14 day Acai Berry cleanse

Anyone ever tried this product? I saw it in the store and am curious on how it works, if it works, or if its a waste of money. Just looking for a little kick start back into the game.


  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Personally, I'd avoid anything that uses words like 'cleanse' or 'toxins' or involves not eating actual food.

    You've done really, really well to lose so much so far. Why don't you just have a good think about a really healthy diet for the next week or so - lots of fruit n veg, lean protein, complex carbs etc. and masses of water. A bit of exercise would be good too. (But not too much).

    Good luck on your journey!
  • AliDarling
    I've done it, but i did the real one from the web site. the one at walmart and supermarkets are fake. the real one was fantastic, the store, waste of the $9.00. the only acai in it is on the lable.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Didn't work for me I tried that in early days when was struggling to lose weight.. I had an allergic reaction to it!

    I've been losing quicker after dropping wheat products and going low carb in general... losing about 18lbs in a few months after taking the first 4 months to lose just 9lbs (with carbs in diet) & exercising of course.

    If you need a bit of help with having energy to exercise, Capsiplex is good and safe it just contains capsicum naturally found in chilli peppers but doesn't burn your mouth off trying to eat them to boost metabolism! I just used to take them before a big early morning exercise session and it would give me energy to exercise for 2hours instead of the 30mins I was struggling to manage at first.

    Did help me build up fitness and length of time exercising & I have now been exercising on my own (60-90mins) without them for the last month or so and still losing. Haven't had any side effects coming off them..but I didn't take them daily. When first started taking them I used to get a 'prickly heat' sensation around back of neck and top of shoulders but after a while that stopped happening.
  • missgigi007
    I use the acai berry tablets. I have been considering the cleans but I have not crossed that bridge yet. Alot of stuff I want to do I am waiting till xmas is over and my shopping is done. Then I can really spend some money on me to do this. :-)

  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I use Holland & Barratt Acai Berries - I got them free from someone - the only difference I have noticed is better energy levels, less tired during the day and my skin is a lot smoother. No difference to weight loss.
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    My friend tried this and it was very unsuccessful. She ordered it off line, and although her energy was boosted and it allowed her to push herself to workout more and for a longer period of time, once she was off the "cleanse" all the weight she lost came back and she struggled with wirhdrawls