Paxil victim



  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Ok Back!

    I was able to lose weight a couple of time while on Paxil but I did balloon up when I first started taking it...Then I had my boys in 2007 and tried to take off the baby weight on and off...

    I joined MFP last January and I was able to lose 25 pounds VERYYYYYYYY SLOWLY...Lots of workouts, lots of water and lots of journaling...

    Over the years I started on 60 mg, then 50, was on 40 for a while until we decided to get pregnant and was back on 40 mg 6 weeks post-partum after the twins...

    Right now I am at 20mg and I sometimes do suspect Paxil might be to blame for such a slow weight loss...

    The reason I mentioned the withdrawal earlier is because you need to get your doctor's approval as it is really really difficult for your body to process it...It can also be dangerous :(

    I am so used to it in my system that as soon as I go over 24 hrs without my dose, I experience vertigo, the "zaps" and nausea :(

    I was 25 when I started and I kinda wished I would have explored other options but at the same time it give me my Life back...

    Good luck and hang in there!

  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Talk to your pharamcist or your doctor if they have any suggestions on how to combat the weightloss
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    I can't type a (lot ) husband not back from work yet, will write later but just wanted to ask you if your weaning was under the supervision of your doctor?

    I have been on it for more 10 years and Paxil withdrawal can be compared to heroin withdrawal...I am serious...

    The withdrawls are horrendous! It was very very hard to get off of it, THAT ALONE was reason enough for me to find my way to be healthy and perscription drug free(except my asthma puffer wich I need less and less as I get more fit) like coffee anything that has withdrawls makes me nervous. I worked with my doctor to get off and Im glad I did.
  • Moronar
    Moronar Posts: 7 Member
    I took paxil for about two years when I started college and gained about 30 lbs. in that time that I am just now, 7 years later starting to get rid of. Watch out when you're coming off of it, I experience extremely bad paranoia when I was weening off of it, turned me into a conspiracy theorist for about half a year.
  • Hyperspace
    I've been on Lexapro and Wellbutrin for a couple of years, and I must say, I love what they do to my brain.

    I could blame the Lex for my weight gain over the last few years, but I don't think it's the medication. I think, rather, that it's because I am happier and more accepting of myself, and therefore have had a harder time motivating myself to lose a few pounds before they turn into more.

    I really need to look in the mirror and think "Blech" in order to get motivated. Recently I look at the mirror and think, "Well, OK for 52"--- which I suppose is a healthy mental attitude but its not necessarily healthy for the body. I won't be "OK" if I gain much more.

    In addition, I have a lot less anxious, nervous energy. Feels nice, but I'm sure it reduces my resting metabolism.
  • Hyperspace
    FYI, of all the SSRI's Paxil is said to have the worst withdrawal symptoms.. It also has the shortest half-life in the body. This means that when you quit taking it, the body gets rid of it very quickly with no time to adjust. Other SSRI's are said to be easier because the body eliminates them more slowly -- more of a tapering off.

    Just saying this in case anyone really needs an SSRI, but can't handle Paxil.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    FYI, of all the SSRI's Paxil is said to have the worst withdrawal symptoms.. It also has the shortest half-life in the body. This means that when you quit taking it, the body gets rid of it very quickly with no time to adjust. Other SSRI's are said to be easier because the body eliminates them more slowly -- more of a tapering off.

    Just saying this in case anyone really needs an SSRI, but can't handle Paxil.

    I start "withdrawing" if I go over 24 hours...It's awful! I am currently on 20 mg and am researching a more holistic approach as it is a serious drug and HATE that my body is addicted to it.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    FYI, of all the SSRI's Paxil is said to have the worst withdrawal symptoms.. It also has the shortest half-life in the body. This means that when you quit taking it, the body gets rid of it very quickly with no time to adjust. Other SSRI's are said to be easier because the body eliminates them more slowly -- more of a tapering off.

    Just saying this in case anyone really needs an SSRI, but can't handle Paxil.

    I start "withdrawing" if I go over 24 hours...It's awful! I am currently on 20 mg and am researching a more holistic approach as it is a serious drug and HATE that my body is addicted to it.
    good for you and good luck. consistant and regular excercise can help with depression and anxiety, it did for me. i also found out that my birth control caused the majority of my problems to begin with. once I got off that and weaned off the AD's I found the energy and drive to work out and eat better, i avoid alcohol wich is a depressant too and I am back to normal. It is a hard road but with good support you can do it.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I was on Paxil as well. Back then, they didn't think you would have withdrawal if you got off of it, so I suffered some terrible withdrawal when I tried to quit cold turkey. I finally stepped down off of it, cutting my pills in half, then half of half, then half of that on down to 16ths. Between that and doing Ashtanga yoga at least twice a week, I was able to stop the paxil, stay sane, and lose all the weight I had gained being on paxil and some (lost 50 pounds). Of course, I weigh more now than I did at my Paxil weight gain peak and I have a way to go. But, it can be done. I've managed without medication for years since, however; that's not always necessarily a good thing. I am coming out of a 6 year depression phase and am learning to calm myself from anxiety and panic attacks, with the help of a 12 step recovery program.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I never had weight issues from SSRIs. I experienced no appetite changes or weight changes with Celexa. With Cymbalta, my appetite was shot for 3 weeks, but it came back. I experienced minor weight loss.

    That's good to know. I've been on Celexa for about 2 months but hoping that positive healthy changes and a new exercise regimen will decrease my anxiety so that I can eventually go off of it. My problem is just stress and being overly-anxious about things and maybe exercise will help take that away.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Hey Shannon. I was on Paxil for over 10 years and it really caused me to put on the weight. It was very discouraging becuase I was thin most of my life and I didn't know what to do as I watched myself get larger and larger. I have been off Paxil for over a year now and now I struggle with getting that weight off. I know it is hard to work through the withdrawal symptoms but hang in there. There is life after Paxil. Unfortunately, I have not been all that successful in the dieting area but I did want to let you know you are not alone in the world of Paxil sufferers.
  • klc1964
    Hello everyone, I am new to this website - which website, by the way, is awesome!! It's so refreshing to find a group of people who experience severe anxiety and aren't afraid to discuss it. Thank-you to each of you. I have been on Paxil for about 13 years now and gained upwards of 30 pounds. I also suffer from Thyroid Disorder which puts weight on me too if my meds are out of wack. I was too thin all my teenage and young adult life and once on the meds, beefed up. While I'm told I look 'wonderful", I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I, too, find that Paxil does slow down the weight loss journey, but in time and with persistence, I'll get these extra pounds off. While I love the thought of not being on meds, it's simply not a reality for me. I am being very conscientous of what I eat these days and getting as much exercise as I can in. Thank you again for your support!! :smile:
  • Kasaha
    Kasaha Posts: 2
    Hey Shannon. I feel your pain, believe me, although my pain is not caused by Paxil but a totally screwed up thyroid. I've been dealing with hypothyroidism since age 9, but now at the age of 54 and post-menopausal and in spite of dedicated exercise and point-counting (religiously) I keep packing on the pounds. Been seeing an endocrinologist who is finally addressing the problem that my primary has not and am now hopefully on the right track. I have never been as frustrated with my weight loss efforts as I am now. I now have a box in my closet with jeans ranging in size 10 all the way up to 14 - and am now in 16! Even though this is at the moment out of my control, I've never been as disgusted with myself as I am now. I gained almost 20 pounds in two months!!!!! In spite of all this, I persevere with exercise and point-counting and cannot wait til the meds get me back on track. Good luck with your efforts.