How do you break the bad food cycle?

I have been losing weight since April 2008. I've lost close to 300lbs now. I am a confirmed gym rat and love to exercise. However, I am really struggling with staying on a healthy diet for the past 6 months. I'm playing up and down with the same 20 lbs. I have been stressed lately and although intellectually I know eating like crap does not change my circumstances, I just am finding it too easy to say "screw it, back on track tomorrow". And I also know that it comes down to me and my committment to myself and my goals. But I would like to hear from others about how they maintain their focus, determination, and lifestyle over the long term. How have others gotten back on track especially when the stress level is high? Thanks!


  • p0stdramatic
    BUMP. I could use the same advice right now!
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    I have very similar troubles with staying on track and have been up and down the same 15 pounds for a couple of years now. I wish I had dynamite advice for you! I'd also love to hear what others have to say on this!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Look at the old pics of you 300lbs ago? Do you want to look like that again?
    If not, change the cycle now!
  • _tiifyjo_
    _tiifyjo_ Posts: 118 Member
  • redheadc2
    redheadc2 Posts: 29 Member
    isn't that the hardest part of weight loss. My best suggestion is that when you have your bad day eat some fruit that you like. Some how that reminds me that good food taste good and that I can do it again tomorrow.

    Just try eating the fruit right after the "bad" food.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    If you're far off the wagon, you need to go through your fridge and cupboard and throw out the crap. Then sit down and write yourself a meal plan for the upcoming week. Then go to the grocery store and stock up. Then eat what you've planned.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Way to go on the 300 pounds lost! I went through a bad cycle of eating a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea how it happened, but I just wasn't thinking. Halloween candy had a lot to do with it. But not I am getting back on track. I find joy in being on track which has been something that has really helped me, I rarely think of things as what I can't have, but what I can have :) Good luck! feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Look at the old pics of you 300lbs ago? Do you want to look like that again?
    If not, change the cycle now!

    This, plus YOUR HEALTH :heart:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I agree with Guru, DON'T have it in the house.

    Second is when I was getting started I made some (totally dorky) motivation cards. I wrote on a card how I felt when I ate healthy and worked out, Strong, vibrant etc. I wrote some of the moments I'd had where people had given me amazing compliments, or I had achieved something I was proud of - like finishing my first half marathon, and I wrote all the things I enjoy now that I didn't used to, like clothes shopping and going to the beach.

    I put these cards in my wallet and every time I wanted a muffin, a chocolate bar or just to screw a whole day I made myself read through them all. 9 times out of 10 I didn't want that thing afterwards. And over time I pretty much never look at them, they are seared into my brain now haha!
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    First of all, congratulations on the 300 lbs loss!!!! That is AMAZING!!!!

    As far as staying on track I go through periods of getting off track too..... I think we all do. What motivates me is thinking about how far I've come, what I still want to accomplish, and most of all how I feel when I don't eat well. When I eat badly I try to recognize how it makes me feel, maybe I even make some of it up but it helps :). If I eat junk and feel tired or lazy I blame what I ate. If my workout isn't going well and I ate crap I blame the food. And on the other hand when I eat well I talk myself up. I think wow, it's so nice not to have a stomachache today! Or, I love how much energy I feel like I have when I eat right! Most of it is mental for me, I just have to psych myself up! And sometimes when I get the munchies and know I'm not hungry I online window shop for clothes I'd like to look good in :)
  • BestBodyEver
    BestBodyEver Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with Justjoshin. Also, throw away your junk food! Don't buy it at all. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Buy junk food alternatives. I love chocolate bars, but I can't eat them anymore. So I buy the Atkin's Chocolate Chip bar. It tastes exactly like a chocolate bar with a lot less calories and fat. If you like chips, try cutting whole wheat tortillas into triangles. Bake them in the oven at 350 until lightly browned. I like to mix salsa with cottage cheese and Voila! You have a yummy low fat snack! Chips and Salsa!

    The most important thing is always to have a healthy snack with you at all times. That way you won't be tempted to buy the junk.

    Another great tip is to have a cheat day each week! Like every Wednesday, you allow yourself to have 1 cheat meal. Anything you want! It sounds crazy but knowing that I can have a hamburger on my Wednesday cheat day, helps me to resist the homemade cupcakes my co-worker brings in on a Friday.

    I've had a cheat day for the past 9 weeks of doing my Turbo Fire program and still managed to lose 14 pounds in 9 weeks!

    Life can be stressful and I know what you are going through, believe me! You can do it! It just takes a little bit more willpower on your part! You've come so far! Mind over matter! We're here for you!
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    1st - can somebody tell me what BUMP means?

    2nd - how about setting a goal for 2 months out, something short term - that can be motivating sometimes.