Forever Fat



  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    This probably won't help but let me tell you that as hard as it seems now, it's easier at 22 than at 40.
    Maybe your family doesn't want to face their own issues, so when you are trying to better yourself it makes them feel guilty about themselves. Someone above posted about healthier choices at McD's, and I agree. You can still eat there, just make different choices.

    When you have so far to go (and I can relate) it does seem impossible to even start. But once you get going, and you see things changing, you will want it more. It becomes addicting.

    Hang in there.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Just because you work at McDonalds, you don't have to eat there. Take your lunch. If you have to eat there, stick to the grilled chicken salad with very little dressing. I'm not a psychologist, so I can't tell you any magic tricks to get over mental blocks. Just set your mind on making yourself better. Set realistic goals in 10 lb increments and reward yourself when you get there. Make that reward something related to an active lifestyle., Maybe new sneakers or a new workout DVD.
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Everyone in my family is basically fat. I had the same attitude as you. But after I looked around at this site, and found hundreds of people that have lost 100+ pounds, and I even friended a few, I know now that it is possible and just takes hard work. It can be yours too if you work hard at it. If you already tell yourself you can't then you are selling yourself short. And this is sad. Look around. Friend some of these folks and this just may inspire you to loose. Good luck in your journey.
  • Please dont give up! Anyone can change their life all you have to do is be willing to work for it. I totally can relate to being discouraged because of family. My family inst all overweight but a few are, and my parents never supported me in my weight loss endeavors to the extent I would have liked. When i wanted them to put healthy food in the house, they didn't, when i wanted them to pay for a gym membership they didnt and so all throughout highschool I stayed overweight and blamed it on them. When in reality, I have total control over my own body and what I eat, I just used them as a scape goat to remain in my fat state.


    im 22 now and have lost 50lbs (still got another 40 to go) but i realize that i could have started this journey years ago and it would be over by now. No matter what obstacles are in your way if youre determined enough you can surpass them. You work at an unhealthy place? Start packing lunches/dinners before you head to work, prepare them the night before or morning of.
    You dont have time or money for a gym membership? Utilize your backyard. run in your neighborhood or a nearby park... its free!

    There are always options you just have to decide how bad you want this and how much you are willing to do to obtain your goal.

    Look at it this way - devote the next couple of months solely to your weight loss and getting healthy and it will change your entire life from here on out. its totally worth it. Honestly I became a hermit, i stopped going out with friends, no dinners, no movies, no nothing and all did was go to work (or school), eat healthy throughout the entire day and workout and i focused on that alone and i dropped 50lbs over 4 months. Youre going to be hungry but you just deal with it... do whatever it takes to stay motivated. I personally printed out pics and cut out pics in magazines of girls in cute clothes that I cant wait to wear when I loose my weight or ppl who have the size body Im aiming for and hung them on my wall - along with a picture of me at my heighest weight so i can look at it and know that im never allowing myself to get there again.

    if i can do it. you can to. you just have to decide if youre ready to commit and actually change your life.

    A year from now you will wish you had started today.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    By the way, you are SO pretty!
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    I posted this the other day as motivation to continue on with our journey...

  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Oh I know how you feel! I come from a family where spending time together usually consists of eating in one form or another. It's hard but your well being is worth it! McDonald's does have healthier options...take advantage of them! Hugs!
  • I want to thank you for being comfortable and open enough to even share how you're feeling. We're all here on this site because, in one way or another, we want something better for our lives. I don't have anything overly special to say, becuase everyone is right - it's up to all of us to ultimately decide to make better choices. Until we do, this cycle will continue.

    I logged in today for the first time in almost 2 years (bringing 25 additional pounds with me) because I'm just sick of feeling this way. And it's spilling over into other areas of my life. So even if I end up eating like crap for the rest of the day, at least I took this one step.

    All I can say is that you are not alone. Keep posting. Keep sharing how you feel and what you're going through. You are not alone.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If it's possible to switch jobs that would be a good first step. Have you considered waiting tables at a real restaurant? You'd make more money, could still have a flexible schedule and have better food options while at work. Eating better will allow you to eat more for the same calories. For the calories in one full sized McD burger you can have a huge plate of healthy food. And that's not including fries and drink.

    As to the "why not stay fat" question, 2 very good reasons come quickly to mind.

    1. You are clearly not happy being fat or you wouldn't be asking these questions.
    2. Being overweight is linked to a number of diseases including heart disease, diabetes and several cancers. If your entire family is overweight it's likely some of them are already experiencing health problems due to it.
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    I was overweight/nearly obese for all my teen-life. Had tried everything, from exercising like crazy at gym, to "fad diets". Nothing worked. Nothing ever seemed to work. I gave up, re-started, gave up again (because I was getting no results)

    Then on the advice of a friend I steadily increased my activity levels for a month. It seemed harmless, and I thought it'd be good to be active once in a while. Choosing to walk instead of taking the bus... stairs, instead of the elevator and so on, simple changes.

    Frankly speaking the weight loss came as complete surprise to me when it did, and it was unintentional too. I'd lost 15 pounds in 5 months, and hadn't even realized it (it was only when a friend commented on my 'improved' appearance that I weighed myself on the scale, and my jaw nearly dropped!)

    Now I am fit enough to run 5k's almost daily. Have lost a total of 40 lbs in the past 8 months :)

    Key is, once you make a change, you stick with it! Remember that healthy changes are good even if they doesn't show you immediate results, your body will thank you later.

    And take measurements. You may not even realize how much fat you're converting to muscle. They'll only show up as reduction in inches. Every little bit count. It helps you stay motivated.

    All the best on your journey! You can do this.
  • valerieee
    valerieee Posts: 13 Member
    You can definitely do it! I am the most negative person ever and I'm managing. If I can do it, you totally can. Like everyone says, choose the healthier options at McD's. Then treat yourself on the weekend with one of your favourites! I'm having a total blip right now and I'm 8lbs up from my lowest weight. :( But thats gonna happen, you just need to get rid of the negative thoughts and tell yourself you can do it. Just take one day at a time, you'll totally get there! :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    look, so long as you enjoy your current lifestyle, you're not going to have the motivation necessary to go on a healthy lifestyle journey. All I see when I read your initial post is excuse after excuse. Trust me, I'm an excuse expert....I used to live that life as well. It was easier to make excuses than to commit to making the mental commitment to change my life.

    If, however, you don't like your current lifestyle and long for something different....something more healthy and active....then dig deep within yourself and find those powerful reasons that will get you out of "I'm a walking, talking excuse" land. if you need help with this task, review my will power blog below. Take some real time for yourself and dig deep for some real powerful reasons to make a change. If the reasons are powerful enough, and if you do not like your current lifestyle, you will commit to a healthy lifestyle journey and figure out a way around the excuses you wrote down. I promise you that EVERY ONE of us had reasons why it would be EASIER to stay FAT. I also promise you that EVERY ONE of us who made a commitment to make the changes necessary to live a healthier life are glad that we did. I sure as heck am. But hey, excuses work for many people. its the easy way afterall (that is, until you get to a point where diabetes, high blood pressure and other ish starts interfering with your easy life).
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    Please don't give up... being healthy is so important, and you will thank yourself for staying the course when you are older and able to appreciate everything you've done for yourself now...

    Don't let the bumps in the road stop you... just pick yourself up and start again.

    Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

    If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.

    Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

    - Henry Ford
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you don't get rid of the mentality that you can't do it, then you won't.

    Make a goal of losing 1 pound. If you lose one, you can lose 2. If you lose 2, you can lose 4, and so on.

    Move that mountain one pebble at a time.

    This exactly!!!! Try not to look at the big picture of losing lots of weight. Start with baby steps - better eating - start bringing your meals with you to work or making healthier choices at work. Track your food, you will feel more full the more protein and fiber you eat.

    Just don't give up - you can do this.
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    I felt similar my whole life! Fat family,fat for life. I'm 43 and proving that wrong this year! Wish i got this right at your age and i Hope you do! I had to change my habits and most importantly my thinking. It is taking more time than i like but its happening! and i've got my whole life to get this right and so do you! Good luck on this journey and i offer my support, if you want to friend me!

  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    You say that you are young. Use this as an opportunity. Learn to cook good healthy meals and shop for foods. That knowledge will take you into adulthood with good habits.

    At the gym, hang out with a friend while you workout. Motivate each other and compete with each other. Join a class and meet people. It will motivate you to get to the gym if you get to see friends there.

    Eat at McDonalds, but know what you are eating and how many calories they are. If you have to have french fries, have the smallest size you can. Same with hamburgers and shakes.

    Keep in mind that you are doing this to make you the best you can be. And you deserve that. Don't treat it like a punishment. You are breaking away from the bad habits of your family and creating new good habits. It will get easier over time.

    Good luck
  • First of all, when did you start on this site? This doesn't happen over night and if you keep telling yourself you can't do it, then you won't, so what's the problem? Sorry if I am going to sound harsh but it's honesty here, sounds to me like you keep coming up with excuses for yourself. I use to work at McDonalds too, and I didn't eat their food, I would bring my own or I would go home for lunch. When I first started this program I was hungry alot too, but I just told myself that would pass and I would drink alot more water or snack on vegetables, it's all about keeping your mind and hands busy without eating. The weight won't come off overnight, a little at a time and your stomach begins to shrink so the hunger pains will not last forever. If you really want this then just do it and quit trying to find excuses. You will in the long run be much more healthy and happier. Go to the gym and take some headphones and walk an hour on the treadmill, watch a good show or movie while doing it. I have lost 18 lbs. in about 2 1/2 monthes and it was mostly from just watching my calories intake, I have to say when it comes to exercising I am kind of lazy, but I do some to keep myself motivated. I do wish you the best with your decision, and that's just what it is, your decision on how you want to live for today. Tomorrow may not be here for any of us. So if you decide to give it your all, then don't think of it as something long term just think of it as waking up in the morning and doing it just for today, and every morning if you do that, then after a month you will be surprised and your results.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Don't give up.
    Negativity will get you every time.
    Don't think of it as "I only exercised for 20 min then I gave up"
    Think of it as "I exercised for 20 min today. That's 20 minutes more then someone who didn't try at all"
    Every time you exercise a little longer you are achieving a new milestone.
    McDonald's isn't the best choice to eat, but if you are getting frustrated try to bring a healthy lunch 1 or 2 days a week to start.
    Don't think of it as "I ate bad 3 days this week"
    Think "I ate healthy 2 days this week"
    The more positive thinking and reenforcement you give yourself the easier it gets.

    Just don't give up.
    It gets harder the older you get (now that i'm nearing 30 I am finding it harder to keep weight off, when I was in my early 20's it seemed to come off a lot easier)
    You are young and beautiful and clearly you are thinking about it so you want to do it.
    Just think positive.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Just take your time. Make getting healthy the focus and the weight loss will come.

    You're fine, sweetheart. The only one who can stop you is you.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    If you don't get rid of the mentality that you can't do it, then you won't.

    Make a goal of losing 1 pound. If you lose one, you can lose 2. If you lose 2, you can lose 4, and so on.

    Move that mountain one pebble at a time.

    "Upon this rock" says it perfectly. If you continue to believe that you cannot eat healthy and exercise despite the roadblocks in your way ... an unsupportive family, working at McDonald's, etc. ... then you won't be able to it. In the beginning, it is ALL mental. ALL MENTAL! You have to believe you can do it. Fake it until you make it. Eat before you go to work. Snack on salads and apple slices. And when that cheeseburger or those fries look like the best thing on earth, picture yourself in the body you want ... because you know what? You will enjoy your healthy body waaaaay longer than you will enjoy that burger or those fries!

    You are here. That is the first step! Believe you can do it! :flowerforyou: