Concerned Reader

So I've been on here a few weeks now, but I am a bit concerned about some people here on MFP.

Reading some of the boards is quite distressing as I feel some people aren't doing this the healthy way. If you're unsure if your weight loss is "normal", or your concerned about only eating 1200 calories, then please GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

Does anyone else get this same feeling? I really do worry about some people here, and it makes me sad :(


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I agree completely. People also don't seem to realize that calories are a unit of energy, and your body NEEDS a certain number to survive. Netting under 1200 on a regular basis is extremely dangerous and detrimental to your health, and I see people congratulating the diaries of friends who do this. It makes me sad to think how some people treat their bodies. You only get one; you need to sustain it!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yes. I worry, but at the same time, I have to respect that people have the right to do things their own way. It seems to me that people feel a need to see quick results, so they don't lose momentum.

    If more people viewed this as a health aide, rather than a weight loss aide, I think we would see less under-eating.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    I agree completely. People also don't seem to realize that calories are a unit of energy, and your body NEEDS a certain number to survive. Netting under 1200 on a regular basis is extremely dangerous and detrimental to your health, and I see people congratulating the diaries of friends who do this. It makes me sad to think how some people treat their bodies. You only get one; you need to sustain it!
    good to hear I'm not the only one who is concerned. It really is rather sad seeing some of the posts!
  • rochey1098
    Mmm I've noticed. It lines up with the general "quick fix" mentality that exists in most other things... everyone is looking for a faster way through but the truth is that if it was easy then there wouldn't be a problem to fix.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Be sure you know the details before condemning people for their choices...just sayin' I am a low carber and my diary reflects that I am well under 1200 all the time, but I am on a diet plan being monitored by professionals...doctors and dieticians because of my family history and odd metabolism.

    it's funny that people are ok with fasting, or zig zaging, but not dipping below the almighty 1200 cals. There is not just one way to do this. I fully agree, anyone should see their doctor before beginning as well as checking in with them periodically to be sure what you are doing is safe and you are healthy.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    maybe some people haven't gotten the hang of things yet. When I joined this site I was only logging in what I ate -- I was curious to see how much I was eating and like the rest of you, wanted to lose some weight.. I was only netting around 600-900 calories. I rarely hit 1000. It wasnt because I was desperate to lose weight, its because that's how I'd became accostumed to eating. I didnt eat breakfast, I didnt eat lunch, I ate when my fiance got home and we ate dinner together (a big meal) and that's all I'd eat. After a few weeks of being on the site, I realized what things I should be eating and what I shouldn't, how many times a day I should eat and that I needed to excercise.

    Maybe some of these people just havent gotten the hang of things, it took me a while to get my cal intake up to 1200, when your not used to eating that much during the day or when you first wake up, its hard to get used too, because eating that little was a habit. a really bad habit that people on MFP helped me to break.

    Now if your talking about people who are really trying to eat that little to see faster results, then they'll find out quickly that yeah you'll lose weight but after a while, your gunna gain it back & then some. -- thats what happened to me, for years I just told myself I wasnt meant to be skinny, but really I am, im just not supposed to eat under 1200 calories and eat one big meal a day.

    let um learn the hard way, sometimes thats the only way they'll learn.
  • complete_tease
    complete_tease Posts: 214 Member
    Be sure you know the details before condemning people for their choices...just sayin' I am a low carber and my diary reflects that I am well under 1200 all the time, but I am on a diet plan being monitored by professionals...doctors and dieticians because of my family history and odd metabolism.

    it's funny that people are ok with fasting, or zig zaging, but not dipping below the almighty 1200 cals. There is not just one way to do this. I fully agree, anyone should see their doctor before beginning as well as checking in with them periodically to be sure what you are doing is safe and you are healthy.

    I don't see the OP condemning people for this just showing her concern. If you are under a doctors care that is wonderful. However there are a multitude of posts from people that are not under a doctors care and are clearly not eating in a way that is good for their long term health.
  • AmyLeighWarren
    You are right Leonie it is a concern and some people dont use this tool properly. I am on a 1200 calorie day and have to exercise everyday to earn more, there is no way i could survive on that little food. I dont know why people starve them selves it doesnt achieve anything. MFP will actually tell me off if I dont reach my 1200 cal goal, not that that is ever a problem, you just try and stop me eating every little bit im allowed lol
  • AmythistRae
    No one is going to like my response but the truth is there is no right way or wrong way..,There is your way and my way...A person is always looking for a quick fix in anything in life..the great job, win the lottery, buy the car before we can afford it, credit cards up to high. Bigger houses we all want what we don't have....and there is always more than the "regulated" way to do it....

    If life was the simple black and white that is always suggested then the government would have a lot of drones running around....1200 is not a magical number....there is many ways to live...just like life......

    Lord knows at least half of what we have been taught in life is full of crap...if not why would the information we read about health and eating be wrong too....just my two cents...
  • Abusser
    Abusser Posts: 22 Member
    I have trouble eating over 1200 calories a day not because I think it is going to help me lose weight but b/c I get so into my work or I'm stressed or I just don't feel hungry. I know I need to eat 5 small meals a day to get healthier, increase my metabolism and lose weight... also I would have more energy. I just have trouble doing it. My fiance even makes and brings me food and keeps checking back to make sure I eat it.

    Most people would find it hard to believe that one reason I am 70 + lbs overweight is b/c I don't eat enough most days. I'm trying to make a change and that is why I'm here. If I ate "correctly" I wouldn't be here.

  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    So I've been on here a few weeks now, but I am a bit concerned about some people here on MFP.

    Reading some of the boards is quite distressing as I feel some people aren't doing this the healthy way. If you're unsure if your weight loss is "normal", or your concerned about only eating 1200 calories, then please GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

    Does anyone else get this same feeling? I really do worry about some people here, and it makes me sad :(

    I am just seconding or thirding the notion that 1200 is not some set in stone caloric intake requirement. In fact many nutritionists are always in debate regarding this because some people simply have different metabolisms and different bodily reactions too food and exercise.

    What I see here often is the problem that some people have with the 1200 recommendation by mfp, this is an app/ website developed as a tool, this is not a scientific or medically accurate function. They make no claims too be so. My doctor suggests I do metabolism spikes? Some people would consider that unhealthy but this is by recommendation of two different medical professionals. Meaning they actually recommend me a 288 lb 6 foot 28 year old, yes to go down to like 1100-1300 calories then go up to like 2k-3k calories then go back down. Yeah, it gets me over the humps I have but its not long term.

    So to answer your question: No I am not distressed, concerned nor do I really care. People are people and they will either do something stupid, think that other people are doing something stupid or will simply be stupid.
  • KendaVSG
    KendaVSG Posts: 147
    quote from user:
    "I am just seconding or thirding the notion that 1200 is not some set in stone caloric intake requirement. In fact many nutritionists are always in debate regarding this because some people simply have different metabolisms and different bodily reactions too food and exercise.

    What I see here often is the problem that some people have with the 1200 recommendation by mfp, this is an app/ website developed as a tool, this is not a scientific or medically accurate function. They make no claims too be so. My doctor suggests I do metabolism spikes? Some people would consider that unhealthy but this is by recommendation of two different medical professionals. Meaning they actually recommend me a 288 lb 6 foot 28 year old, yes to go down to like 1100-1300 calories then go up to like 2k-3k calories then go back down. Yeah, it gets me over the humps I have but its not long term.

    So to answer your question: No I am not distressed, concerned nor do I really care. People are people and they will either do something stupid, think that other people are doing something stupid or will simply be stupid."

    AMEN!!!! I wish more people would think like this!!

    I very rarely manage to get over 1000 calories a day (unless I have a day of nothing but fast food, which I've done ONCE in the past two months) and only about 6 glasses of water in. I am logging everything in. I am very thankful for the support of my friends instead of being bashed and criticized for what I do differently from them or their beliefs. I am not on here to be judged. If I wanted to be judged I would go to the mall and stand in window. I am here for support on my journey. If anyone else is here for the same please feel free to add me. BUT only if you can support and not judge me too.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    ive seen it alot also, some eating under 1000 daily, are women that are already small looking to lose ALOT of weight, im talkin like 115-125lbs wanting to go as low as 90! thats crazy, why would they want to do that?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    No one is going to like my response but the truth is there is no right way or wrong way..,There is your way and my way...
    I disagree. There is a wrong way. Starving yourself to the point that you are damaging your health is the wrong way to do it, not just a matter of opinion. And that (I believe) is what OP is concerned about, not just people who don't have the same philosophy as she does.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    quote from user:
    "I am just seconding or thirding the notion that 1200 is not some set in stone caloric intake requirement. In fact many nutritionists are always in debate regarding this because some people simply have different metabolisms and different bodily reactions too food and exercise.

    What I see here often is the problem that some people have with the 1200 recommendation by mfp, this is an app/ website developed as a tool, this is not a scientific or medically accurate function. They make no claims too be so. My doctor suggests I do metabolism spikes? Some people would consider that unhealthy but this is by recommendation of two different medical professionals. Meaning they actually recommend me a 288 lb 6 foot 28 year old, yes to go down to like 1100-1300 calories then go up to like 2k-3k calories then go back down. Yeah, it gets me over the humps I have but its not long term.

    So to answer your question: No I am not distressed, concerned nor do I really care. People are people and they will either do something stupid, think that other people are doing something stupid or will simply be stupid."

    AMEN!!!! I wish more people would think like this!!

    I very rarely manage to get over 1000 calories a day (unless I have a day of nothing but fast food, which I've done ONCE in the past two months) and only about 6 glasses of water in. I am logging everything in. I am very thankful for the support of my friends instead of being bashed and criticized for what I do differently from them or their beliefs. I am not on here to be judged. If I wanted to be judged I would go to the mall and stand in window. I am here for support on my journey. If anyone else is here for the same please feel free to add me. BUT only if you can support and not judge me too.

    This was not meant to be a judging post at all!!!
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    No one is going to like my response but the truth is there is no right way or wrong way..,There is your way and my way...
    I disagree. There is a wrong way. Starving yourself to the point that you are damaging your health is the wrong way to do it, not just a matter of opinion. And that (I believe) is what OP is concerned about, not just people who don't have the same philosophy as she does.

    Thank you :happy:

    I understand that people have their own way of doing this, but there are still some very concerning posts.
    It is a fact that your body needs fuel to stay alive!

    Am I not allowed to be concerned? You never know, this post MAY have helped someone!
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I'm more concerned with the people trying to "loose" weight
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned about people 'netting' under 1200 calories, since MFP can overestimate the amount of calories burned by an individual and I try to account for that by not eating 'ALL' of my exercise calories back, which means I will consistently net under 1200 calories. However, I do eat over 1200 calories a day, and usually average between 1400 and 1500. I just don't 'net' 1200 calories because according to my bodymediafit, MFP overestimates my calories burned by quite a lot.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned about people 'netting' under 1200 calories, since MFP can overestimate the amount of calories burned by an individual and I try to account for that by not eating 'ALL' of my exercise calories back, which means I will consistently net under 1200 calories. However, I do eat over 1200 calories a day, and usually average between 1400 and 1500. I just don't 'net' 1200 calories because according to my bodymediafit, MFP overestimates my calories burned by quite a lot.

    I didn't actually say I personally thought it was bad eating udner 1200, I said "If you're unsure if your weight loss is "normal", or your concerned about only eating 1200 calories, " emphasis on "or you're". If MFP suggests an individual should eat 1200, and that individual has concerns, then they should see a doctor/dietician etc to "double check" that they are being healthy. It may actually be the case that only eating 1200 is perfectly fine for that individual... But it never hurts to double check with a professional :smile:

    PS: your dog is beautiful :heart:
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I agree, some posts are concerning and some diaries as well. There is a right and wrong and you for example don't help yourself, if you stay way under your calories but all you eat are carbs - you will at some point lack basic and important nutrition. I am more worried about how much people worry about actually bodyweight and the BMI - both are not necessarily an indicator for good health :/
    Anyway, at the end of the day, though one cannot make a full assessment when only having access to certain information ^^