What do you guys think of this program? One of MFP friends suggested it to me to get me in the habit of strength training. The reviews online are good, but I don't know how much of that is just more advertising. It's kind of expensive, and I'm afraid I will buy it and not stick with it, because that's what happened when I bought my yoga DVDs.

Does it take much room to do? I need some indoor activities as winter approaches. Also, is it time consuming? I don't usually spend much time exercising. My main workout these days is jump rope because it burns calories super fast and it is simple, but at some point I really would like to build some muscle and step things up a notch or two.


  • MamaMonkey
    All of Chalean's workouts are great!! This one works on building muscle. You can't really go wrong with her.
  • gumigal82
    What do you guys think of this program? One of MFP friends suggested it to me to get me in the habit of strength training. The reviews online are good, but I don't know how much of that is just more advertising. It's kind of expensive, and I'm afraid I will buy it and not stick with it, because that's what happened when I bought my yoga DVDs.

    Does it take much room to do? I need some indoor activities as winter approaches. Also, is it time consuming? I don't usually spend much time exercising. My main workout these days is jump rope because it burns calories super fast and it is simple, but at some point I really would like to build some muscle and step things up a notch or two.

    I would also like some reviews from someone who has done this:)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm almost done with the program, and I really like Chalene's energy. You do 3 strength training workouts/week and two cardio. The strength training videos last about 30 mins each, and the cardio ones are longer, some reaching 45 mins.

    I do the exercises in my tiny living room by moving the table against the wall. I don't think you need much space.
    I recommend it!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    What about equipment? What do I need to get as far as weights or resistance bands go?
  • Shanphichloe
    Love it! Easy to follow! Great for beginners or intermediate levels! Did I mention I love it? I'm starting it again, this will be my third time at it and I get great results from it. Don't be afraid of it and you will not bulk up. I get nice muscle definition and it gets me lean.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Don't worry, I'm not afraid of bulking up. I only get bulky when I get fat. :) I would LOVE some muscles right about now!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    This will be my last 10% reward to myself before I hit goal. I have friends who have done it and love it just as much, if not more than, P90X. From what I remember, it's only about 30-40 mins and there are different phases. Did you look at the Beachbody site and watch the video clip? I'm excited to try it, but I have about 50 more lbs to lose before I can have it.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm almost at day 60, and I love it! It works, too. I'm definitely getting stronger and leaner. (My husband likes to feel my back. :-)
    Chalene is good about giving tips to save your knees, which is a concern since my knee injury a few months ago. One individual demonstrates using the resistance bands for each exercise. At least one individual demonstrates modifications for those who can't quite do the exercise or who want to keep an exercise low-impact. I purchased the deluxe version, which came with extra cardio and ab workouts.

    Equipment? I purchased dumbbells and haven't used the resistance bands that came with the set, but I'm thinking of taking the bands on my Christmas cruise, which coincides with my last week of the 90-day program. Chalene uses the Bowflex Select-Tech dumbbells, which are expensive. My heaviest dumbbells are 20 lbs, and I'm ready to go heavier. Since I plan to use the program for a long time (there's a Lean for Life plan included), I ordered a Select-Tech set just yesterday from a seller on EBay who has the best price I could find ($273, including shipping).

    Space? I exercise my living room, which isn't large. I move the coffee table next to the couch.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    It's a really great super manageable program that gets results. I'm almost done with the 3rd Phase and my arms and shoulders now have definition and there is no more cottage cheese on my butt and legs!

    Equipment - you can use dumbbells or resistance bands (there's always one person showing you how to do it with the bands).
    If you go with dumbbells, you'll need a good range. Personally I have sets of 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 & 25 and I use all of them. Actually, I probably need a set of 30s but have been putting it off. Would love the Select Techs, but can't afford them.
    If you go with the bands you'll also want a range: light, medium and heavy.

    Each phase lasts 4 weeks and has 3 different lift classes.
    Burn Phase - classes are 30 - 35min long. Compound moves, working arms and legs at same time doing 12 reps each.
    Push Phase - classes are 30 - 35min long. Singular moves, working one muscle group at a time doing 8 reps each.
    Lean Phase - classes are 38 - 45min long. Compound moves, working arms and legs at same time doing 12 reps each.

    The two cardio classes are 30min and 45min and are both boot camp style intervals - no choreography or dance-y stuff.

    Remember you are MUCH stronger than you think you are and GO HEAVY! I totally surprised myself and did more than I ever thought possible. The body is an amazing and resilient thing, do not underestimate it and you will transform your body.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    its a good program, and I would recommend it.

    I currently do not use it now, as I have moved on to P90X, which I personally prefer. It suits me, and my goals better.

    But I think Chalene Extreme is very good also. Similar style, shorter program, different trainer. I still use it now and then for a change of pace. :)

    It will help you build muscle, just keep pushing your weight ranges to higher levels, once you master form, and as you gain strength. (go at your speed, no one elses)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I went from a size 14 to a size 6 doing CLE. Love it. You can see my transformation video at
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    I am a Chalean Extreme Grad, and it is a GREAT program!
  • LeisureRunner
    Hmm seems there are a lot of "coaches" here. LOL
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I'm not a coach...

    The beauty of the CLX is that each exercise also works your Core, because you're lunging, squatting or lifting your legs when you're lifting the weights.

    I completed a round of CLX back in the summer, and after the 1st (Burn) phase (4 weeks), I lost 7 inches over my body... 3 of those were from my waist and I had only lost 5 pounds during that time.

    I went on to lose another 8-9 pounds and another 5 inches all over... but I wasn't super strict with my diet and I didn't exactly follow the schedule.

    So, I would say it works...!
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    I'm in week two. Coming from completing P90X- I admit I've had a hard time adjusting. It's nice to have shorter workouts though....
    I think in the end I will be happy with the results. I can tell there are several exercising where I can lift heavier weight already.
