New and I have PCOS

Josiesirrah1 Posts: 1
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone,

My name is Joslyn. I'm 23? yeah 23 (senior moment). I have been struggling with my weight for a longtime. When I was younger It really wasn't a weight issue more or a self-image issue. That changed once puberty hit and my very out of whack hormones began to rage, ( I was 8/9) early sprouter. 2 to 3 years later I was diagnosed with PCOS. For those of you who don't know that's Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's pretty much a metabolic condition that affects a lot of things from excessive hair growth to fertility issues. Over the last year or so my weight has spiraled out of control. I had got up to 299lbs. and it devasted me. I went on a diet and started to make little eating habit changes and managed to lose 20lbs. Since the initial loss of the 20lbs. I have been stuck and fluctuating between 279-285 lbs. So I'm hoping here I can gain tips and support to help meet my 100lb. wieght loss goal but we shall see. First goal 5lbs. by Jan 1. Wish me luck.


  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    hey, I have PCOS as well, and it makes my weight loss progress VERY slow, but I am doing it anyway! Add me if you want and we can do this together!
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    PCOS here as well. Were trying to concieve...its not goign so well.
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    PCOS here as well. Were trying to concieve...its not goign so well.

    we had issues too, the doctor gave us some meds so we could conceive the first time, we are going to do it again when it is a safe time (December) he wanted us to wait till at least 9 months after the birth of our first born
  • AndreaVSG2014
    AndreaVSG2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I too am also new to this site and also have PCOS. I am 31 and was diagnosed in 2004 however they believe that i have shown symptoms as early as 10 years old when my periods began. I completely understand the frustration with trying to lose weight with PCOS as I have fluctuated between 270 to 315lbs for years. Currently I am at 302 lbs. with my weight checked last week at my RE appointment. I am trying so hard to turn my life around not only for my self but for my family. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 10 years and we have been trying to concieve for 9 years with no success. My RE wants me to start a low glycemic diet plan and an exercise program to help with weight loss. She believes that even with a moderate amount lost that will help us in having a baby. I pray for this blessing. Best of luck to you and anyone trying to lose weight with PCOS. Also, add me to your list if you would like!

  • cinditree
    cinditree Posts: 35 Member
    I also have PCOS, my husband and I have been trying for almost 8 years, I lost 30 lbs last year and got pregnant for the first time after 7 years, but I miscarried :brokenheart: I went into a depression and gained 70 lbs in 9 months. I am trying to take back control of my life, I feel motivated and i love MFP.
  • I have pcos as well. Just take it one day at a time. Feel free to add me.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Hello. I was diagnosed with PCOS by my gyno...probably 4 months ago. I'm not sure how it works that way, but he diagnosed me with it because he couldn't find anything else wrong. I've been depressed with it recently, because having kids has always been a big achievement in my life. I fall into random depressions because of it, but I'm hoping that by losing weight Ill be able to over come whatever is wrong with my body. Feel free to add me, I know we're all in the same boat and it's nice to know I'm not alone in this boat.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    There are a lot of us SoulCysters here. I'm happy to be a friend and cheer you on in your weight loss
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey, welcome! I have PCOS as well. This is a great site which should help you a lot, its helped me. Feel free to add me if you want some support!
  • I have PCOS also. I'm also TTC. Good Luck ladies!
  • Hi Joslyn. I was diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year as well. Mind you I went to another endo who said I didn't have it..
    Signs do say that I do though..
    I understand the struggle you are going through. I gained rapidly and it has been so hard to lose.. I've been battling it for so long.
    Add me if you want to be buddies.. we just need to keep focused and over come it all. .we can do it.
  • Hello, I'm also new here and I'm so glad to have found this thread, it's nice to know I'm not alone on this journey of ttc/pcos and weight loss. Hoping you each reach your dreams. Feel free to add me. :)
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. There are lots of women on here with PCOS. I also have PCOS and am 23 years old. Just don't get discouraged and enjoy each pound that's been lost as a victory. I have been trying to lose weight and it wasn't until I was able to get some medicine to get my thyroid under control that I have been losing weight. 12 pounds so far and that's not very much, but for me it is. Don't give up.

    I get discouraged so often about the infertility issue and the other problems that come with PCOS and the more that I focus on them the more discouraged I get. Start with small goals and you can make it.

    Also, no sugar and no flour has helped me so much! I would encourage others with PCOS to try it too.

    God Bless!
  • Everyone that has PCOS PLEASE add me......I have it too and I need some encouregment....thanx in advance! Arodzwife
  • Hi all, Im new here as well and am TTC. Would appreciate anyone else here adding me as well. The more we support each other, the better the chance we have to follow our dreams!
  • Hi. I'm relatively new too. I may or may not have PCOS. (I'm in the process of getting a second opinion. The diagnosis was made very hastily, and the doc was sort of a jerk about it.) Like some of the other posters, I would like to have children eventually. It's a major motivation for my weight-loss. Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • I'm also new and have PCOS. I've got some support from a new doctor but would be great to also have support from some extra people on here so feel free to add me.
  • i have it too :( lost 30 right away and haven't lost a pound since. i try hard and inches are coming off soooo slow but at least they're coming off. I feel your pain. I really do.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 12 and have done various forms of treatment since then and would happy to offer support and any thoughts from my experience. I also have some links to some great resources for starting out, if you are interested. Feel free to friend me! = )
  • MsRoxyPepper
    MsRoxyPepper Posts: 109 Member
    I have it too. really makes loosing weight a slow, slow process for me. but Im trying to stay mind over matter. Hubby and I have been TTC naturally for several years. now that Im 33 its time to get going. feel free to add me. we can support each other along this journey
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