Is my scale broken?

OK, so this is going to sound weird--but I just want to get some opinions.

To date, I've lost almost 73 pounds since March. Up until approximately two months ago, though, I got used to weight fluctuations. I was usually able to base what I would weigh in the morning by what I weigh at night (I weigh in a lot--sue me. lol). Usually I weigh about 2 pounds less in the morning than I do at night, and of course, my weight fluctuates throughout the day-- even if it's just by .2 or .4 lbs. My scale used to reflect this, but it seems like it's suddenly... stopped?

It's started to happen where my scale will weigh me in at the EXACT same weight, to the fifth of a pound (my scale only count to the .2 lb.), for days at a time. For example, I weighed exactly what I did with clothing on last night as I did this morning in my skivvies. Obviously that can't be right. I usually pick the scale up and let it recalibrate; sometimes even removing and replacing the batteries, to get a more accurate reading. This feels like always does the trick. I've been having to do this multiple times daily. I'm not sure if it really works, though, or if I'm just getting desperate. Does this make sense?

My husband thinks I'm insane. He said that scales can't have memories (especially not my cheap $20 scale--it's a Taylor), so they can't magically "recall" what they have previously displayed (this particular model does not have a store function). To me, though, it's somehow "remembering" the last number. It has started to do this all the time--either that, or my body has gotten so good at maintaining my weight (which sucks, because I have 70 lbs. left to lose...), that it's somehow able to control my weight down to the .2 lb-- even overnight. Is that possible?

Does it sound like it's failing? I've had a lot of scales in my day, and I've never seen one do this. I'm just trying to decide if it's my body or the scale! LOL.

If you think it's failing, any recommendations on a new scale? Thanks!


  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Why not weigh something that you know? Like a 10lb dumbbell, or even a bag of potatoes.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    My personal scale test.

    Note weight, then drink 1 pint of water.

    1 pint of water is exactly 1 lb of weight, so step back on and the scale should be + 1lb.

    If it doesnt move its busted or not that accurate.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Why not weigh something that you know? Like a 10lb dumbbell, or even a bag of potatoes.

    Here's the weird thing: I've done that. I've weighed me with a cube of Diet Pepsi, and yes, it works. It almost seems like it's not accurate more than it's not working, if that makes sense: like it's no longer able to sense .2 or .4 or even .6 pounds. Basically, if I have lost or gained less than a pound, it won't show it. Does that make sense? It's not that it's completely inaccurate, it's the in-between.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    My personal scale test.

    Note weight, then drink 1 pint of water.

    1 pint of water is exactly 1 lb of weight, so step back on and the scale should be + 1lb.

    If it doesnt move its busted or not that accurate.

    Excellent suggestion. For whatever reason, it never occurred to me to try something small (although i have inadvertently doing with clothes versus without). Definitely something amiss. Any suggestions on a new one?
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    My scale has been doing the same. It is a Weight Watcher scale. I notice if I hold something heavy and get the weight...then get off and weigh just myself I seem to get an accurate weight. I like the drink a pint of water then weigh suggestions. Especially since we should all be drinking the water anyway.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    does it take batteries???
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    does it take batteries???

    Yes, and I've replaced them twice. I guess I should just buy a new scale. lol
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Changing the batteries would have been my first suggestion-

    I also mark with tape EXACTLY where I place my feet (even a fluctuation there alters my readings)
    and I've moved the scale too. Once it was on an uneven spot on the floor.
  • Serendipity5864
    I personally like my Thinner scale. It has a lifetime warranty. It is a little pricey, but almost everyone in my family has one and there has been no complaints.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My scale tends to do the same thing. Also a ~$20 digital by Taylor. There's been times that I weighed myself fully clothed, then took off my jeans and sneakers and weighed 1.5# less. I didn't realize those were anti-gravity shoes!!!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    If all else may have just gotten your $20 out of it. Time to reinvest if you can't get it figured out?
  • starrlight23
    starrlight23 Posts: 105 Member
    I am guessing the Taylor scales are crap. If they are not we may just have the exact same I have a Taylor and it remembers the weight as well. This is my method till I can get a new one. I step on it but only with one foot to get a fake reading then step on and get my true weight. If I don't does this I weigh the same for