Holiday gain????

carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
How much weight did everyone gain over the holiday weekend? I exercised every day, didn't go too out of control with my eating, but didn't track calories and the scale says I gained 3.5 lbs- I didn't even have any pie!!!! Anyone else see this much gain in 4 days- is it even possible???


  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    YES!!! My scale said I gained 4lbs in one day. I also didn't do terribly bad but did drink alot. Only one day but apparently it was enough. I'm still trying to get down to where I was before Thanksgiving. I've learned my lesson for Christmas!!
  • southernaccent
    southernaccent Posts: 3 Member
    Yikes! I gained 8 lbs over the past 2 1/2 weeks! Starting back on my healthier regimen today! It's so easy to lose control when traveling to NYC and then Thanksgiving ... but no excuses! I'm paying for my gluttonous, sedentary phase!
  • Don't worry too much. It's probably water weight. I know that after I drink and indulge a little too much, I am usually up a few pounds too. Just get back on track and you'll be fine. :-)
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    Even if you didn't gain any fat, if you ate food high in sodium and/or carbs, you could be retaining water... keep yourself properly hydrated, eat well and you will get rid of the water retention in a few days.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    +3.5 lbs. Boo... I didn't like it, but I posted it anyway. By the end of the week, I expect my scale to be singing a different tune!
  • Don't fret about it, I too gained 6LBS over the past month, just keep going and you will get it back together.
  • My scale said 8 pounds gained after the Thanksgiving holiday feastings. Hehe. It's mostly just bloating from high sodium and carb overload. So I don't fret. In a few days with regular diet and exercise, I know I'll be back to normal - with maybe one pound gained at the most. See - I measured myself before and after Thanksgiving weekend, and the only place I have extra - is around my bloated belly.

    Remember - to gain 1 pound of fat, you basically have to eat 3500 calories over your daily need.
    (That is unless your bod is in starvation mode, because you eat silly small amounts of food and never eat your exercise calories)

    Bring out the measuring tape gals! The scale is evil.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    0 as of yesterday, expecting a loss tomarrow my official weigh in day
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    I gain 5lbs over the Thanksgiving Holiday. On Thanksgiving I did not track anything- gave myself a free day to not track, but I did not splurge either. It's the only holiday our family celebrates, so... looking back maybe I should have endulged just a little more. Back on track though and things seem to be going better. Already lost 3 of the 5lbs. :D
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I lost a pound since last week. I am sure if I had weighed on Friday it would have showed a gain though.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I treated Thanksgiving like any other day and actually lost...that will be my motto for Christmas as well. I made the time to run on Thanksgiving morning (Turkey Trot) and only ate moderate portions of the healthier foods (turkey, mashed potatoes (no gravy), veggies) and had a 1/4 piece of apple pie that I made with an organic whole wheat crust (100 cals for that tiny sliver, who knew?). Good luck getting back to pre-Thanksgiving stats!
  • Lost 2 pounds.Was 332 on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and 330 this morning.
  • insyweensy
    insyweensy Posts: 53 Member
    Up 2lbs. Not super happy about it, but I did indulge. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is for?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Even if you didn't gain any fat, if you ate food high in sodium and/or carbs, you could be retaining water... keep yourself properly hydrated, eat well and you will get rid of the water retention in a few days.

    Agreed. For me, a sodium laden meal will add 3-5 pounds for a couple days.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    thanks everyone- I din't think about the sodium intake- I hope it is just water weight- I did a turkey trot 5K and had my best time ever- so this is a very disappointing gain!!!!
  • ziggygirl2003
    ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
    I've also gained 5 pounds this past week, but one thing I've noticed with my weight gain, since I weigh myself everyday (I know some frown upon this but it really helps me keep on track before my weight goes too crazy), is that if I gain weight quickly, like five pounds in 3 days, I tend to loose it quickly as well. Not as fast as I gained it, I won't be loosing 5 pounds in 3 days, but it won't take me as long as it did the first time I lost it, which was a month. I know this is probably because I gained some water weight, but its also because I couldn't stop eating my sister treats she made, which were pretzels with melted rolo's and a candied pecan on top, they were so good. I know I'll gain weight during Thanksgiving and Christmas but I don't let it bother me too much, since I'd rather enjoy my self during the holidays then constantly be worring about what I'm eating and my daily calorie goal. I just don't let it get too crazy, I give myself a few days of leeway, and then get back on track as soon as the leftovers are gone.
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    I was supposed to weigh in on Thursday...but didn't. I didn't exercise until yesterday and was going to weigh in today, but thought better about it. I may weigh in tomorrow...just happy that i was able to squeeze into a blouse today that I haven't worn in years!!
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I show a gain of 1 lb but I know it's not from the holidays as I ate the way I'm supposed to. I have never gone over my calories since I started with MFP on 10/31/11.

    I am attributing the pound to water weight (I think on the weekend I'm drinking my gallon of water too late at night) and will see where I'm at tomorrow. Not really worried because I know my calorie intake is correct, I'm drinking a gallon of water a day, and my pants are a little looser. :D
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I am down 1.2 pounds ... I didn't count calories on Thanksgiving and aimed for a 1600 cal goal for the rest of the weekend while we were out of town. I tried to stay active with shopping and playing with the baby but I didn't get any excerise in since Tuesday night. Overall ... I am pleased with my vacation. I got all the yummy foods and enjoyed time with the family!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I've been a very bad girl :devil: I'm afraid to get on the scale!! But even tho I ate everything in sight this weekend I'm back on track today!! It's going to be a awesome fit week!
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