I'm 21 overweight , unhappy and ineed of inspiration

Hello name is Aarin .
All my life I've been overweight , and now that I'm about to turn 22 I'n April . I want to feel and look different .
But this weight is stubborn and dosent seem to want to come off. Lookin for the support and inspiration of others who also is on there Path to a better them . They say losing weight is easier when you have someone to lose weight with . But sadly I have no fitness pal friends, and would love some friends who's has some helping words for me and my journey for a new and improved me . Who's going to help me . As we lose weight together ?


  • Support and inspiration? You came to the right place!

    How do you say your name?
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Hi! I'm also 21 and overweight. Working my way to being completely happy. Friend me if you like!
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey there!!! we are ALL here to support each other, I have been on this site for almost a year now and I think it is the best thing ever!! Feel free to add me if you want. We can support each other! We all need it =)

    Good luck with your weight loss.....you can do it!!!
  • I feel you,
    I am also 21 and overweight.

    Add me as a friend if you want I would love a fitness pal!
  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • also feel free to add me! Always here to support!
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I am also 21 and overweight (BMI classed as obese actually). Feel free to add me :)
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    Send me a friend request......We are here to support each other.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    22 and obese add me we can help each other
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Let's support each other!
  • My name is pronounced (air-rin)

    Thank you to all who is I'n support of me and our journey .
    I feel like I can do this with the help of others. I will be adding if y'all don't mind .
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    feel free to add me
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    you can add me! (even tho I am REAL old, lol I am 40. and ever so close to being overweight, only a couple more pounds and I won't be obese any more! Let me help inspire you!
  • Green4t
    Green4t Posts: 2
    Hi, I am seeking anyone on need of support . Free coaching on lifestyle and nutrition change, please let me know if you would like any help
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I am "overweight" now with a BMI (psh) of 26 but at one point was morbidly obese with a BMI of 42. I've lost a total of ~98 lbs. Half through a paid prepared food program (which was basically just counting calories) and half of that weight I lost here. I would love to encourage any and everyone, because sincerely, I do believe that if I can do it, anyone can do it.

    I still love food and some days are more of a struggle than others.
    You can do it!
  • SharAnWil
    SharAnWil Posts: 12 Member
    How's it going for u?
  • SharAnWil
    SharAnWil Posts: 12 Member
    I would
  • 23 and overweight!

    You've come to the right place! :)
  • I might have a solution for you. You may have to travel own to Africa but it works. http://looseweight.kbo.co.ke
  • hzfit335
    hzfit335 Posts: 2
    Hey there, I sent a friend request; I've got some stubborn weight too, so we can help motivate each other! Good luck, you've got this! :D