BL Blue Team WEEK 17



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!!! I'm ready for the weekend! :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    jess - I've decided that I was never meant to be on wheels. I have no such luck on anything like that! :bigsmile: No one ever even taught me to ride a bike! :angry: :laugh: Congrats on the one look amazing!!!

    leigh - Sounds like you've been busy! Glad to have you back though! :flowerforyou:

    sani - I just realized you're 5lbs away from your goal!!! 2uge4p4.gifdancegirl2.gif47b20s0.gif

    kath - Good job passing up on the sweets!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've had 8oz of water so far today...the most I've had in weeks!!! :drinker:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks-2 days now with no sweets! So tempted... My shoulder is on the mend. Still sore, but Physio has helped a ton. They're impressed with my progress. Did a good workout there yesterday. Of course my weight starts to go up-WHY???It's making me crazier than I already am! :grumble: :laugh: Napped afterwards, but I made a good supper-Thai chicken, ww pasta with spag sauce and parm and veggies. And, of course, only my 12 yr old was there to enjoy it. Dang teens. So leftovers tonight-yay! My 16 yr old daughter came in to town yesterday for Team Manitoba Female Hockey tryouts. She's my goalie who has been living in Kelowna, BC on a hockey scholarship. Should be awesome hockey to watch. Cross your fingers for her please-she so wants to make it! Of course we do too! Anyway, yesterday evening, I put on my Ipod and picked up dog poo, and tidied the yard for about 1 1/2 hours. I took bonus calories for it. But my whole body aches like crazy. I had, and still have restless legs. Anyone heard of that? I was up at 4:00am online looking for a remedy and only saw bad news on it. So I put the Heat cream on and luckily dosed off. May lie down soon again. I'm bagged. Big delema: friends asked out for supper for Sat. to a fattening restaurant. What am I gonna do? Have a good weekend guys! Go Blues!:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    kath-you can find something that's a resonably good choice - maybe an appetizer......

    way to go Rach- drink your water - it will help you in craving other stuff

    Jess-is there a reason you like your heart rate at 130? My own zone on my Polar F6 is in the 150s....just curious....

    leigh-glad to see you here!

    I seem to feel like I handle stress better now - I think exercise is an EXCELLENT vehicle to let it go....anyone else found that to be true??
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    You guys are so positive and inspirational! I went grocery shopping today and got some raw chicken...can you believe I've never cooked chicken before!? :laugh: I also got some 'green' cleaning products, like the all purpose that you mis yourself and stuff. It was funny because while I was stocking up on fresh fruits and veggies and chicken, my bf is stocking up on processed meats and nutty bars, and snacky lunch type foods for work. Haha, we've designated him a cupboard to keep all 'his' food in so that it's out of sight, out of mind for me. He doesn't mind eating healthy but he doesn't see why he should 'give up' his nasty crap. :huh: Whatever, I'll be hott an he'll be jealous, but I really wish he'd adopt these habits too because if he's 'the one' he better be on the same page when I start having kids because I do NOT want them raised with the habits I had. Anywaaaay, off my soapbox! :bigsmile:

    All this reading and research has my mind buzzing! :smile:

    The more you continue good habits - it will rub off just don't give up
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    kath-you can find something that's a resonably good choice - maybe an appetizer......

    way to go Rach- drink your water - it will help you in craving other stuff

    Jess-is there a reason you like your heart rate at 130? My own zone on my Polar F6 is in the 150s....just curious....

    leigh-glad to see you here!

    I seem to feel like I handle stress better now - I think exercise is an EXCELLENT vehicle to let it go....anyone else found that to be true??

    I like to have it higher however when everyone else was walking I couldn't go faster. So that was the highest I got.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Today was a very busy busy day. I had to go to one town for appointments and then come home and then another town to drop off my son with my husband. I stopped at BK for my daughter and it was so tempting to get something however I didn't. I waited till I got home and had a tuna sandwich with cheese and string cheese and a glass of milk. Im so proud of myself. :drinker:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I ATE CHOCOLATE-WHY, WHY, WHY? I got up and walked to Walmart and burned 330 cals. I feel soooo bad. I really need to pull it together. :grumble:
    j-I'm coming in 2 weeks girl. Shop, shop...:smooched:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    hmo4- we are going to shop shop shop and only eat healthy. I was thinking extreme pita. There is a website you should check out. I haven't decided if I was going to bring my daughter or not. Maybe we could hit some rummage sales. I'm so excited can't wait.
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    Hi Everyone,

    It has been another busy week for me. I didn't keep track of my intake as well as I should. I think I should start writing it down and logging it in the computer when I get the chance.

    I did exercise some and could do better. I need to look for Jillian's radio shows again. I had listened to one a week or so ago and found it motivating. I have definitely paid more attention to the chemicals in my food.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member

    I slept til 1! And now I'm definitely not in the mood to work on my finals....
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    So when I was listening to Jillian about processed food it really got me thinking and I would love to cut out as much processed foods as possible and another one of my friends would also like to however where do you get a list of what has been processed or how do you know. Is this a question that I should post to the message board and get everyones option on??
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So when I was listening to Jillian about processed food it really got me thinking and I would love to cut out as much processed foods as possible and another one of my friends would also like to however where do you get a list of what has been processed or how do you know. Is this a question that I should post to the message board and get everyones option on??

    I would think that anything with an ingredients list is 'processed', but some processed foods are better than others. Like Jillian says 'If it had a mother or came from the ground' it's okay. I'm trying to stick to fruits, veggies, and a bit of chicken/fish and breads.

    Today has been an absolute mess! I haven't had one real meal all day. I've been working on making up all my missing assignments and working on my finals and I'm to the point of banging my head against a wall. :ohwell:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I love to eat cereal. That is my fav. I could eat it for every meal. I'm trying to break myself of this but its not working lol. Tonight I had two slices of pizza and I stopped myself. I'm so proud of myself. But boy am I paying for it now. Gas :grumble: Noone wants to be around me :laugh:
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    Be prepared for more gas as you switch from processed foods to more fruits and veggies!!!

    You might want to consider reading some of the posts from the "Clean Eating Club". They avoid processed foods and have tons of ideas and tips. Do a forum search on clean eating and you should find it.

    I worked out today and did fairly well drinking water and eating frequently without over eating. I am going to try to make everyday like matter how busy I get:wink:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Be prepared for more gas as you switch from processed foods to more fruits and veggies!!!

    You might want to consider reading some of the posts from the "Clean Eating Club". They avoid processed foods and have tons of ideas and tips. Do a forum search on clean eating and you should find it.

    I worked out today and did fairly well drinking water and eating frequently without over eating. I am going to try to make everyday like matter how busy I get:wink:

    I will do that search mrwatson thank you

    and good luck with the eating better no matter what. Its a challenge i know and im a stay at home mom.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I majorly lucked out this weekend!!!! :noway:

    My Prof. for Payroll Accounting was sending out the solutions to a big project we had done so we could review it, but it turns out he accidentally sent out the answers our FINAL!!! I noticed and brought it up in our online class. He kept ignoring my question though and it was really ticking me off! So after words I was talking to him and he was like 'I just realized my mistake and I didn't want to address it in front of everyone incase some people didn't notice.' He pretty much just said, well it'll be easy for you now, won't it? Our final was just to put like 3 months of payroll in the 'books' for a company, take out the taxes and all that stuff....I already had it halfway done, and it is pretty repetitive. I checked my work which all matched up.....and then yes I copied the rest. :blushing: I still have a lot of different answers than the copy I was sent because I can't be sure this is the actual answer could be another students final they turned in. Anyway, I feel kinda bad, but EVERYONE in the class got this email so I know I'm not the only one. I currently have a 24% in Macroeconomics, because I have so many missing assignments, and I only have until midnight on Tuesday to make them up. Ugh sorry for writing a book, but I'm feeling so stressed. I don't care what grades I get in these classes at this point as long as I pass...if I don't, that's over $3k down the toilet!!! :noway:

    Back to beating my head against a wall......:indifferent:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Rach - you can do it - get that work done!!! I am cheering you on...

    If you need a break from it all, do some punches or high knees to work out some frustration - stay focused.

    So far no loss again this week - little frustrating but I know I am working hard and I am not gaining so I am ok with that but this overall has been my worse month since I started Sept 1 - I've only lost about 2 or 3 pounds in the past month....but it's down not up....and I feel better than I've ever felt as an adult.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Rach - you can do it - get that work done!!! I am cheering you on...

    If you need a break from it all, do some punches or high knees to work out some frustration - stay focused.

    So far no loss again this week - little frustrating but I know I am working hard and I am not gaining so I am ok with that but this overall has been my worse month since I started Sept 1 - I've only lost about 2 or 3 pounds in the past month....but it's down not up....and I feel better than I've ever felt as an adult.

    I so know how you feel chrissy. I feel like I have plateaued this month. It will be one year in July for me and I feel like I should have met my goal. my new personal goal is by my birthday in Oct. if not sooner.