Looking for dedicated (Female) friends



  • AnnaRocks79
    AnnaRocks79 Posts: 14 Member

    I'm on day 2 of really using MFP and joined the gym and keeping my goal this time..a lifetime goal with myself. I'm a very emotional person and easily fall off the tracks with negative compliments, so I need those who can boost my self-esteem and keep me focused on the positive..

    MFP ID: annsca
    Add me :D
  • I do not know how to add anyone,please add me.I need encouragement and motivation,and i will return the favor
  • Hi, I just started, but I would love to help you keep motivated if you would like to help me!! I am serious to about loosing weight and keeping it off!! Let me know!!!! Melissa
  • awadm
    awadm Posts: 252
    I just started and all the support I get on here is amazingly helpful! I'll add you so we could go on this journey together! :)
  • reeniesing
    reeniesing Posts: 49 Member
    Please add me. I am stgill really new, only about 2 weeks into this, but 20 lbs down with much more to go. I really need it. Anyone in TN.
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello, my name is Silvia and I'm also very new at this site. Im looking for new friends (or friends in general haha) on this site! I'm a great motivator and I'm on everyday allll day to count my calories and make sure my fellow MFP's are keeping on track! Feel free to add me!!! I know I'd appreciate it just as much as you!
  • Anybody on here can add me! :) I'm new to this but I'm serious about losing the weight and need all the motivation I can get! I'm also really easy to talk to so feel free to contact me if you ever need a fitness friend. :)
  • Hello everyone, I have just started mfp and loving it so far! Just needing more motivation and weightloss tips. I am getting married in march and still have 45 more pounds to lose. So if u want to add me then go for it I would love to motivate and get motivated! Take care and good luck on ur journey.
  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi. I am actually new to this today. My trainer suggested this website, and now I know why... it's awesome. I am resolved to get more focused on losing weight.... have been working out since May and ran my first 5k this month, but after the first 20 lbs have not seen much weight loss. I am now ready to do what it takes! I would love to hear from you all, and want to encourage you as well.
  • hey everyone! im new to this site, and id love as many friends as i can get that will be encouraging and help motivate me. im getting married in about a year and a half, and i really want to have the best body possible. i love looking forward to coming on here and seeing other peoples progress andhaving it motivate me more. so please add me :)
  • Jkittels
    Jkittels Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the game here too and would love to join in....I don't even know how to add people......Maybe that would be a good thing to know?

    Have a crazy life, but will check in as frequently as possible!!!! ( mother, wife,Doctoral student, hobby business owner, nurse and DESPERATELY trying to get my diet and health under control!!!)

  • Add me as well if you get a chance.. support is a great motivator!!!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I'm currently training for a half and full marathon in January. Need to be better at food choices and have great goals for December. I love keeping in touch with people. Those who have shown an I treated have helped keep me returning to mfp even when times get "too" busy! Good luck with your journey! Add me if you'd like.
  • add me too! New here and can use all the support I can get!
  • You or anyone can add me also! My friend who was supoose to get fit with me has bailed already, but I am going to keep strong! I am new to dieting/ working out, and could use pointers as well as encouragement! I would love to do the same for everyone too!
  • I'm new to the site but I have been using the phone app since April. My goal is to get to 150 lbs since I'm considered obese. I am a great supporter of people that want to better their lives and how they eat. It's hard but the results are rewarding. Wish everyone luck in their weight loss goals!! >3
  • I am trying to use every tool possible to keep myself motivated, and would love to have a network of friends so that we can help each other. Feel free to add me!
  • New to MFP, okay well I tried it months ago and was really into it then fell off and gained all the weight back that I lost.. NO BUENO :( Looking for motivation and encouragement as well from non judgmental people, especially since I am going to Miami for New Years Eve.. ahhh!!
    We can do this people ;)

    - Allie xo
  • reeniesing
    reeniesing Posts: 49 Member
    We've got to set some goals for the holiday. For example:

    1. Each piece of pie or cake represents 5 extra minutes of exercise
    2. For Christmas dinners, lunches, parties, use only a small saucer or cake plate for food and make sure there is space between the food items. We must be able to see the bottom of the plate
    3. No return trips for just a little more.

  • btyfshnsta
    btyfshnsta Posts: 7 Member
    GREAT ...Love these suggestions, I have a horrible sweet tooth...so i hope i can stay strong. I had not heard the tip on "being able to see the bottom of plate" Thanx

    We've got to set some goals for the holiday. For example:

    1. Each piece of pie or cake represents 5 extra minutes of exercise
    2. For Christmas dinners, lunches, parties, use only a small saucer or cake plate for food and make sure there is space between the food items. We must be able to see the bottom of the plate
    3. No return trips for just a little more.

