Mommy to three needing some help

I'm Jessica, I'm 21 tomorrow, and I have 3 little boys, 2 year old twins, and a 10 month old. I'm also in nursing school full time. I ahve tried losing weight before, and have always been unsuccessful. I'm hoping joining this community will help me make it this time. I want to be a role model both for my children and my future patients. As I said I have three young children and am in school full time, so I am VERY tight on time. I am trying to come up with a diet that I can easily take on the go for class and clinical, that's healthy. Most of the time I end up hitting the drive though, :ohwell: Also, I'm trying to find an exercise program I can do that I can actually fit into my schedule. I think the reason I have failed before is because I've tried to go from the lifestyle I have no stright into an activev healthy lifestyle, eating nothing but veggies and exercising all the time. Needless to say it didn't work out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Also, if anyone needs some support or someone to listen I'm a good listener :happy:


  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Hey, welcome! I am a mommy to three too. A 6 year old boys and 20 month old twin boys. I know how busy you are! I find doing as much exercise as I can early in the morning before they get up is really key and since dinner time is mayhem at our house, I find the crock pot really helps me cook things that are low cal/low fat and doesn't take up my whole day (which I spend at work).

    I am going to send you a friend request.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I bought ready pac salad packs at Costco yesterday that are delicious - 280 calories per complete salad.

    Fresh fruit and veggies with hummus travel well as do yogurt and nuts. If you don't have access to a refrigerator get a good cooler (I use a coleman). If you put a few cups of ice in/around your food it will stay cold till lunch, even if you have to leave it in your car. This works for me, even during the summer in Arizona.
  • SarahRickey23
    I know exactly how you feel im 22yrs old and have a 24 month old and a 4 month old. They are little butts at times my 2yr old is in his terrible twos and i cant hardly exercise at home i just got a y membership 2 months ago and never went yet because of time with me being a full time student house duties and kids and my husband isnt much help. The only time i exercise is when my kids are napping my husband will take hte little one and i do 30 day shred but i have slacked off for a week or so. Add me and hopefully we cna do this together
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm a mother to 4 very active kids. I'm constantly running all over town. I get how busy you are. That was my excuse for being over weight too...its so much easier to grab something on my way here or there then to actually cook and plan ahead. I have to admit I still don't plan ahead. But thats why I LOVE MFP because I can plan my calories before I eat something. I downloaded the app for my phone and my husband makes fun of me when I whip out my phone before I place an order. My go to lunch is always Subway. I never get tired of it and with no cheese or mayo a typical sandwich is only 320 calories. Plus 40 calories for apple slices. Easy! But, there are healthy options at other fast food places too. Taco Bell has delicious Fresco Tacos for only 150 calories. Even Wendy's has a great grilled chicken wrap (no sauce and no cheese) for a couple hundred. My excuse no longer holds up. While I don't recommend you eating out all the time, when you are busy, you can certainly diet and make healthy choices wherever you go. Good luck and feel free to add me for encouragement!!
  • kellyss20
    kellyss20 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I am a mother of 3 kids under the age of 4 and I work full time. Between work & my commute, I am busy about 50 hours per week. Most days, I just want to veg on the couch after I work, make dinner, feed the kids, give them baths, and put them in bed. I have came up with a pretty good schedule that is working well for me so far. Money is tight so I do workouts at home rather than pay for a gym membership and I pack our leftovers from dinner every day for my lunch. So far, I have had success with workout DVD's and the workouts on Bodyrock TV on youtube. I squeeze in workouts after all the kids are in bed - sometimes it is 9 PM before I am working out. Back up at 5 AM to start the day all over again. Feel free to add me as well.
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I'm also a mother of 3. 2 boys (6 yrs & 2montha) & a girl (18 months) feel free to add me it's always nice to have motivation & support! Also I turned 21 last month lol
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Count your calories.
    Get a Device ie droid or iphone. So you can count on the run
    Plan meals the day before or days before. Your prep work will decide if you are successful
    Cap your night. In other words you don't eat after 8 until your next meal which is the next morning. Learning hjow to be hungrey is huge, had been for me
    And then keep getting back up. Your have alot on oyur plate. 3 kids!!! WOOOWEEEEE. But you made a decision and its the best thing for you and your family. Just execute it. If you fall. GET BACK UP! Marathon not Sprint
  • mcovillion
    learn to be hungry. i like that. it's not going to kill you to be a little hungry, right?
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to add me:) I have two girls 3 and 7 months and its a struggle for me all the time.
  • suegmune
    I too have three little ones (1,2 and 3 yo) and work full time, and have a 5 hour commute 2x/week. Its a challenge.....and right now I'm mostly just eating healthier. With those ages, they tend to get up early and by bedtime (which is before 8 PM), most of the times I'm too exhausted to exercise. But, I do have a couple things that help:

    1) Xbox kinect (who doesn't like to play games....and getting fit is a pleasant part of it!)
    2) Low carb tortillas -- I use them for almost every breakfast and for many lunches as wraps......and I can't tell you how much more energy I have.
    3) Trying to eat less carbs than normal. I always have so much more energy. Its amazing. Took me months and months to get to a point where its working, and it is, and its maintainable. :)

    Good luck, you can do it :)