HCG Diet - What is it?/Does it work long term?

I've just stumbled upon the HCG Diet from someone's post. I went to their website (added below) but it just looks like every other diet plan/scheme.

I want to hear from people who are either doing it now, have done it, or anything of the like.

DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK? But even more, does it work LONG TERM? I don't want "Fast result NOW!!" I want Results FOR LIFE :)

(Okay well, I do want fast results but I'd also like the results to continue.)


Also, if anyone wants to add me, I'll accept. I need 'friends' online to help motivate me since I'm not ready yet to ask the people in my real life. :P



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    the drops do nothing and aren't real HCG. And the shots don't do anything either, the weight loss is all due to the massive caloric deficit

    Stein et al. Ineffectiveness of human chorionic gonadotropin in weight reduction: a double-blind study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 29, 940-948

    "HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction."

    Lijesen et al. The effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the treatment of obesity by means of the Simeons therapy: a criteria-based meta-analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1995 Sep;40(3):237-43.

    "There is no scientific evidence that hCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being."

    also see JAMA 236:2495–2497, 1976, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 29:940–948, 1976, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 12:230–234, 1963, S Afr Med J. 1990 Feb 17;77(4):185-9, West Journal of Medicine 127:461–463, 1977, Archives of Internal Medicine 137:151-155, 1977
  • jazzmannca
    Agreed. HCG for weight loss is a fraud. The reason people lose weight is because the "program" is for people to consume less than 600 calories a day in addition to the HCG drops. I'll bet a million dollars that if the same people consumed less than 600 calories a day and didn't take the HCG drops they'd still lose weight!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    HCG protocol involves using a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet). This is only recommended for the morbidly obese, and is proven to not be effective long-term, as most gain the weight back (if not more).

    Here's some info regrading Very Low Calorie Diets...

    UCLA (http://rfoweightloss.med.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=32)

    "A VLCD is primarily for severely or morbidly obese individuals who must lose or wish to lose large amounts of weight as rapidly as possible in a safe manner. "

    National Institutes of Health (http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/low_calorie.htm)

    "VLCDs are designed to produce rapid weight loss at the start of a weight-loss program in patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 and significant comorbidities."

    "Use of VLCDs in patients with a BMI of 27 to 30 should be reserved for those who have medical conditions due to overweight, such as high blood pressure."

    "Many patients on a VLCD for 4 to 16 weeks report minor side effects such as fatigue, constipation, nausea, or diarrhea. These conditions usually improve within a few weeks and rarely prevent patients from completing the program. The most common serious side effect is gallstone formation. Gallstones, which often develop in people who are obese, especially women, are even more common during rapid weight loss. Research indicates that rapid weight loss may increase cholesterol levels in the gallbladder and decrease its ability to contract and expel bile. Some medicines can prevent gallstone formation during rapid weight loss. Your health care provider can determine if these medicines are appropriate for you"

    "Studies show that the long-term results of VLCDs vary widely, but weight regain is common."

    "In addition, VLCDs may be no more effective than less severe dietary restrictions in the long run. Studies have shown that following a diet of approximately 800 to 1,000 calories produces weight loss similar to that seen with VLCDs."

    "For most people who are obese, their condition is long-term and requires a lifetime of attention even after formal weight-loss treatment ends. Therefore, health care providers should encourage patients who are obese to commit to permanent changes of healthier eating, regular physical activity, and an improved outlook about food"

    WebMD (http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/low-calorie-diets)

    "Very low-calorie diets are generally safe when used under proper medical supervision in people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Use of VLCDs in people with a BMI of 27 to 30 should be reserved for those who have medical complications resulting from their obesity."

    "To be healthy, we need a balance of foods from different food groups. It's quite difficult to get good nutrition in as few as 800 calories (even a dietitian would have trouble doing this), especially if one eats the same foods day after day."

    "Also, once you go off the diet, you will likely regain your weight unless you change your lifestyle and commit to healthy eating, regular physical activity, and an improved outlook about food. By sticking to a long-term commitment, you can prevent your weight from drifting back up the scale."
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone approved by the FDA for use in pre-pubertal boys to help aid normal sexual development, and in women to treat fertility problems. hCG is produced by the placenta and is also found in pregnant women’s urine. It is not approved for weight loss and has never been proven by credible peer reviewed science to cause weight loss.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    That is a STEROID and it's highly damaging to internal organs. You're looking for a quick fix and there are no safe quick fixes to rid any of us of our excess fat pounds. You would be very wise to consult your family physician. How much do you value your life? My Fitness Pal is a free online food and exercise diary. It was designed to allow the user to develop their own well-balanced, healthy, nutrition plan combined with their own self-designed exercise program and to record it all, easily on a daily journal online.

    You did not acquire those excess fat pounds overnight and they will not come off that way either. Seek professional, qualified and licensed medical guidance.

    Good luck! :)
    Retired RN
  • awtakontrl
    this diet works, i know first-hand and have also seen results with MANY people i work with.

    yes, you are on a VERY LOW CALORIE DIET, but the shots and/or drops help suppress hunger. you dont feel hungry inbetween meals. well, you may the first day or two, but then you dont!

    LIFE success depends on you. you WILL lose weight, but just like any other diet out there, if you dont change the way you eat and dont exercise, then yes, of course, it you WILL gain it all back!

    this is more of a tool to get people a jump start. seeing results DAILY will give motivation!!

    you're pretty much starting to eat right and be more self-conscious of what you eat, all over again, after the diet.

    it took me a year to lose 55 pounds with just a healthy diet and exercise (i was commited but not over doin' it). i then hit a plateau where i couldnt lose anymore. i did this diet for 23 days and lost 15 pounds. it gave me the "push" i needed. continue to work out and eat healthy and you WILL lose.

    i dont blame the peole who've never tried it to be skeptical, but after seeing it with my own eyes and then WITH MY OWN BODY, i know it works.

    good luck!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    this diet works, i know first-hand and have also seen results with MANY people i work with.

    yes, you are on a VERY LOW CALORIE DIET, but the shots and/or drops help suppress hunger. you dont feel hungry inbetween meals. well, you may the first day or two, but then you dont!

    LIFE success depends on you. you WILL lose weight, but just like any other diet out there, if you dont change the way you eat and dont exercise, then yes, of course, it you WILL gain it all back!

    this is more of a tool to get people a jump start. seeing results DAILY will give motivation!!

    you're pretty much starting to eat right and be more self-conscious of what you eat, all over again.

    it took me a year to lose 55 pounds with just a health diet and exercise (i was commited but not over doin' it). i then hit a plateau where i couldnt lose anymore. i did this diet for 23 days and lost 15 pounds. continue to work out and eat healthy and you WILL lose.

    i dont blame the peole who've never tried it to be skeptical, but after seeing it with my worn eyes and then WITH MY OWN BODY, i know it works.

    good luck!

    stop with this, you lost weight due to the caloric deficit, the drops (which are homeopathic and garbage) or the shots don't do anything. if you think they did, they call that the placebo effect
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    this diet works, i know first-hand and have also seen results with MANY people i work with.

    yes, you are on a VERY LOW CALORIE DIET, but the shots and/or drops help suppress hunger. you dont feel hungry inbetween meals. well, you may the first day or two, but then you dont!

    LIFE success depends on you. you WILL lose weight, but just like any other diet out there, if you dont change the way you eat and dont exercise, then yes, of course, it you WILL gain it all back!

    this is more of a tool to get people a jump start. seeing results DAILY will give motivation!!

    you're pretty much starting to eat right and be more self-conscious of what you eat, all over again.

    it took me a year to lose 55 pounds with just a health diet and exercise (i was commited but not over doin' it). i then hit a plateau where i couldnt lose anymore. i did this diet for 23 days and lost 15 pounds. continue to work out and eat healthy and you WILL lose.

    i dont blame the peole who've never tried it to be skeptical, but after seeing it with my worn eyes and then WITH MY OWN BODY, i know it works.

    good luck!

    stop with this, you lost weight due to the caloric deficit, the drops (which are homeopathic and garbage) or the shots don't do anything. if you think they did, they call that the placebo effect

  • awtakontrl
    the fact of the matter is that i lost weight and KEPT IT OFF! no health issues here caused by it.

    her question was "does it work?"

    my response, is the truth, "YES!"
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    the fact of the matter is that i lost weight and KEPT IT OFF! no health issues here caused by it.

    her question was "does it work?"

    my response, is the truth, "YES!"

    awesome N=1

    and you would have had the same results sans pills/shots and it would have been cheaper
  • klynnwalker4
    All you need to do is eat clean, don't eat too much or too little, and workout. It's so simple. Why anyone would take hormones to lose weight is beyond me. Don't do it. And it's not a long-term thing at all.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    All you need to do is eat clean, don't eat too much or too little, and workout. It's so simple. Why anyone would take hormones to lose weight is beyond me. Don't do it. And it's not a long-term thing at all.

    This seems to have worked for me! My ticker speaks for itself.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    The HCG diet is a dangerous scam promoted by unscrupulous snake oil salesmen.

    That extreme eating plan has made friends of mine very ill. Yes, they lost some weight, but they looked like a deflated balloon. Then the weight came back once they finished and started eating in a normal healthy calorie range. And they were eating good food and exercising too. But the extremely low calorie HCG protocol messed up their metabolism to the point they have to exercise even more than they did before they tried the HCG diet to lose anything now.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is they are using the HCG as a placebo and putting their trust in it. A placebo can be good if the diet plan is not so restrictive, but eating only 500 calories a day can really put your health at risk.

    I know some so-called doctors that have no conscience push the HCG diet on overweight patients to make extra money, but that doesn't change the fact that there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that HCG does anything for weight loss, or that taking HCG in any form will make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day.

    I wish the FDA would take some action on this dangerous diet scam and get ALL the HCG diet stuff off the market and close down all the so-called medical weight loss clinics that push it. It's not right for people to make money running scams that can damage people's health!

    Here are a some good links about the HCG diet that you might want to read before you get any farther into this:






  • wordsofafeather
    All you need to do is eat clean, don't eat too much or too little, and workout. It's so simple. Why anyone would take hormones to lose weight is beyond me. Don't do it. And it's not a long-term thing at all.

    This seems to have worked for me! My ticker speaks for itself.

    YES IT DOES! Wow. 121 lbs. Great job!! :):)
  • wordsofafeather
    Thanks for all the replies everyone!! As anyone would do upon hearing the newest IT diet, I wanted to know about it. Now I definitely do, so seriously thanks!!

    To be honest, I was lazy & didn't really read the website. I skimmed it. I don't like to read websites because of course their product is "THE BEST PRODUCT EVER THAT PRODUCES RESULTS!!!!!" so I decided I'd rather hear from real people.

    I'll stick to eating healthy & exercising :D

    Oh & also: 600 calories a day?! YEESH!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone!! As anyone would do upon hearing the newest IT diet, I wanted to know about it. Now I definitely do, so seriously thanks!!

    To be honest, I was lazy & didn't really read the website. I skimmed it. I don't like to read websites because of course their product is "THE BEST PRODUCT EVER THAT PRODUCES RESULTS!!!!!" so I decided I'd rather hear from real people.

    I'll stick to eating healthy & exercising :D