was 284 now 208 want to be 198

Well i am fighting these last pounds! I still work out 2wice a day since march 1. I am eating my caloriers back now . I run up to 6 miles a day or i use the elliptial 2wice a day when in town. Help!


  • insane4train
    insane4train Posts: 58 Member
    do you lift weights?
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I would change your routine around. I'm not here that long, but every time I go to the gym I use different target spots to be different. I think it helps in weight loss. :)
  • miracle1018
    You are amazing! Congratulations!! Becky
  • Lotfali
    I'm like you. The daily workout comes easy, but the food part is a struggle. I realize that I can't exercise enough to offset eating with abandon. This site will keep you 'honest' on calories and also open your eyes to how many calories there are in some stuff you assumed wasn't high cal. Everyday you can burn more than you take in is a victory, but allow yourself some 'one step back' days and don't beat yourself up over them.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    Lift more , run less
  • redsdrift
    redsdrift Posts: 17 Member
    yes i do lift really light weight till muscle failer
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    yes i do lift really light weight till muscle failer

    Lift heavy weight! You can't tone muscle, either you grow it or you don't. Doing high reps of light weight is not a good use of your tome! Congrats on the weight loss, you're doing awesome, so keep it up!
  • redsdrift
    redsdrift Posts: 17 Member
    want to lose more weight not tone it! lifting heavy weights is not what i am going for dont want to gain muscle.
  • insane4train
    insane4train Posts: 58 Member
    Muscle is really hard to build. The average person can only gain 2-5 lbs of muscle per year. However that little bit of added muscle will help burn those extra calories.