HELP! WW & Calories?

Hi :smile:

I wonder if anyone can help me?
At the moment I am currently following the WW plan & I am seeing results... at the same time I am also logging everything on here so that I can see the amount of fat & sugars I am consuming.

My question is what should I set my weight loss at...?
I currently have 30 pound to loose to get to my first realistic target & MFP recommends that I should set my calorie goal at a loss of 1 pound per week.

So far I have had my calorie intake set at loosing 1.5 pound a week and in all honesty most days the calories seem to fall spot on with this figure and within my WW points.

However I intend on exercising 5 times a weeks, a combination of the 30 day shred & zumba which are very high impact exercises. I know that if I keep my calorie goal at 1.5 a week and then take my exercise calories off I am going to be under the magic 1200 and will have to eat more to avoid starvation mode.

This all seems fine but usually all of my WW points are consumed after a days worth of calories, so after exercising I won't be able to eat anything else.

Can anyone think of a way to solve my problems?

Thanks x


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If you have 30lbs to lose, chances are the 'starvation mode' monster won't catch up with you too soon... I'd keep going with tracking on both, stick to WW points for a while. If your loss starts to slow, or stops completely, it might then be time to start eating back your exercise calories.

    Losing slows down after a while and you have to work at BOTH eating and exercising to see the same results that you did at the start. It's a game, and we all have to play it.... the only problem is that the rules change all the time....
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    If WW is the food program you are following, I would leave everything as it is. Use the website for yourself for a record of your food/excercise - but since you´re not following MPF then I wouldn´t worry about the goal settings.
    If you´re super commited to the exercise increase to 2 pounds per week - but if your not - leave it as it is because it´ll be better psychologically not to be told you´re going over your calories every day.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Also weight watchers has a guide to eating back exercise calories as well. I didnt do WW myself but my Mum did years ago and I remember reading her booklets.
  • annisthehag
    I did WW a while back and when I did it you earned more points if you exercised. So if you start exercising 5 times a week, your points allowance should go up accordingly and you can eat back some of the calories you burned. Perhaps I misunderstood your post, if so, I apologize. :)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I am happily doing weight watchers (weigh in later) and following calories It usually works out for me doing both. As I am always interested to see how many calories I have been eating as well as using points. I must say since using this site I have dramatically reduced the fat I eat.
    Good luck It has been working for me and I hope you see results using both to plan your meals. I have mine set at 2lbs a week. I exercise about 5 times a week xxx
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    Thanks for all your help.

    Yes WW does have a system in place for exercise, you earn points depending on the type of exercise you do. Not sure if you're supoosed to eat them back though. I do it from home so I guess I'll have to try and find an answer to that question.

    Just not too sure whether to swap from WW to MFP completely... Has anyone done this and found they have gotten on okay?

    Haha no I didn't think starvation mode would affect me in all honesty, just didn't want to be told off by MFP :laugh: x
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    I am happily doing weight watchers (weigh in later) and following calories It usually works out for me doing both. As I am always interested to see how many calories I have been eating as well as using points. I must say since using this site I have dramatically reduced the fat I eat.
    Good luck It has been working for me and I hope you see results using both to plan your meals. I have mine set at 2lbs a week. I exercise about 5 times a week xxx

    Do you eat your activity points back? Just out of curiousity.
    I have been doing the same as you - it is quite interesting to watch... It has made me consider what I'm shoving in my mouth too lol.
    Good luck at weigh in tonight :smile: x
  • kathiemcn
    I have just given up WW after yet another plateau....I was on if for a while years back when it was on the points system and did fine before I plateau'd....but when I rejoined as WW Online and it had changed to propoints I never lost a thing (over about a year). So, in my case, I gave up WW and started full-time on MFP as I felt I was just throwing my money away with WW. I have had much more success with MFP than I ever had with propoints....I think not counitng fruit and veges was a problem. And I find the support and the whole site with MFP a hundred times better than WW online. Just my experience.

    But if you're still losing with WW then I'd suggest that you keep going with it. If you plateau on WW then switch over. Just an idea.

    Good luck!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Just choose one plan to follow - either MFP or WW.

    I was trying to follow Scottish Slimmers online and log everything in MFP at the same time and there was a lot of conflict there. For example Scottish Slimmers doesn't add on more points (or checks as they call them) for exercise. I opted to use MFP as it makes more sense to me. I have my goal set to 0.5lbs off per week which allows me 1500 cals. I have personalised this to 1400 on the recommendation of my gym instructor and eat back about half of my exercise calories.

    Hope this helps! Friend me if you like.

    Mel x
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Yes, you eat back your exercise points on WW. I just finished WW and have switched completely to MFP. If you don't eat back your exercise points it would be similar to undereating here on MFP.
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    Yes, you eat back your exercise points on WW. I just finished WW and have switched completely to MFP. If you don't eat back your exercise points it would be similar to undereating here on MFP.

    Oh really. So if I earn AP daily then I have to eat them back? I didn't know that. Thank you x
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What would be the point of earning the extra if you weren't going to eat them...?
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    You don't HAVE to eat them back, but they are there for you to fall back on if the need arises. The AP disappears at the end of the week and you start over, just as the WP. I'm a WW, but I log my food and exercise on MFP instead of WW online, because I think it helps me to eat a better variety of food and more balanced. I attend the WW meetings weekly to weigh in and get motivated. As of yet, I haven't touched my AP's, since I want that to be used to burn more calories to lose weight faster. That's just me, though. So far, it's working. If I reach a plateau, I may have to rethink. It's always good to confuse your body now and then when it gets too comfortable.