My story.

I've been here once before. Started out in early July and tracked wonderfully for a few weeks, losing about 5 pounds. Now let me say something here; weight loss is great. You feel ecstatic when you lose those first 10 pounds, maybe even the last 10 pounds... but for some of us, losing the weight we've always wanted to lose sets us a little too free.

It seems like every time I achieve something, I feel entitled to go have some Chinese take-out, or make a batch of cookies all for myself. As soon as I'm feeling comfortable, I cave. I can't let that happen this time.

If you can believe it, I've gained over 26lbs in four months. I'm only 18, and if I keep gaining at this rate, I'll be over 300lbs this time next year. (My weight as of this morning is 226lbs.)

The only ways I've lost weight before is by eating completely raw or just counting calories. I've never been able to eat raw for more than a few days, but I always lose instantly when I'm doing so. Counting calories is effective for me because my desire for organization and food is satiated at the same time.

I'll also mention that I was on a weight loss T.V show back in 2010 (X-Weighted) and lost a total of 30lbs in 5 months. I was biking to school and back a couple times a week, eating 1600 calories a day, running a km or two some evenings and all around choosing healthy foods for my diet. The one negative of the whole thing was that after every televised weigh-in that we filmed, I would reward myself with tons and tons of food. A lot of the time I gained back the weight and then had to work 2X as hard the next week. It was a vicious cycle. I'm now heavier than I was at my heaviest point on that television show... after I said I'd never go back, here I am in the 220's.

I work full-time as a cashier at a hardware/houseware store and on my work days I'm on my feet for 7+ hours. That's been the extent of my physical activity since I got this job in July. After Graduation I stopped seeing most of my friends, didn't have a social life, and so for entertainment and something to do, I ate. (That's how you gain almost 30lbs in 4 months, just in case you wondered.)

Some days I'll eat out 2+ times. Breakfast at the bakery near work, lunch at Subway, dinner at Taco Time, and the list goes on. This is not only completely counter-productive to my weight loss but it's also making me broke. These habits have GOT to go. I'll be doing my best to destroy them.

I met this girl named Missy in the Youtube Weight Loss Community this time last year. She's the light of my life, my best friend, and the person I talk to every single day. She's struggled with her weight her entire life but has just recently found solace in her body and weight. Next summer we're planning on meeting each other (She's in Connecticut, I'm in B.C, Canada) and when we do meet, I want to have found solace as well. I want to be the best me I can be; fit, slim, active, healthy... So that's a huge motivation for me right now.

So here I go, here I start from the bottom once again. Please, if you're reading this, send me a punch in the face that says "Adrienne, do good today, would you?"


  • Loverj79
    Loverj79 Posts: 65 Member
    you can and will do great not well!!!
  • smithfive
    smithfive Posts: 42 Member
    You can do this!!! Think positive, stay focused and maybe ease that fast food out slowly or you may feel deprived and slip back. Good Luck!!
  • jillmarie31
    jillmarie31 Posts: 13 Member
    Adrienne, I was in your place years ago. I was heavy my whole life. My dad works for Frito-Lay (since before I was born) and my parents owned a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store. I was always the fat one of my 2 sisters. One day (September 30, 2003!), something clicked for me. One of my now ex-husband's best friends said something to me that hurt my feelings so bad. I thought, I'm sick of being fat." I lost 14 pounds in that first month. 30 pounds in the first 3 months. Then came a cruise, my birthday, and Christmas all within 2 weeks. When I stepped back on the scale in January and saw I had maintained, I was refocused. From then on, I lost 10 pounds a month... totaling 90 pounds in 9 months. I gave my body a rest and after a few months, decided I wanted more, so I lost 20 in 2 months. I wound up losing more but was too thin. I gained some back (too much!--40ish pounds over the years), and have recently lost over 10 again totaling 101.4 pounds :). It was the hardest thing I did -- even over graduating from college. And I'm faced with the challenge every day... I LOVE to eat. But the reward has been so worth it. I've done 15 half-marathons and will be doing #16 in 2 weeks. If I did it, you can do it. Trust me. And trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Reward yourself with a new song for your iPod. A new pair of workout socks. A new workout tank top. Just believe!!!!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    If you need a reward for those pounds lost maybe buy new nail polish or eyeshadow if you wear make-up. I did a non food related reward system.
    First 10 - manicure
    Second 10 - facial
    Third 10 - new hairstyle & color.
    The list went on. Choose something you would really like. A certain book, maybe a piece of artwork, Just something you would not normally do.

    Its a long road, no doubt about it.

    If you have to eat out make smarter choices. Get rid of all the Junk Food in the house if possible. Even though you're tired beyond belief go for a walk....Even if it is just 20's amazing how much better you will feel. I had to force myself the first few months. Now I just feel off balance if I don't. New habits to replace Old was my motivation. Well.....that and wanting my health back...and my size 10's :wink:

    So buckle down and ramp it up. You CAN do it!!!!!
  • kegonzales
    You can do it. You know what you have to do, you have the tools to be successful. One of the things you need to figure out is why you want to lose weight and is it for a short term goal or a complete lifestyle change. If you are just losing weight to fit that dress for the wedding what happens when you reach that goal. Are you done? If you chose to make it a lifestyle change for the good of your health then the outcome will be more last. Follow the guidelines set out for you by MFP, find rewards that don't include food, and get active. You said you were on your feet 7+ hours a day so that means you will have to work harder to get your exercise in. You will feel better if you do (endorphins are great!). Ride you bike to work, get dropped off at work and jog home. Work out before you go to work. What ever you need to do. You can do it! Keep us posted on your success!