is the first step to getting past the blues. taking SEVERAL actions gets me past 'em even faster. that's what's worked for me, anyway.

    i'm sending you loads of good karma RIGHT THIS MINUTE. use it well. :)

    i encourage you to stay the course; good things WILL happen. rock on!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Don't let this insensitive comment derail you. Years ago before I got pregnant and before I gained all this weight i was struggling and went into a social assistance office to get help. As I walked into the worker's office the first thing she said was "when's the baby due?" I walked out of the office and went home and sobbed my guts out. I ended up getting help from my parents and everything worked out but it was a soul destroying experience. So I can relate to your feelings but with the benefit of hindsight I realize that it was her social blunder and she is the one that should have felt embarrassed. You are doing something far more noble than just losing weight. You are changing your lifestyle so that you can live a healthier more active life. Review your list of why you want to do this and then just start fresh in the morning.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    My advice would be to try and forget what that person said. I know it is not easy, but every time it comes to mind, tell yourself that you are not going to dwell on it. Instead focus on why you are doing this. Imagine how fit and healthy you will be when you can run a 5k, imagine how much energy you will have then to run around and play with your kids... Focus on why YOU are doing this and let that overpower the negative thoughts!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    My advice would be to try and forget what that person said. I know it is not easy, but every time it comes to mind, tell yourself that you are not going to dwell on it. Instead focus on why you are doing this. Imagine how fit and healthy you will be when you can run a 5k, imagine how much energy you will have then to run around and play with your kids... Focus on why YOU are doing this and let that overpower the negative thoughts!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    OOOOO boy! The dreaded "are you pregnant" question!!! I've gotten that before...twice! You should be proud of yourself and how far you have come so far. I have so many comments that I am sure the people that made them cannot even remember the moment those hurtful words left their lips. It is never easy when anyone comments on such a sensitive work in progress. Learn to let comments like these literally fuel your workout. That is what worked for me. Just think while your busting your bunz and sweating... o O (I'll show them..pregnant my *kitten*!)
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Only YOU know truly how much you've improved so who cares what she says.. You have already achieved so much and you're still getting better.
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks everyone!