The Hcg Diet...



  • alisharedden
    It does work... But it is so strict! I lost weight rapidly. Maybe about 35 pounds. But as soon as I got off of the drops I gained the weight back. I was dieting while this happened to. The diet also does not allow you to exercise. Which is not healthy!

    I bet you stopped the 500 cal restriction at the same time you stopped the drops.

    I was advised to stay on it 2 weeks after the drops and slowly introduce more calories & that is what I did.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Once the HCG is in your system, you NEVER feel the 500 calorie regimen is not so hard. You cannot overloose....your body will not let you lose more than you have of stored will just quit losing on the HCG.

    So pregnant women (who have loads of HCG in their systems) dont' ever feel hungry?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    When I was pregnant, I was always hungry. lol. ;) I guess HCG failed me.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Hi all... I have been looking into the Hcg drops for some time now and I know there's a lot of negative feedback on them but really what harm can it do??.. If it doesn't work at least I know I tried..

    What harm can it do?

    Loss of lean muscle mass from severely restricting your calories.

    I've read that it can do some serious damage to your metabolism.

    And I don't know.. but I'd rather not take something that tells my body it is pregnant when it isn't. Just doesn't seem like a good idea.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Once the HCG is in your system, you NEVER feel the 500 calorie regimen is not so hard. You cannot overloose....your body will not let you lose more than you have of stored will just quit losing on the HCG.

    So pregnant women (who have loads of HCG in their systems) dont' ever feel hungry?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    When I was pregnant, I was always hungry. lol. ;) I guess HCG failed me.

    Maybe our problem when we're pregnant is that we're peeing out all of our hunger-controlling HCG. LOL

    For real though, I would NOT do it on my own, no matter how overweight/obese I was. If I was so bad off that I really *needed* to lose a lot of weight extremely fast for medical reasons, I'd seek out an experienced weightloss dr/nutritionist/dietician and work out a plan specifically for me and my body. I wouldn't start eating 500 calories a day on a whim. MFP has an excellent program in place that works well for lots of people when they follow it correctly, and it allows you to eat enough so that you can get in important nutrients/vitamins/etc. And it allows you to have the energy to exercise, which is important for limiting the amount of muscle mass you lose while losing weight. The only way I would do such extreme restriction is if my dr. said it was absolutely necessary to lose a lot of weight in a very short timeframe for medical reasons. Like if I had to lose as much weight as possible within a month to qualify for some kind of life-saving surgery. That is my personal opinion, others will differ of course. :-)

    OP, have you been following the MFP recommendations and not seeing the results you thought you'd see? If you want, you can post some info about where you are (weight, height, etc) and what you've been doing (calorie goals, nutrition, exercise) and maybe some of the awesome smart people on the site can give some suggestions that might help you out. I learn new things all the time just reading where much more informed people post all kinds of facts and theories. There are people on here that have done a lot of research and can cite their sources. Or if you feel like you have been following the plan really well and it's just not working, you could consider going somewhere that they can do metabolic testing to get your real BMR/maintenance/etc numbers. The numbers that MFP works out are estimates based on formulas calculated from your info. They are really really good estimates for a lot of people, but some people that go and have metabolic testing done do find that their real numbers are different. And then some people have medical conditions that require a different approach to losing weight or special dietary restrictions (like women with PCOS, diabetics, etc).
  • 5starshelly
    5starshelly Posts: 43 Member
    Once the HCG is in your system, you NEVER feel the 500 calorie regimen is not so hard. You cannot overloose....your body will not let you lose more than you have of stored will just quit losing on the HCG.

    So pregnant women (who have loads of HCG in their systems) dont' ever feel hungry?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    The HCG in their system is what allows them to Puke everyday for the first trimester and still grow a healthy baby. It triggers the burning of fat stores when a pregnant woman can't keep any food down due to morning sickness.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Once the HCG is in your system, you NEVER feel the 500 calorie regimen is not so hard. You cannot overloose....your body will not let you lose more than you have of stored will just quit losing on the HCG.

    So pregnant women (who have loads of HCG in their systems) dont' ever feel hungry?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    The HCG in their system is what allows them to Puke everyday for the first trimester and still grow a healthy baby. It triggers the burning of fat stores when a pregnant woman can't keep any food down due to morning sickness.

    Babies don't require much extra energy in the first trimester since they are so tiny. And won't fat be burned when you're not eating maintenance calories regardless of HCG? I mean everyone else doing MFP without HCG and eating their calorie goals is burning fat.
  • 5starshelly
    5starshelly Posts: 43 Member
    Once the HCG is in your system, you NEVER feel the 500 calorie regimen is not so hard. You cannot overloose....your body will not let you lose more than you have of stored will just quit losing on the HCG.

    So pregnant women (who have loads of HCG in their systems) dont' ever feel hungry?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    The HCG in their system is what allows them to Puke everyday for the first trimester and still grow a healthy baby. It triggers the burning of fat stores when a pregnant woman can't keep any food down due to morning sickness.

    Babies don't require much extra energy in the first trimester since they are so tiny. And won't fat be burned when you're not eating maintenance calories regardless of HCG? I mean everyone else doing MFP without HCG and eating their calorie goals is burning fat.
    Someone who did the diet said they were not hungry on 500 calories a day. On a VLC diet without the drops that doesn't happen. You'd be starving. The reason you aren't hungry is because it's burning fat stores. Rather than your muscle. Which is what the hormone does when you are pregnant. Which is why you can not keep anything down for 3 months and NOT feel hungry. While you are sometimes losing weight! And that the cells multiplying at such a rapid rate causes MOST pregnant women to be exhausted the first trimester. Regardless of whether or not they have morning sickness. So I'd argue that takes a great deal of energy.
    And people doing MFP who journal are losing 2lbs a week. People on the HCG Diet lose .5 lbs to a 1 lb a day. And whether or not you keep it off depends on how well you do on the phases AFTER the VLC phase. The phase 3 is much like the The South beach diet. And actually The VLC phase is much like that plan as well. It's getting rid of your cravings for Sugar, starch and white carbs. If you come out of the VLC phase and start eating cookies and French Fries yeah, you are going to gain it all back. But I would argue that MOST people need to really limit their refined sugar and carb intake in general. And I think that the journaling is great. All the time. But I also understand wanting to lose more than 4-8lbs a month.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    As a breast cancer survivor, this diet concerns me for reasons in addition to those already stated. There are some breast cancers that are hormone-fed (typically estrogen), and those women who have had this type of cancer are warned to be very cautious about becoming pregnant after cancer because of the increased chance of a recurrence or new primary cancer. Although HCG isn't estrogen, it still seems logical to me that it could impact the chances of developing a cancer, either now or down the road, because it messes with your female hormones. To me, it sounds way too risky, especially if you have a personal history or family history of breast cancer.
  • purplecrazyplums
    I know someone that does it, and was put on it by their doctor, so I've been researching it to the best of my ability, however it is not healthy at all. They say the drops you can buy have so little of what is needed to use it as a weight loss tool that its a waste. The true reason you drop so quickly is that you are eating 500 calories a day. Anyone can eat that and lose weight quickly, however it is not healthy and you are very tired and have loss of energy and essential vitamins. I thought about it but after reading up on it I wouldn't recommend it.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    The reason you aren't hungry is because it's burning fat stores. Rather than your muscle. Which is what the hormone does when you are pregnant. Which is why you can not keep anything down for 3 months and NOT feel hungry. While you are sometimes losing weight! And that the cells multiplying at such a rapid rate causes MOST pregnant women to be exhausted the first trimester.
    Can you cite any reputable, non-sales sources to back this claim up?
  • 5starshelly
    5starshelly Posts: 43 Member
    The reason you aren't hungry is because it's burning fat stores. Rather than your muscle. Which is what the hormone does when you are pregnant. Which is why you can not keep anything down for 3 months and NOT feel hungry. While you are sometimes losing weight! And that the cells multiplying at such a rapid rate causes MOST pregnant women to be exhausted the first trimester.
    Can you cite any reputable, non-sales sources to back this claim up?
    Yes. Pounds and Inches is by Dr. Simeons. I can't link a thing. But if you google it a PDF version comes up and you can read it. The whole diet is based on his research and his SUCCESS with resetting the metabolism of obese patients. I am not suggesting that there are not scams out there. But his research and results seem sound. And for everyone who is continuing to say that the weight loss is being cause by the VLC are missing the part where people are able to do that without being HUNGRY. I am not saying people wouldn't lose weight on a VLC diet. Just that they would want to eat their own arm in the process.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    and hormones for it are taken from pregnant women pee!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Re: Not being hungry...

    I've known lots of girls with eating disorders, and was on the verge of one myself at times, and they always say they're not hungry. When I didn't eat enough, I wasn't hungry, either. The brain does crazy things when it's deprived, and you get to a point where you don't get good hunger signals.

    Food, on the other hand, is the best appetite stimulant there is.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    The reason you aren't hungry is because it's burning fat stores. Rather than your muscle. Which is what the hormone does when you are pregnant. Which is why you can not keep anything down for 3 months and NOT feel hungry. While you are sometimes losing weight! And that the cells multiplying at such a rapid rate causes MOST pregnant women to be exhausted the first trimester.
    Can you cite any reputable, non-sales sources to back this claim up?
    Yes. Pounds and Inches is by Dr. Simeons. I can't link a thing. But if you google it a PDF version comes up and you can read it. The whole diet is based on his research and his SUCCESS with resetting the metabolism of obese patients. I am not suggesting that there are not scams out there. But his research and results seem sound. And for everyone who is continuing to say that the weight loss is being cause by the VLC are missing the part where people are able to do that without being HUNGRY. I am not saying people wouldn't lose weight on a VLC diet. Just that they would want to eat their own arm in the process.
    Dr. Simeons' protocol has been proven to be a fraud. Here is the evidence, from one of many sources...
    We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG causes weight-loss, a redistribution of fat, staves off hunger or induces a feeling of well-being. Therefore, the use of HCG should be regarded as an inappropriate therapy for weight reduction, particularly because HCG is obtained from the urine of pregnant women who donate their urine idealistically in the belief that it will be used to treat an entirely different condition, namely infertility.
    Source: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (

    Do you have any other sources that prove that HCG is helpful in weight loss, or that a Very Low Calorie Diet is recommended for anyone that is not morbidly obese?
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that our users follow the calorie guidelines automatically assigned by our site, unless they are under the direct supervision of a doctor. We are currently reviewing the medical literature on the HCG/500 calorie diet and reserve the right to moderate against discussions of this diet at any time in the future.

    For the time being, HCG discussions remain an option for members in the Groups section. Please remember that even in Groups, all site wide rules must be correctly moderated, or the Group runs the risk of deletion. Specifically, endorsement of purchasing prescription supplements or medications without a prescription is in violation of the MyFitnessPal posting guidelines, which can be reviewed here:

    Thank you all for your concern. We're definitely looking closely at this issue.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Can you cite any reputable, non-sales sources to back this claim up?
    Yes. Pounds and Inches is by Dr. Simeons. I can't link a thing. But if you google it a PDF version comes up and you can read it. The whole diet is based on his research and his SUCCESS with resetting the metabolism of obese patients. I am not suggesting that there are not scams out there. But his research and results seem sound. And for everyone who is continuing to say that the weight loss is being cause by the VLC are missing the part where people are able to do that without being HUNGRY. I am not saying people wouldn't lose weight on a VLC diet. Just that they would want to eat their own arm in the process.
    When stacking Dr. Simeons' recommendations against the oodles of recommendations by reputable doctor and scientists, I would conclude that Dr. Simeon's protocol is quackery. Any doctors prescribing this are misled, and have not done their homework, as studies have proven it to be quackery. Nobody has been able to replicate Dr. Simeon's results, which would lead one to believe that it was an anomaly, other factors were present, or it was fraudulent.

    "We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG causes weight-loss, a redistribution of fat, staves off hunger or induces a feeling of well-being. Therefore, the use of HCG should be regarded as an inappropriate therapy for weight reduction, particularly because HCG is obtained from the urine of pregnant women who donate their urine idealistically in the belief that it will be used to treat an entirely different condition, namely infertility."

    - British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (

    "Numerous clinical trials have shown HCG to be ineffectual in producing weight loss. HCG injections can induce a slight increase in muscle mass in androgen-deficient males. The diet used in the Simeons method provides a lower protein intake than is advisable in view of current knowledge and practice. There are few medical literature reports favorable to the Simeons method; the overwhelming majority of medical reports are critical of it. Physicians employing either the HCG or the diet recommended by Simeons may expose themselves to criticism from other physicians, from insurers, or from government bodies."

    - American Society of Bariatric Physicians ( Position Statement.pdf)

    In 1976, the FTC ordered the Simeon Management Corporation, Simeon Weight Clinics Foundation, Bariatrics Management Corporation, C.M. Norcal, Inc., and HCG Weight Clinics Foundation and their officers to stop claiming that their HCG-based programs were safe, effective, and/or approved by the FDA for weight-control. Although the order did not stop the clinics from using HCG, it required that patients who contract for the treatment be informed in writing that:


    Since 1975, the FDA has required labeling and advertising of HCG to state:

    HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Re: Not being hungry...

    I've known lots of girls with eating disorders, and was on the verge of one myself at times, and they always say they're not hungry. When I didn't eat enough, I wasn't hungry, either. The brain does crazy things when it's deprived, and you get to a point where you don't get good hunger signals.

    Food, on the other hand, is the best appetite stimulant there is.

    I was wondering about this - I would assume that anorexics would have a hard time remaining anorexic if they felt hungry all the time. I was probably very close to that level if not already there when I was in high school (skipping breakfast at home, telling friends at school I'd had a big breakfast and wasn't hungry for lunch, telling parents at home I'd had a big lunch and wasn't hungry for much dinner)..... I didn't feel like I was starving although technically I probably was if not very close to it. If you go without eating for long enough, you start to not feel so hungry, regardless of hormones.

    For an anecdotal study on whether you can eat that little and not be hungry, there is at least one group here on MFP where people with current EDs or in recovery from EDs discuss their issues. I'm sure you could ask and see pretty quickly if it's possible to eat that little and not be hungry without using hormones. I've seen discussions of people working on recovery and finding it very hard to eat more simply b/c they are not hungry for more food. Anyway, if someone WERE to ask, based on my own personal experience and those I've seen discussed elsewhere, I have a feeling I know what the popular answer would be.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Hello All,

    I have tried HCG and it does work I took the homopathic route though because I am afraid of needles. I lost weight but I gained it back not because of the drops because I didn't do what I was suppose to do/. I sruggle everyday because i am an emotional eater and I have become very lazy. I plan on getting back on it actually. It is strict but worth it. My aunt who is on here VJ150 has done and she looks great. you can see her pics Sbe was also able to get off some of her blood pressure meds NOW WAIT since there has been so much buzz about it compnies are making fake bathes etc.... they are selling it vvery expensive. my adive is AMAZON..GREEN WEB products. My aunt likes non alcholic but I don't. In additon to my aunt I know several people have done it and they look and feel great. I fellt great too after dropping 31 pounds but I let my head and emotiuons get the best of me. BTW it took me a year to gain it back.

    If you want try it. You alwasy quit if you don't like BUT PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE PROTOCL FIRST

    That's what the scam artists want you to believe - that it was YOUR fault.

    Ahh, the "fitness" industry. In what other business could you not only sell fake products, but also convince people to blame themselves when your fake products don't work; and not only blame themselves, but apologize and ask to come back and buy more fake products.

    BTW, if someone is taking "homeopathic" versions of HCG, you have absolutely no idea what is in those products. There is no regulation or testing whatsoever. So not only are you taking a "scam" product, you might be taking a FAKE version of it.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Studies prove that HCG has no role in the weight loss or fat reduction (see my previous post with some of the evidence). Any weight loss is due to a calorie deficit. It would be like my giving someone drops of olive oil while on a low calorie diet, and then claiming that the olive oil was the key. Numerous studies have proven that the HCG has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Doctors certainly disagree, and some are better informed than others. I appreciate those that study the facts. I invite anyone considering HCG to do the same, and not just take the alleged experiences of a doc in the 60's on a well-worn scanned PDF that proponents like to circulate.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Here are two good threads on HCG. You will lose weight, but you will kill your metabolism. Also, keep in mind this is more design for those who are severely obese and if you plan on having kids, this could affect it.