Just starting out

Hello everyone. I just joined the site yesterday. I've been trying to lose weight for a couple years now and have had some success (lost roughly 30 lbs in total from my heaviest point), but the school year is especially where I start to struggle and usually end up gaining some of it back. So the general hope is that having to record what I eat daily will help me avoid mindless eating (which I'm really good at, especially when the stress hits). I want to be about half way to my goal by March when I visit my boyfriend. He thinks I'm beautiful anyway, but I really want to feel beautiful by then for myself and for him.

Anyway, that's a little about myself. Here's to accountability and hoping for the best.


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    hoping doesn't get it done. choose to be your best each and every day, and you will achieve your goals. you can do this. find your inner fierce, be dedicated, and enjoy the WINNING that you will accomplish :)
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Welcome! and Best Wishes to you on your journey!

    Some suggestions I'd make-
    as far as mindless eating goes ( I can SO relate).... read the serving size- and count/measure out NO MORE than what it says- put it in a bowl/on a plate...and put the package/container AWAY...eat it slowly, ENJOY each bite, and don't go back for another serving.
    Log it and drink water along with it....
    not sure how much you like water/how much you drink, but *challenge* yourself to INcrease it a little more each week....
    that is good overall for every part of your health- and it *waters* down temptations too....

    and Log as much as you can ahead of time,
    so that you don't get to the end of the day saying, "uh oh...." and there's no time to exercise off your miscalculations.

    One day at a time, set mini goals for yourself and gather strong, supportive friends- some who've been on this journey a while, and have learned from their own goofs
    and keep encouraging NEW friends who'll join you later on- with whom YOU can share your own experiences
  • tmttn
    tmttn Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! and Best Wishes to you on your journey!
    and keep encouraging NEW friends who'll join you later on- with whom YOU can share your own experiences

    Thank you so much for the advice. Following serving sizes has definitely been something I struggle with, but it is something I hope to be more conscious of. And the water with it is a good idea, too. I drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day currently, and I hadn't thought of increasing it much more, but I will try that as well.

    Thank you for the great advice. :happy:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day currently, and I hadn't thought of increasing it much more, but I will try that as well.


    Don't go OVERboard w/ water- even THAT can be detrimental if you drink TOO MUCH.
    A good rule of thumb is to take your current body weight, divide that number in 1/2. That should equal the number of ounces you should strive to consume.
    That number will decrease as you lose weight.

    If you eat out, you can *expect* that your sodium levels will be through the roof ( just forewarning you- I nearly *croaked* with that revelation!)
    ....that's when REALLY flushing your system with water is helpful- safe to go overboard for a day when that happens.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    sorry double post
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I'm going to bed.......this computer is possessed.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    hoping doesn't get it done. choose to be your best each and every day, and you will achieve your goals. you can do this. find your inner fierce, be dedicated, and enjoy the WINNING that you will accomplish :)

    Love it!!! Great advice. Logging also will make your realize how much you eat.