traning boredom

I'm starting to find 30- 40 minutes on the treadmill/elliptical super boring. I'll do it, but it just really bores me. I've started doing a lot more weight training lately , which I want to expand on.

Any ideas for a new workout program, or more efficient cardio workouts?


  • try circuit training. it can provide a good balance of cardio and strength training. i'm so worn out that i don't have the energy to be bored.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I do alot of interval training and although it does get boring after a while it does make the time go quicker.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    Get off the treadmill and run outside.

    Outside I run for as long as 2.5 hours. After 10 minutes on the treadmill I'm bored out of my skull.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member is a great start! He focuses on lifting form and has truly effective workouts you do at home. is another great source!

    Add me if you need any help!
    I dont do any cardio except in the spring so for me its all about lifting!
  • My trainer gave me this workout to do on the treadmill - the time goes by really quickly and it's a great cardio workout. The goal is to keep the speed constant. Start at your normal walking pace - (mine is 4.0 - but I started at 3.5 and worked up to it) and incline at 1.0 Warm up for 5 minutes. Then increase the incline to 3.0 keep it there for 2 minutes. Go back to 1.0 incline for 1 minute, then up to 5.0 incline for 2 minutes, back to 1.0 for 1 minute, then up to 7.0 incline. Keep doing this until you reach the max incline the machine has and then reverse it - do 2 minutes at 15.0 incline then 1 minute at 1.0 incline then 2 minutes at 13.0 incline, 1 minute at 1.0, 2 minutes at 11.0 incline and so forth until you are all the way back down to 1.0. Remember DO NOT change the SPEED and DO NOT HOLD ON to the TREADMILL at all. Have fun
  • thanks for the feedback!

    I wish i could run outside , but it's soo cold + busy lol

    I'll definitely try the circuit training/intervals stuff.
  • My trainer gave me this workout to do on the treadmill - the time goes by really quickly and it's a great cardio workout. The goal is to keep the speed constant. Start at your normal walking pace - (mine is 4.0 - but I started at 3.5 and worked up to it) and incline at 1.0 Warm up for 5 minutes. Then increase the incline to 3.0 keep it there for 2 minutes. Go back to 1.0 incline for 1 minute, then up to 5.0 incline for 2 minutes, back to 1.0 for 1 minute, then up to 7.0 incline. Keep doing this until you reach the max incline the machine has and then reverse it - do 2 minutes at 15.0 incline then 1 minute at 1.0 incline then 2 minutes at 13.0 incline, 1 minute at 1.0, 2 minutes at 11.0 incline and so forth until you are all the way back down to 1.0. Remember DO NOT change the SPEED and DO NOT HOLD ON to the TREADMILL at all. Have fun

    I'll try this , thank you.
  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    Girl! Try Zumba! With zumba you can burn up to 700 calries in 1 hr and it superfun! You can find a class neaer in you look online in there wedsite

    Its good to change it up! For me its my go to cardio workout. :)
  • I'm the same way when it comes to running on the treadmill. Recently, I started bringing a towel & throwing it over the monitor so I can't see how long I've been on the treadmill for. This has helped SO much! It helps the time (for me) go by faster because I'm not watching the seconds tick by slowly - I'm just running and listening to my iPod. Its great and has actually helped increase my endurance/distance.

    Also, try expanding your cardio activities to include things like swimming, zumba, aerobic classes, the erg (rowing machine), stairmaster and more! You can do just 20 minutes on each and get in a full hour of cardio and not even realize it! I like to combine these 20 minute segments with the treadmill, stairmaster, and erg.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    thanks for the feedback!

    I wish i could run outside , but it's soo cold + busy lol

    I'll definitely try the circuit training/intervals stuff.

    running outside doesn't take much more time than on a treadmill.

    And as they say in Norway, "There's no bad weather, only bad clothes" :-)"
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    audio books work wonders for me :) i get stuck into a good book... barely notice the miles go by