Eating for Acne

Are there any foods you would reccommend to help prevent acne and promote better skin? I'm already on 2 different medications for acne and nothing seems to work. My diary is open if you want to look and suggest changes to help clear up my skin.


  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Oil of oregano taken in capsule form has helped my sister immensely with acne
    for dietary changes I would cut out all sugar that is not fruit and severely limit fruit for two weeks or so and see if this helps
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    bump :)
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Foods to avoid: Dairy and refined carbohydrates.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Honestly? Go talk to your doctor.
    I had very, very severe acne.

    I was on roaccutane for 18months (this is the harshest tab you can get, takes out ALL the oil in your skin)..
    Now I am off it is sooo much better but still need to take a form of birth control to keep it under control.
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Nothing has ever helped my skin till the end of last year. I'll be 31 next week. I never really took BC because I was scared of more weight gain. My Obgyn prescribed a low dose pill low-ogestrol, it has helped immensely, my skin looks great, have had lots of complements and I've lost 30 pounds while on it. My acne wasn't severe, but was noticeable. So a pill might help, I also starting using bare minerals make up , i think makeup contributed to it as well. Drinking water helps too. Odd thing is my brother never had a problem, and never took care of his skin.
  • I'm on BC right now (not for it, but it helps a litte). I'll try cutting out dairy and limiting my sugar intake. Thanks for the help!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Try removing dairy - all dairy, no cheats which means no butter, milk, whey, reading packaging of those Poptarts and things, etc - for at least a couple of weeks, at least two, and see if that helps. I've known people who have discovered their severe acne was related to dairy consumption. If that doesn't work, I agree with trying some of these other suggestions. People don't all respond the same way to food, it's not like saying - oh chocolate causes acne or whatever the myths are that are still out there. It's about how your body responds to certain foods. You may have a sensitivity to certain foods that shows up as acne. Oil of oregano could be a good one to try, I've never heard of using it to help with acne but it makes sense it might work - I take it when I'm getting a cold and have found it in capsule form at health food stores.
  • airborne46q
    airborne46q Posts: 5 Member
    Garlic capsules. Two caplets 3 times a day should provide you a lot of relief. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antivirul that seriously works wonders. If you are worried about the smell, I'd go for the oderless kind or eat some parsely to neutralize the odor. It is always best to avoid medications whenever possible. all meds have to be processed through the liver. go natural if possible.

    I know this seems basic, but also ensure you are washing your pillowcases/sheets every couple of days to avoid grinding the dirt into your skin. Wash your face gently with a mild face soap. Scrubbing hard and long actually makes the problem worse because you strip all the oil off your face, stimulating the oil glands to produce even more oil than before. It becomes a vicious cycle and you will be miserable. Then apply a good oil (I suggest avoiding all chemicals), like avocado, olive, or sesame (not the dark toasted sesame. you would need to get cold-pressed sesame oil from a natural foods store or at My son had pretty bad problems and his cleared up within a month using these techniques I learned in a great book called Prescription for Natural Healing I got at my local health food store.

    I know your post was specifically about foods, but studies are inconclusive about what foods may cause acne. Most suggestions are just wives tales. Nothing definitive out of the research -- except that garlic seems to work. Garlic will even cure athlete's foot (I've done it). It's such a good food that it will help your heart, lower cholesterol, etc. Should be a part of every person's diet every day. If you don't like garlic, no worries because you can't taste the capsules.

    Start with those tips and grab that book. It's got remedies for just about everything and so far everything I've tried has worked like a charm. Good luck.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Also, don't be too harsh on your skin with washing and scrubbing and moisturizing. I found my breakouts decreased, with the exception of hormonal ones, once I stopped using a lot of products. I wash my face twice a day- I use a mild soap to wash my face once a day and the other time I simply use a warm washcloth and very gently clean my face, not scrub it. Then I use jojoba oil on it.

    haha - just saw the post above, we had the same idea!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Lots of veggies and fruits, lots of water, and lots of sweating (with gentle cleansing after the sweating).
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Foods to avoid: Dairy and refined carbohydrates.

    I have worked in Dermatology before... the physician in charge took care of my daughter's severe acne issues by eliminating dairy and refined CHO's as well....

    Please consider reviewing your individual circumstances with a Dermatologist...
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Personally I found the biggest things to be drinking more water and adding more healthy fats to my diet. The fats I actually discovered when I started using MFP and found I was only consuming about half of the recommended amount and when I looked up the effects one of them was healthy skin, turns out it made a huge difference for me. I had tried the dermatologist plenty of times and followed their advice, taken pills, and followed skincare regimes and was never very pleased with the results. Along with that I use a natural skincare line and a facial cleansing brush for light exfoliation. Easy and worked wonders for me.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Nothing has ever helped my skin till the end of last year. I'll be 31 next week. I never really took BC because I was scared of more weight gain. My Obgyn prescribed a low dose pill low-ogestrol, it has helped immensely, my skin looks great, have had lots of complements and I've lost 30 pounds while on it. My acne wasn't severe, but was noticeable. So a pill might help, I also starting using bare minerals make up , i think makeup contributed to it as well. Drinking water helps too. Odd thing is my brother never had a problem, and never took care of his skin.

    See, there is the difference - let's just say my DOCTOR asked if I had chicken pox first time I went to see her (in 5th grade) - imagine how terrible it must have been /:
  • airborne46q
    airborne46q Posts: 5 Member
    ha ha, Veganbaum. you're right. there must be something to what we are saying, then! :)
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Nothing has ever helped my skin till the end of last year. I'll be 31 next week. I never really took BC because I was scared of more weight gain. My Obgyn prescribed a low dose pill low-ogestrol, it has helped immensely, my skin looks great, have had lots of complements and I've lost 30 pounds while on it. My acne wasn't severe, but was noticeable. So a pill might help, I also starting using bare minerals make up , i think makeup contributed to it as well. Drinking water helps too. Odd thing is my brother never had a problem, and never took care of his skin.

    See, there is the difference - let's just say my DOCTOR asked if I had chicken pox first time I went to see her (in 5th grade) - imagine how terrible it must have been /:

    Im so sorry sweetie.. Mine started in the sixth grade, real bad then, nothing helped. It pretty much stayed that way till about 17 , then i thought woo hoo, its getting better and will be gone. like people kept telling me-it would go away into adulthood, Bull****... I tried everything under the sun, all the RX stuff then i just gave up. Its not so bad now, but still there. My skin comes from my dad who has scars, my mom is fine. I hope my kids dont have the issues, maybe they'll have something new by then, that works ..
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I have always struggled from severe acne. I use tea tree oil on my skin. You can get it at any health food store. I just drop some on a cotton ball and rub it all over. It works better then any cream I have tried.
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member
    Cutting back on processed foods/ waaay upping my water intake has helped a ton. Plus, for scarring I rub vitamin e oil into my skin a couple times a week. it helps a LOT.
  • AP2o12
    AP2o12 Posts: 20
    I agree on cutting out the dairy/sugar and eating more of the healthy fats. I've had issues with my skin but I've been eating a lot of salmon, omega-3 eggs, and yogurt (natural and no sugar added) yogurt also has probiotics in it that really help for skin and I'd reccomend taking a probiotic supplement as well...and if you need to supplement for healthy fats fish oil is great!
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
  • Thanks so much for all the advice everyone! You've all given me some great new ideas to try out. I'll let u know what works and what doesn't!