I am SO HUNGRY. What is wrong???



  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    Wow!! What quick responses!!! Really appreciate it guys, you are a HUGE help (and the nudge I needed to make a HEALTHY decision)!!!

    I am a chef at a hotel, so I around lots of fresh produce readily available for me to eat...so I am eating pretty healthy, not a lot of sugar (maybe once a week I indulge) I do drink coffee.....andddd i should probably add some fiber into my diet because I do not really pay attention to that. I kind of pay attention to sodium, and it usually isn't ridiculously high....and I do MOST of the time drink lots of water, some days I'm really bad about it because Im not a huge fan of water (sounds funny).

    I was needing some confirmation that I should be eating more, not that I was doubting my body, but that it seemed to just start happening recently so I was confused.

    I'll up my calories, and watch my protein and fiber. What do you think, 0.36g of protein per lb? more? less?

    Also, when I am hungry, I do feed myself. I by no means starve myself. My tummy has just been grumbling more frequently than usual!
  • KelleyJoL
    KelleyJoL Posts: 19 Member
    It is possible that your metabolism has increased? When I lose fat, but build lean muscle, I can eat more. Perhaps drink a glass of water, and if you're still hungry, eat something healthy. Then you are giving your body something good.
  • bormesher
    First, make sure you are eating 1200 calories NET - not total. If you are only eating 1200 to 1300 calories total and working out like that, you are not eating enough.

    You're not going to successfully go through the rest of your life hungry every day - you'll just eat and gain again. Start to find a balance that is not uncomfortable, even if it means your weight loss slows significantly.

    See what the calculator tells you for 1 pound per week, and for 1/2 pound per week and begin to increase your intake some.

    In my opinion, keep the workouts up if you can. -- but make sure you're eating enough to cover the workouts plus the NET target the calculator gives you.

    NOTE: I'm working on my weight again after a couple years of letting it go..... so my advice is based on some ancient history (back when I maintained well).
  • emilycandoit
    I was doing 400 cals burned daily and eating only 1200--- I was STARVING!

    eat more. Dont be afraid to eat 1500, and make SURE you are eating the right amounts of

    Do this, problem solved!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I know it's heresy, but adding fat to your diet along with protein will make you feel full and mitigate hunger pangs. It's very important you get healthy fats only--not tranfats, ideally omega-3 fats. The best source is in fatty fish ( sardines, salmon, etc), egg yolks, walnuts, winter squash, and flax, but also fish oil supplements. Add oil to your salad dressing to help you feel full and aid in absorbing the fat-soluable vitamins in the greens. Don't be afraid of fat--it doesn't make you fat.