Losing weight for appearance, not health.



  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Yep, I'm healthy. And usually I feel pretty attractive.

    But I want to lose some "vanity" pounds. I want to feel and look my best. Why not?
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Have to agree with most of the posts..... I mean, we would be lying, I suspect, if we said we didn't care about how we look. I started it because I was obese and unfit. But each smaller size of jeans certainly makes me feel fabulous.. I'm 57 and not really pretty - but still, we ALL love to look better and feel better. Luckily, as we get fit, we feel better about ourselves and we naturally look better as we get improved self esteem, etc. It all is one big package which is what is so great about it! :happy:
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    My main motivation is to look better. Even though I am really overweight I am also healthy. Not diabetic, no high blood pressure, nothing other than asthma, but I've had that since I was 6 months old so I am not counting that as weight related. I just hate how I look and I am really insecure. That is why I am here.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm here to get fit and be the healthiest I can. I have had no health issues other than my extra pounds. But I think that by getting fit you automatically look better, so they go hand in hand. Thin does not automatically equal sexy. A huge part of sexy is state of mind, and that comes from confidence in yourself. For me, that confidence comes from knowing I'm healthy and fit, regardless of being at the top or bottom end of my healthy weight range. For some, that confidence comes from being a certain size. I don't think there's anything wrong with losing weight to look good as long as a person is making sure they are doing it in a healthy way, not starving themselves, and not trying to get to an unrealistic size and create some kind of complex. And I think any "normal" person can be sexy - it's all a state of mind! - as long as you find your inner sexiness in a healthy way, I don't think it matters how you get there, if that makes sense.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I definitely care about how I look and I want to wear a certain size. Most of my nicer clothing is a much smaller size.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm not losing weight for my health, I am generally healthy and my weight does not cause me any issues.

    I wondered how many other people are also losing weight just to look and feel better?

    You know.. those of us aiming to look sexy, and stop being just... normal.?

    when I started my journey, I was only doing it for apperance. I looked horrible and felt horrible. Know it' s more about happiness and health but can't deny I like what I see when I pass that mirror and that continues to motivate me. :blushing:
  • lkirchherr
    that's what i'm doing! i'm at a healthy weight, but i just want to lose ten more pounds to just feel better about myself.
    people who know i'm trying to lose weight are always like "you don't need to lose weight, you're not fat" and i know that, but i'm still going to try to lose those last extra pounds anyway!
  • kpkent1
    Totally for appearance - and to reward myself with a much deserved tummy tuck after 3 c-sections! Nothing went back to where it was 6 years ago.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Healthy weight doesn't put you in the category of "healthy". There are many people out there that are at a healthy weight and don't exercise, get in there essentials and are generally unconditioned to do any strenuous exercise for a short period of time.
    If you continue to exercise and eat well, you will get the appearance you try to attain.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Vanity is definitely a huge factor for me as well. But vanity is not just about appearance; being able to lift heavy is an ego-booster too! :wink:

    I think for many of us, it's hard to truly appreciate health until we find ourselves in SERIOUS, imminent health trouble, like getting a major surgery for a life-threatening condition, or becoming permanently disabled. Thankfully I have not been in such a situation yet.... so while my head fully understands that health is invaluable, my heart understands it only vaguely, if you get what I'm saying.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Looks play a major part in this for me and was the initiating factor, but the more I get into it, the more I want to loose/gain for heatlh.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Poeple lose weight to look good naked!

    Not all people. Some think they look good naked without losing weight. I think this is my biggest weight loss problem. I think I carry weight nicely and usually think I look better naked naked than in clothes whether I have 120 lbs or 160 lbs. I do think I look better when I'm thinner, but I think it's harder to lose weight when you already think you look good (naked or not). That's why I focus on health, which has always been good too.
  • fatty2fit88
    fatty2fit88 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm losing weight to rock a bikini :) and not be soft!! to look good (naked)
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I am losing weight for both. I just turned 36 and its just dawning on me that I am not getting any younger lol
  • altweimann
    altweimann Posts: 13 Member
    When I started workout in May I was overweight by 30 pounds but didn't have any health issues. I knew i was lucky that I didn't have any health issues but I knew that it would catch up to me soon then later.My mother was skinny and looked healthy but she didn't eat much and by age of 54 she died of cancer.So my number one reason is to be healthy and since I lost the weight I look hell alot better but I love feeling my muscles under my skin and how when I run up a set of stairs I don't feel out of breath.I beleive sexy comes with having pride in yourself and what you have accomplish.