Help, Havent Lost A Single Pound



  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    i weigh myself in the morning every sunday, and i use the wii fit as my scale so its pretty accurate.
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Today you had two Pepsi's, two Iced Capp's and KFC for dinner...if all your days are like that you def won't lose weight even with lots of exercise.
  • susanofscottsdale
    First congratulations on your persistence - I have had similar experiences and they are tough.

    I agree with many of the comments made already. Exercise calories burned tend to be grossly overstated - if you are not using a HRM to calculate, then I would eat back no more than 25-50% of those "burned" calories. And, your diet includes a lot of processed foods and empty calories. Cleaner would be much better, and more satisfying.

    And, for me, I learned that I have to manage BOTH my calories and carb intake, and that I do not lose weight if my carb intake exceeds 10% of my total calorie intake. For me that means a 1,200/day calorie intake with a 120 carb gram intake. This means non starchy veggies, little to no fruit, and lean meat. I have proven this to myself time and time again. Not for everyone, but this is my reality. It may not be yours, but it might be worth a try.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Just glanced at your dairy and noticed that you are eating few calories in your breakfast.. Breakfast is an important meal of your day, you can try eating more for your breakfast and less on your dinner.. One important aspect in weight loss- 80% diet and 20% exercise.. Also try fluctuating your calories for one week and see if you lose weight..
  • diederichs
    I read your diary and it is pretty obvious why you are not losing any weight:

    1. I doubt your extremly high daily exercise calorie burn. With your current weight and your damaged lung (and heart), you might not have the stamina right now to exercise that hard to burn so many calories. Something definitely is wrong with your calculation.

    2. Your sodium intake is way too high and might also cause a long term problem for your heart and blood pressure, if you keep it up. You should try to reduce it radically!

    3. You are not tracking your sugar intake in your diary so far. It is very important to do that and not go over limits. You might want to consider replacing the daily icecream session with a significant lower calorie snack. Try the Jello Mousse au chocolate . . . . 60 or 120 calories per snack only! Cut the ice cream and the Pepsi, if possible.

    Good luck!
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    Today you had two Pepsi's, two Iced Capp's and KFC for dinner...if all your days are like that you def won't lose weight even with lots of exercise.

    today was a bad day i have mostly cut out pop and majorly cut down on my ice caps, and same with fast food i dont have it nearly as much as i use too
  • dsc32209
    dsc32209 Posts: 40 Member
    I am not able to exercise a lot due to foot problems but I do not eat back my exercise calories. Also, for me it is better to eat 3 meals a day of similar calorie count. Skipping breakfast is never a good idea. I eat approximately 1300 calories but then again, I am 60 years old and losing weight is more difficult as you age.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Ha Ha - Like you I considered coffee breakfast. The first week on MFP I gained 2 pounds. I started eating something for breakfast if it is nothing but peanut butter and it made a difference. It is worth a try. Good Luck

    I noticed you are not tracking your protein. If it is a space issue, I would drop the fiber column and definitely add Protein. I try very hard to go over on my Protein because that helps you lose weight faster. Some folks even do protein shakes to get more protein.
  • kristitampl
    kristitampl Posts: 64 Member
    I reviewed you diary as well. You should try to avoid processed and fast foods as much as possible. You should try diet drinks instead of regular. Before joining MFP, I was able to loss 15 lbs within 1 month just by making wiser food choices. I kicked soft drinks and junk food to the curb until I was able to taste and get rid of it. I cheat every so often, but not daily. Otherwise, exercising will be in vein.
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    I do want to state that the weekend i was away from home with a friend at her mothers place and the weekend and today is a very bad example of my eating habits. for exercise i use the dance games on the wii and wii fit plus and tuns of walking. i do NOT normally eat that much fast food pepsi ect.
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    Ha Ha - Like you I considered coffee breakfast. The first week on MFP I gained 2 pounds. I started eating something for breakfast if it is nothing but peanut butter and it made a difference. It is worth a try. Good Luck

    normally i have coffee with a english muffin with peanut butter
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I think you are allowing yourself way too many calories each day. Try cutting it down to 1500 to start.
  • IsleOfThanet
    Wow no weight loss and FOUR HOURS (240 minutes) of aerobic dance on Nov 27? If you can do 4 hours of aerobic dance you should be training for marathons. The guy that won the NYC marathon this year only ran for two hours, five minutes, and six seconds.

    What about eating a real breakfast ... egg nog? coffee? Maybe if you ate a small bowl of oatmeal, a piece of fruit and a boiled egg to start the day then cut back on the Timmy Horton Cappacino "snack" later in the day.

    I guess it's just finding what works for you.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    You are saying that today and this weekend were bad examples, but I looked back over the past two weeks, and there really didn't seem to be a big difference. I don't know exactly what an ice capp is, but for 360 calories, is it worth it? 360 calories could be a piece of baked chicken, 1/2 cup green beans, red potatoes, and even rice or quinoa, which overall is going to give you a lot more good energy for your body.
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    sometimes shaking it up helps. i think everyone has offered great insights, and they are all techniques you should try.

    i recommend trying one thing at a time. when i started my journey with MFP, i started monitoring things (in addition to calories). first, i worked on my sodium intake, trying to get it to around 1500 a day (recommended by American Heart Association). That taught me A LOT about how I was fueling my body and really made me start thinking about the foods I was eating.

    Once I had changed my sodium intake (which took a month or so) and got the hang of that, I moved on to sugar. Next, protein. Now carbs. I think based on your diary, that might be a really good approach for you to address some of the nutritional concerns others have commented on without feeling overwhelmed by it.

    I think its all about baby stepping yourself to good health. Its not easy, but when you do it in small steps with small goals it becomes way more manageable.

    I think all the exercise is great, and while a HRM will give you more accurate results when you are starting out its just more important that you stick to it. Its awesome that it makes you feel good and that is ultimately what is important.

    Measurements are a really good way for you to see the more immediate results when the scale isn't budging.

    I also noticed that you aren't doing any weight/strength training which would be a good addition (as my trainer said, with weight loss it goes 1). calorie deficit 2). strength training 3). cardio) as I know that has helped me shred through plateaus.

    Feel free to friend me or message me with questions...and don't get discouraged!
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow no weight loss and FOUR HOURS (240 minutes) of aerobic dance on Nov 27? If you can do 4 hours of aerobic dance you should be training for marathons. The guy that won the NYC marathon this year only ran for two hours, five minutes, and six seconds.

    What about eating a real breakfast ... egg nog? coffee? Maybe if you ate a small bowl of oatmeal, a piece of fruit and a boiled egg to start the day then cut back on the Timmy Horton Cappacino "snack" later in the day.

    I guess it's just finding what works for you.

    yes i did 4 hours of dance, it was on the Wii using michael Jackson's the experience, just dance 1 and 2 and zumba
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    also may i state that i didnt even know what a calorie was untill 26 days ago when i started! im trying my best people and im just looking for help on how to do this and why im not losing weight, you dont have to be rude or snappy about it! i never needed to watch my figure as i was always 110lbs until 4 years ago when my lung collapsed twice needing to remove the top half of my left lung then getting pregnant. for you people that are saying "wow look what that girl eats" you should have seen what i use to eat before i started this! it has been a major turn around already! i was never brought up to eat healthy and we never had fruits and veggies in my house growing up, things that were garenteed in my house was pop chips and any other types of junk. i use to drink 4-5 or more cans of pop a day so i think that half a can isnt that bad! the weekend was a bad example as well was today but i have been trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    what are you using to estimate the calories that you are burning? is it something on the wii fit or are you using generic aerobic dance listed on here.

    I'm not trying to be mean but, like others, I highly doubt that you dance for 4 hours straight at the intensity that they are assuming in most calculations that programs like this or wii fit would use. I know when I wore my bodybugg and would be soaked in sweat and barely able to move after a 30ds workout, and my bodybugg was saying i only burned about 200 cals. I think its highly likely that you are overestimating what you are actually burning during these workouts
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    This is your chance to give your child a better example! And dancing and doing physical activity with your child is AWESOME! Trying to get healthy with your child is AWESOME! Try making baby steps in the right direction with your food goals and also, you may have a hormone imbalance that is also affecting your weight. I don't think anyone is intentionally being snippy and asked for advice and they are offering it.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    the important thing though is to keep trying and not get discouraged. If you're going from a horribly bad diet to a balance healthy one, its dfinitely going to be hard and your body might not respond well to it at first. I'd suggest cutting down on your allowed calories AND on the exercise and see how that works. You dont need to completely give up things that you like, but keep them as a treat and work them into your calorie plan for the day. Good luck and keep trying!