Getting Back on the wagon, horse or train

Like most my weight loss journey has been full of ups and downs. Just like life is full of ups and downs. My story is probably the same as some. I'm 46 year old man. When I was younger I was always very active and into sports. Work and Family changed all that and I've battled my weight ever since... I have known for years that "dieting" doesn't work. You have to change your lifestyle. Eating is only a portion of the puzzel.

My highest weight was 305lbs that I reached when I was 42. I lost down to 242lbs. I had several ups and downs in that journey trying different systems including Weight Watchers and other ways of tracking calorie intake and exercise. I found the most consistant weightloss occurs when you track your meals and exercise. Well... that is until life gets in the way...

So life shot me a curve ball again last year when my wife and I separated. At first I was good and vowed to stick to my plan... Well that didn't work out so well. I steped on the scale this morning and I was at 303. I really didn't need the scale and wasn't surprised as I had to go back to my "bubba" clothes a while back. I had been avoiding the scale for months because i knew it wasn't going to be good.

So I'm getting back on the wagon, horse or train... This is code for back on the treadmill/elliptical, weights and tracking my food. I am currently a little depressed. All the work I did for so long and all the sweat and food control was wasted over bad choices. However I can't change the past. It is what it is! I can only change the future one day at a time!

I was looking around today and found this site. This seems to have most everything i was looking for. A way to track caolorie intake and exercise via Iphone as well as web based with an extensive food database that I can customize meals with.


  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    This is a great site to help get back on track...and for the support to stay on track.
    Yes, being depressed about your current situation is natural (and I'm sorry about your separation), but now you've come to terms with it (your weight) and you're already on the journey to do something positive about it. It's not only about the end's about the trip getting there.

    Best of luck to're already pointed in the right direction!!

  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    You are on your way to success! The fact that you know that you need to get healthy is a big step in the right direction.

    You have come to a great place for motivation and inspiration! Good luck to you in your journey to a new you!
  • Kee315
    Kee315 Posts: 33
    Welcome! Most of us on MFP can relate to the ups and downs that come with weightloss. This is a good site and you will find more than enough support to help you with your journey. Best of luck!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I don't even know you but I'm already so proud of you for taking charge of your life ! Best of luck, and yes, take it one day at a time!
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    Good luck on your journey! Add me as a friend if you'd like, I'll be here for support!
  • tonielaws
    So sorry for your separation. but getting back on the horse , train and plane are a great idea. Have friends on this web site to help you to stay on course. I just started Oct 31 and have lost 11 pounds, for me that was hard. But you can do it. Praying for you to keep on the right path.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    Good luck if you would like to add me you can:) Sorry about the separation.
  • RunningRachel2012
    Good luck! I know how you feel, I was 160 at my heaviest and managed to get it down to 140 and maintain for two years. But in the last 6 months with lots of ups and downs in my life I resorted to binge eating to sort out lifes problems. I am so angry at myself as I currently tip the scale at 160 again. It's tough but I'm sure you will relate to me when I say that at least you know it is possible to get the weight off, as we have both been there before. Best of luck, you will be great! x
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Glad you found this site. It is amazing and will help you get to where you want to be. Just an FYI - I enter my food before I eat it so I can see what the damage is. If it is a lot higher in calories than I thought, I delete and find something else. Good Luck
  • Bosbes
    Bosbes Posts: 55 Member
    All the hard work you did before will still be helpful somehow. You have some experience and you know you can do it. Don´t beat yourself up about the past, today is a new day. And MFP is a great tool to help you along on your way to success. Good luck.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. My weight also goes up and down and I am an emotional eater, so I can relate. I lost 60 lbs twice before, but my weight seems to creep up on me. I am at the start on my final journey to lose 60 lbs (third time's a charm, right?). I have been on this site for just a few weeks, but already have started losing and I love how supportive everyone is. It really does help to know you are not on the journey alone! I wish you much success and happiness!