Fiber 1 bars? Are they GOOD for you? ???`



  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    FiberOne 90 cal bars (PB one)

    Only has 5g of sugar.
    My fave =]
  • Arabian♥Breeze
  • carlson06
    I eat the 90 calorie fiber one bars. My Fav is the Chocolate Peanut butter The sugar content in those is 5g.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    The question should be is it sugar or high fructose corn syrup? HFCS is the devil and I avoid anything that has that ingredient. I even read the label on bread to find the one wihout it. With that being said, you would be better off having cocoa roasted almonds (to hit that chocolate craving) or a piece of fruit. I struggle with the "healthy" vs "good for my weight loss" issue everyday. I strive for healthy that is also good for my weigh loss. Tricky, tricky subject. Good luck!
  • crsmithrn
    They are super sweet... I do not personally like them, and yes they are processed but if they quell your urge for something sweet do it up! Like some said in earlier posts...make sure you drink lots of water or going to the bathroom could become a bad adventure. :embarassed:
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    Too many preservatives for me. Also, they are too sweet for me. :) I prefer to add benefiber to my drinks or eat fiber tablets made by fiber choice. Good luck!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I treat them like a dessert essentially.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Define "good"?

    Everyone has a different opinion on that. What's yours?

    I like Fiber One bars. They fit nicely into my schedule. I take a whole box to work, throw them in my drawer, and when I'm running around like a crazy person and I don't have time to eat lunch, I wolf one down.

    But then... I eat "evil" processed food all the time.
  • crsmithrn
    73lbs wow! Congrats!!! How do you maintain?
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I don't know how good they are for me. But I keep one in my backpack at all times. Because if I am starving in between classes its either a snack bar I have in my backpack or a bag of chips from the vending machines.

    If I have access to other foods such as veggies or fruit, I'd rather snack on that, but in a pinch, I'd love a fiber 1 bar.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    meah, I tried them I don't like them. Honestly if you want to add fiber and can't stomach things like broccoli, green beans, and all the other green foods that have good fiber in it. Also a cup of coffee, tea, and water has it :D... Try adding some "Metamucil powder" to your food, it doesn't have a flavor but adds fiber. :)
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i like the 90 calorie pb ones, i keep a box of them and a bag of apples in my car for those rushing around days so i dont stop and get complete junk to eat. keeps my hunger at bay
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    So you by chance have a recipe? :)
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    My fav are the Kashi Honey Almond Flax granola bars. 4g of fiber and they taste great!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Just curious if anyone knows for sure if Fiber 1 bars are indeed good for you. I saw them advertised on The Biggest Loser and so I assume they are.
    I usually go for the 100 calorie bar but not always. I also eat the Dark Chocolate and the Oats & Chocolate.
    I am kind of concerned about the sugar. Yes, it has Whole Grain Rolled Oats, but the chocolate chips contain sugar.

    I'll give you the info from the Oats & Chocolate:

    Calories: 140
    Fat: 3.5 (1.5 Saturated)
    Sodium: 80mg
    Carbs: 26g
    Fiber 5g
    Sugar: 13g
    Sugars: 13g
    Protein: 2g
    Iron: 4%

    What do you all think? Anyone else eat these?

    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    We love them, but call them Fart Bars. lol I normaly have to eat two to get things going, so I just eat veggies and foods naturally high in fiber instead.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    They were on sale and I bought a few boxes for my teens lunches. I couldn't give them away to them... they didn't want them after the first day. Now I get it!
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    they advertise a lot of processed crap on biggest loser. Even Jillian Michaels, who used to be one of the main trainers, said she hated that aspect of it. Like Jennie-O meat?? that is like packaged chemicals with turkey flavoring... Fiber one bars aren't terrible, but they are pretty processed and have a lot of sugar. Also they make you need to poop... like... immediately after consuming them hahaha
  • angelapolite
    I usually have my Fiber One bar for my PM snack. They are alot of calories for a small bar, but I like the fiber content that holds me over until dinner time.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I love them. You're making me want one right now. They are the healthiest option in my school's vending machines.
  • angelapolite
    Just curious if anyone knows for sure if Fiber 1 bars are indeed good for you. I saw them advertised on The Biggest Loser and so I assume they are.
    I usually go for the 100 calorie bar but not always. I also eat the Dark Chocolate and the Oats & Chocolate.
    I am kind of concerned about the sugar. Yes, it has Whole Grain Rolled Oats, but the chocolate chips contain sugar.

    I'll give you the info from the Oats & Chocolate:

    Calories: 140
    Fat: 3.5 (1.5 Saturated)
    Sodium: 80mg
    Carbs: 26g
    Fiber 5g
    Sugar: 13g
    Sugars: 13g
    Protein: 2g
    Iron: 4%

    What do you all think? Anyone else eat these?

    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    We love them, but call them Fart Bars. lol I normaly have to eat two to get things going, so I just eat veggies and foods naturally high in fiber instead.

    LOL, that's funny and true. They get thru you fast. I have an issue with the sugar content too! That's why I traded in my Chobain yogurt for Fage. LESS SUGAR
    But I'm a chocoholic, so I can't give up my Fiber One bars, better than having a Hershey's bar.