Daily blood sugar fluctuations

I have mild diabetes - not on any medications and keeping it under control (I think!) with diet and exercise. But I do test my blood sugar most mornings when i wake up. What I can't do is explain the daily fluctuations in terms of what I ate the day before - there seems to be no relationship, either in terms of amount or composition between sugar, carbs, protein etc. I can have a bad food day and the next day the blood sugar is nice and low, or vice versa. Does blood sugar depend on several days of food/drink? Is it affected much by exercise? By the way, this is not because i want to get obsessive about it - just curious.


  • Eman2424
    because you only have mild diabetes your body still responds to and produces insulin. Overnight, insulin pushes your blood sugars into muscle and fat cells so your blood sugar is nice and low the next day.

    the bad days (moments with high blood sugar) are what will slowly kill you. keep your blood sugar down and try to check it more than once a day so you know what spikes it.
  • Eman2424
    it does not depend on several days of food or drink and exercise, especially weight training, will help keep your blood sugar low because your muscles become more insulin sensitive and will use your any carbs you eat so its not just floating around in your blood as sugar (glucose).