Have you ever read a book that CHANGED your life(style)?



  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    The Road by Cormac McCarthy (they made an excellent movie from the even more excellent book)

    The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
  • wildcata77
    Totally not fitness related, but reading Khaled Housseini's "A Thousand Splendid Suns" was very powerful to me. It made me really stop and appreciate what I have and feel blessed that I was born in a country with freedoms like America has.

    To me, that is the definition of uplifting.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Herland totally rocked my world.

    Paradise Lost

    Tennant of Wildfellhall by Anne Bronte.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    The Bible

    And "All Quiet on the Western Front."
  • LNEdiacos
    LNEdiacos Posts: 6 Member
    'French Women Don't Get Fat' by Mireille Guiliano
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Diet for a New America by John Robbins.

  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    'French Women Don't Get Fat' by Mireille Guiliano

    They totally do.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    "Everyone Poops" Amanda Mayer Stinchecum
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    "God is not Great" by Christopher Hitchens
    Everything George Carlin ever wrote
    "Where the Red Fern Grows", "Call of the Wild", "White Fang" made me want a dog badly.
    "The Sword of Shanara" got me hooked on the fantasy genre

    "I ain't got Time to Bleed" by Jesse Ventura, which lead me to reading all of his books and to become an Independent politcally.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I read "Why men love B**CHES". That's my bible. It helped me understand my man better and resulted in him pleasing me better and now we're married and seriously happy. NO joke, although, this is a very FUNNY book.

    I'm also a Game of Thrones fan and started reading all the books from "A Song of Ice & Fire" series. I'm on book 4. George RR Martin rocks. Those are FAT books you don't wanna put down, so I get fat when I'm reading them.

    I have the Kindle Fire on my wishlist! :happy:
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Conversations with God was pretty awesome. Whether or not you believe the premise, it still has some pretty good answers to some fundamental questions.

    Fiction novels that changed my life (as in I was never really the same after I'd read them):

    The Mars Trilogy - Kim Stanley Robinson
    The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman - Bruce Robinson
    When I Was Five I Killed Myself - Howard Buten
    Extension Du Domaine De la Lutte (Whatever) - can't remember the author's name now.
    His Dark Materials Trilogy - Philip Pullman
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    I have to say, this all started when I read "Body for Life" by Bill Phillips. Some of the info is a little dated at this point, but it set me on the right path. I still recommend it to total newbies to fitness/weight loss.

    "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (by Robert Pirsig) also had quite an effect on me.

    As did "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams)

    "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (Dale Carnegie) is also very good, despite it's very self-helpy title that may put you off.

    I also really like Body For Life and have heard amazing things about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance...I have it at home, but haven't started reading it.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    One of my books will change your life. Well, writing them changed mine anyway.

    I have four published.

    The first one is The Seven Day Mental Diet. It challenges you to stop thinking negatively and to stop negative thoughts from taking hold in your mind for a full 7 days. If you can do that, it will most definitely change your life. I interviewed people who told me how it had changed their lives but it took quite a few tries because it's not easy. After all, we are constantly inundated with negativity.

    The other one is Future Pull and it's a step by step guide to creating the life of your dreams and then using various tools to bring it into reality. It's like The Secret but with a how-to guide. For this one I also interview people around the world and added their inspirational stories to the book.

    "edited by Arewethereyet, MFP Moderator, to remove links to products"
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

    This is a good book!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    "Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe" – Greg M. Epstein
    "In Defense of Food" – Michael Pollan
    "The Unhealthy Truth" – Robyn O’Brien
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    I love Body for Life. Especially the training program. I went from just working out halfheartedly to seeing major changes and feeling like I was actually making a difference.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Shakespeare's complete works, especially "King Lear".
  • LNEdiacos
    LNEdiacos Posts: 6 Member
    'French Women Don't Get Fat' by Mireille Guiliano

    They totally do.

    I'm sure there are lots who are, however;

    "The report by France's National Institute of Demographic Studies compared body mass indexes in western Europe and found French women had the lowest average body mass index, at 23.2."
