Hello Everyone

This is my first week on MFP, I have been tracking my calories through the mobile app and although I have not been doing everything how I should, I have manage to lose 3.6 lbs :) Hope everyone had a wonderful week also:smile:


  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    GREAT job in the weight loss. I wish you continued success in a journey to a more healthy YOU!!!

  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    great job!!!! You have a great week too!!!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Nice!! Keep up the good work! It's not about making all the changes at once- I think that is very self destructive. But if you are taking smaller, more manageable steps and can see a difference in the choices you are making- you are successful. Good luck!
  • cmellon713
    You go girl, I am just starting again and am sooooo not motivated. Your success is motivating.
  • danystormborn
    danystormborn Posts: 36 Member
    Well done so far! And good luck :)