Body Balance class ... preparing myself

Hi all,

I'm pretty excited about going to my 2nd ever Body Balance (at Fitness First in Australia) class tonight (3rd EVER visit to a GYM).

Finally leaped over the motivation hurdle, still limbering up for class lol.

Male, 47yo, lost 30kg (66lb) since March this year ... anxiety sufferer. Fitness Newbie still (I run out of puff at 60-90 seconds of running). I think I have lost muscle as well as fat in the weight loss dept - a lot of loose skin now.

So, what should I be eating / drinking today to get the most out of this ? When should I stop eating before class so I dont have a desire to 'throw up'.

Am feeling a little sore (but I think it is the good-sore-muscle-development) and also have Hypermobility (the Yoga poses sometimes I can stretch too far and 'pop').

Tips welcome and appreciated.




  • AArmstead1
    For me, I do best if I eat a SMALL snack about an hour, hour and a half before my workout and wash it down with a bottle of water. I usually go for a few protein bites (powerbar), a small piece of fruit or a few carrots/celery sticks... basically anything small that will get u through the workout without dying. I know that for me personally anything that is spicy, sour, or heavy (aka lots of carbs) tends to create what I call "workout burps", which are not that much fun as you can imagine.

    In any case, go with what feels right for your body, but this is what works best for me! I find the hour or so before leaves enough time for the snack to digest, and hence the non-puking feeling. Big congrats on your pounds lost so far... KEEP IT UP!! And keep going to the gym too!! I have made some really good friends there and gym friends are great for keeping you on track!!

    Good luck, and enjoy the class tonight :-)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Gazz, I have a banana or something else small about an hour before BB or yoga class so I don't feel light headed. Sipping water all day - well you should be doing that anyway.
