Thanksgiving pounds

I ate more food than usual over this week because family was over my house and I gained 2-3 pounds because all we had in the house was junk food. (They don't eat healthy) The pounds stuck and I can't figure out how to lose it because (even though they left) there is still some food left and I find myself tempted by it. What can I do? Quick exercises? With exercise I ate around 400 cals a day and I stayed fit but now I'm up to 600 :frown: What do you guys do to drop the Thanksgiving pounds?


  • eileen7316
    eileen7316 Posts: 72 Member
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    Please tell me that you are joking about the 400 calories or 600 calories. Anyone on here will tell you that is not enough.
    If you want some real feed back, you will need to open your food diary so that everyone can see.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Throw the junk food out. It stinks to waste food, but it's worse to eat it, feel weird and have to work it back off. Then you can just go back to your normal routine that works for you. :)
  • diana160
    How about throw the extra food away? I never do well with food in the house that is high in calories, fat, sodium, etc. Drink more water, in case it is sodium making you show a gain. Last but not least, forgive yourself and move on.....Diana:flowerforyou:
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I threw away the leftovers last night just to remove the tempatation. The key for me is if it is not in my house I can't eat it and I will not make special trips just to have junk food. Alot of your gain might be from sodium as Thanksgiving foods tend to have alot of that and you can increase your water intake to help flush that out. All in all there is no magic way to get rid of those pounds except by getting back up, fighting the temptations and working out a little harder. Good luck!
  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    I think she meant that after subtracting exercise calories burned she nets 400 calories.
  • danceforlifee
    Yes I meant that the net calories are 400 but now 600
  • danceforlifee
    The 400 was net calories because dancing burns many calories. Also, I just made my diary public. I think I may be having an off week. I've been trying to eat better after the weekend though.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey, girl:

    If I am reading your diary right, you are not eating dinner at all. I don't even know you, but I am seriously worried about you. I know that this was not what you were posting about, but I don't think you are getting enough calories or nutrients.
    Were you overweight? Why is your calorie requirement so low in the first place?
    Being around the MFP members, I can tell you right now that your body is starving for calories. Whether this is taken as rude advice from me or not, I am giving it to you. If you are exercising on top of that, it is probably like you aren't eating anything at all.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Wow sweetie you really are not eating enough food at all! Unless you are not logging your dinners because you do not want to go over? I can tell you one thing if you don't eat enough you will not lose a pound. If that is your actual calorie intake for a day you are starving your body and it will store foods to maintain enough nutrients to keep you functioning. I also am worried about you and where you came up with your calculations for calories. If you are working out that hard you need the food. Please take care of yourself and lose weight in a healthy way otherwise your "payoff" will not be anything close to good. If you have issues with food or body image please seek some help. Noone is trying to hurt your feelings but protect you from making some potentially dangerous decisions.
  • danceforlifee
    Hey, girl:

    If I am reading your diary right, you are not eating dinner at all. I don't even know you, but I am seriously worried about you. I know that this was not what you were posting about, but I don't think you are getting enough calories or nutrients.
    Were you overweight? Why is your calorie requirement so low in the first place?
    Being around the MFP members, I can tell you right now that your body is starving for calories. Whether this is taken as rude advice from me or not, I am giving it to you. If you are exercising on top of that, it is probably like you aren't eating anything at all.

    I hadn't finished logging, I tend to do that because my busy schedule
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Don't stress too much- trying to eat too little to counter-act the overeating will be short lived and unhealthy for you. Just think, everyone has slip ups, you've just gotta carry on as normal and next time maybe you'll think of the few weeks it took you to lose those couple of pounds and maybe you'll think twice before eating so much again next time? Stay positive and keep at it! (:
    Also throw/give the food away so temptation is gone.