"My Fitness Coach"

Anyone use this Wii game ("My Fitness Coach") for cardio?

If so, have you figured out a way to make the workouts really focus more on cardio? Even when you make cardio your "focus", it seems you still spend about a third of your workout doing "leg extensions", "plie squats", and "hip abductions."

I understand that strength training is an integral part to losing weight, but it just seems a waste of time to focus a third of my effort on toning my butt (I'm a guy, my butt is not the problem, my belly is!)

Anyway, if anyone has figured anything out on this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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  • ledward
    ledward Posts: 15
    Anyone use this Wii game ("My Fitness Coach") for cardio?

    If so, have you figured out a way to make the workouts really focus more on cardio? Even when you make cardio your "focus", it seems you still spend about a third of your workout doing "leg extensions", "plie squats", and "hip abductions."

    I understand that strength training is an integral part to losing weight, but it just seems a waste of time to focus a third of my effort on toning my butt (I'm a guy, my butt is not the problem, my belly is!)

    Anyway, if anyone has figured anything out on this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    doing a full body workout isn't exactly a bad thing, but if you really truly only want the cardio, why not just increase the exercise duration to 90 minutes for the cardio workout. Maya is still going to devote a percentage to the calisthenic exercises, but that will increase your cardio duration.

    Generally the program seems to devote 1/2 of your total workout time to the 'focus' of that session, but since your 'focus' is going to be cardio, it should be about 5/6 of the total time. 75 minutes should get you an hour of cardio.
  • ledward
    ledward Posts: 15
    Sounds good. I'll try it.

    By the way, I know what you're saying about how working the whole body is a good thing. I'm a firm believer in the whole circuit training/intervals thing. It's just that sometimes, especially when I have already done weight training at the gym that day, I just wanna pound out some straight cardio without re-working muscles I have already trained earlier.

    Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it :smile:

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  • KrazyKatie
    HI! I finally got to do my first workout with Maya today.
    I'm thinking I way underestimated my abilities.
    But I also didn't have a ton of time to devote, and I had no idea what to expect.
    I know this will be a great one for me!
  • ledward
    ledward Posts: 15
    Yeah, I think that you will really love it, it is a great workout that requires little equipment. I do mine in my living room with a step up bench and a pair of dumbbells.

    As far as the part where you said you "underestimated your abilities", I say, "Wow, that's great!"

    Maya just about killed me in the first three days!! I couldn't even do the heel jacks for the whole cycle.

    What I really like about it is that you can keep upping the intensity level as you get better at the exercises and build up your endurance. I think you are really going to get a lot out of it, hope you continue to enjoy it!

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  • nikkisapp
    i have been working out with MFC for about 2 weeks now its a pretty good workout. i like that u can increase or decrease ur work difficulties.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I use my HRM when working out with My Fitness Coach and my heartrate stays just as high or higher doing the squats and lunges. I burn a ton of calories.