I'm new

I have never been a petite gal but I was always just 10-15 pounds overweight. Then 5 years ago my 18 month old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It came as a crushing blow because my brother passed away from complications from the disease when he was only 33. With the depression, stress, and the constant thinking about food, I have gained 60 pounds.

I can't keep up with my kids and my husband has confessed that he is getting worried about my health. That has been my major wakeup call.

I want to get in shape so I can run a 5k with my daughter in May and look great in the pictures from our next trip to Disney next summer. =)


  • Marybeme
    I want to wish you good luck.. This site is great it has a large data base for food. I think the biggest thing is to report it daily.. Or at least every other day.. Just take it one day at a time.. Mary
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    you can do it Mary!!!!! one day at a time for sure!!! I have my date available for all to see LOL I find it actaully helps me when I know everyone is gonna see what i ate and excercised for the day...its been keeping me on track so far ... good luck :smile: