Fast-5!!! Beginning tomorrow ;)

hi all! After much research I have decided to begin the fast 5 diet as recommended by another Mfp member. I'm very excited and have had success with this type of eating though I wasn't following a specific plan at the time. Anyone care to join me? You can download the ebook for free at I was skeptical about the download but did it at work and it was great! Read the whole thing there today! (don't tell my boss lol )

Hope to hear from you!
Goodbye last 10 lbs! ;)


  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    Just checked out the website...interesting idea. Did the e-book say anything regarding insulin diabetics successfully using this plan without having problems with low blood sugar?
  • samdgood
    samdgood Posts: 18 Member
    i started fast five and the idea that you can eat whatever you want made me stupid. i ate burgers fries pizza desserts... and i quit. well, i read the book and joined support groups and i truly believe in fast five. i'm single so i can eat whenever and whatever i want and i think that really makes it easy. so six months ago i started again. but this time i didn't eat stupid. i try to eat good food, real food and as little processed food as possible. and i've lost 15 lbs!

    i don't stress about my window. i like 11 am to 4 pm or 12 pm to 5 pm. if i stretch it to a 6 or 7 hour window once a week or eat outside my window once a week, i'm ok with that. i'm not losing fast but i am losing. and thats better than before fast five when i was gaining.

    i do very little exercise but i am trying to do more and i think that will help me lose faster.

    good luck to you and contact me anytime for help, support or whatever!